Inspiring 80 Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

I don’t care how tough you think you are, no one is immune to the pain of having their feelings hurt. And when someone you love hurts your feelings, it can be so hard to forgive them. But here’s the thing: if someone has the power to make you feel sad or angry or upset, they also have the power to make you feel happy and loved again with just a few kind words or actions. Love this quotes well we have collected 80 Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions from various sources you can read below. We hope that you will enjoy this and share it on various social media platforms.

So don’t let anyone make you feel like nothing more than an object—something they can use and throw away without a second thought. You are more than that—you’re a person! And if someone hurts your feelings, try not to let it get in the way of being comfortable around them again. Please join our facebook page for More valuable posts.

80 Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

“If you want to play with my heart, ask me first and I will let you take it out of the box slowly so that it does not break.”

Don’t play with me, because I play better than you.

I am not a toy. I have feelings too. If you want to play with me, ask me first.

I am not a toy; I have feelings too. If you want to play with me, ask first.

Don’t play with my feelings. I’m not a toy!

don't play with me quote and caption

If you want to play with me, then don’t play games.

I am not a toy. I have feelings too.

Don’t lie to me. I can see right through your lies.

Don’t play with me because I play better than you.

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Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

Don’t mess with my vibe; I have no tolerance for drama.

I’m not a puzzle, so don’t try to figure me out unless you’re up for the challenge.

Don’t play games with my heart; it isn’t a playground for your feelings.

I’m not here for your amusement; I have a life to lead.

Don’t push my buttons unless you’re ready for the consequences.

I’m not a toy; you can’t pick me up and put me down whenever you want.

Don’t try my patience; it isn’t as limitless as you think.

I am not a backup plan; you are either all in or out.

Do not play with fire unless you are willing to get burned.

Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

I am not a puppet; I pull my own strings.

Don’t play mind games with me; I’ve got better things to do than figure out your intentions.

I’m not a backup plan; don’t come running when your first option fails.

Don’t try to bring me down; I’ve built myself up too many times.

I’m not a doormat, so don’t expect me to let you walk all over me.

Don’t play the victim for me; I’ve seen enough performances.

I’m not here to boost your ego; find someone else to do that.

Do not play with my emotions; they are not a game for your amusement.

Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

I’m not a secret to be kept; if you can’t be proud of me, move on.

Don’t take advantage of my trust; it’s hard to earn and difficult to regain.

I’m not a backup plan; I should be someone’s first choice.

Do not treat me as an option; I am not here for your convenience.

I am not a puzzle for you to solve; I am a person with layers rather than problems.

Don’t waste my time on games; it’s valuable.

I’m not a replacement; don’t use me until something better comes along.

Don’t mess with my emotions; I’m not a rollercoaster for your entertainment.

I’m not a punching bag; don’t vent your frustrations on me.

Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

Don’t play with my loyalty; it’s not to be taken lightly.

I’m not a doormat; don’t expect me to take whatever comes my way.

Don’t play with my dreams; they’re fragile, and I’m not going to let you break them.

I’m not a sidekick; I have my own story to write.

Don’t play with my identity; I refuse to let you define who I am.

I’m not a fallback option; I won’t be waiting in the wings while you figure it out.

Do not play with my self-esteem; I will not give it up for anyone.

I’m not a project, so don’t try to change me to meet your expectations.

Don’t try to push my boundaries; if you cross them, you’re out.

Do Not Trick Me Quotes and Captions

“I am not a toy. You know that right? I have feelings too and I don’t like it when people play with them.”

Don’t play with my feelings because they are not a toy.

Don’t play with me because it will break my heart and I cannot take it anymore.

If you want to play with me, you better not mess with my feelings. Because if you do that, I will make you feel like a fool.

don’t play with me quotes

If you want to play with me, you have to take it seriously.

I am not a toy. I have feelings too. Don’t play with me because I play better than you.

Don’t play with my feelings because I can break hearts too.

If you want to play with me, then I’ll let you know that I am not a toy.

If you’re going to toy with my emotions, don’t expect me to be your friend.

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Do Not Trick Me Quotes and Captions

“If you want to play with me, you have to respect my rules. If you don’t, I will make sure you regret it.”

You can’t play with me because I’m not a toy.

Don’t play with me because I know how to play better than you do.

Don’t play with me because I’ll play better than you

You can’t hurt me, I’m a doll

If you want to play with me, be prepared to lose.

don’t play with me quotes

Don’t play with my feelings, because they are real.

Don’t play with my life, because it’s too precious to waste.

Don’t play with my feelings because I know how to use them against you.

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Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

If you want to play with me, then you should know that I am not a toy.

You might think I’m just a toy, but I have feelings too.

Don’t play with me if you don’t want to get burned.

I love it when you play with me…but not like that.

If you want to play with me, don’t get attached, because I’m not a toy.

Don’t play with my feelings, if you want to play with me then do it the right way!

If you want to play with me, then you better be prepared for the consequences.

Don’t play with me because I play better than you.

Don’t play with me. I have feelings too.

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Don’t Play with Me Quotes and Captions

“Sometimes, people hurt your feelings. Sometimes, you hurt other people’s feelings. But no one can ever take away the feeling of belonging that you felt when you first realized you were part of a family.”

Don’t pretend to be a nice person, because I know you’re not.

I’m not a toy. I have feelings too.

Don’t play with me, because I’m playing with you.

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I’m a human being, not a doormat.

It’s okay to feel hurt by what other people say, but it’s not okay to use that as an excuse to behave badly.

Never hurt feelings, we’re all just trying to get along.

I know you think that my feelings are less important than yours, but I promise you they’re not.

I’m not going to let you hurt me anymore.

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