I Am Done Quotes: Empowering Words for Moving On

I Am Done Quotes are powerful phrases that express one’s decision to move on from a situation, relationship, or circumstance. These empowering I am done quotes and captions inspire self-reflection, growth, and the courage to let go of what no longer serves us.

37 I am done quotes and captions

“I am done with the things that are holding me back. I am done with what is not working, and I am ready to do something different.”

I am done with being a victim.

I am done with being defined by my past.

I am done with being told to just be patient and wait for change to happen.

I am done with being told what is good for me, instead of what I want or need.

I am done with the negative. I am ready to start my own positive.

I’m done being ordinary. I want to be extraordinary. – I am done quotes

I don’t have time for negativity, and you should stop wasting yours either.

I’m done being afraid of failing. I’m going to fail so hard it will make me sick.

I am done quotes and captions

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach him how to fail at them!

Move on quotes and captions

“I’m done with trying to make things up from scratch when there are so many tools at my disposal that can help me create something beautiful and true every time—and done with the fact that I don’t always use those tools as much as they deserve because I’m too busy being frustrated by them.”

I am done. I have come to the conclusion that I am not a writer.

I have been a writer all of my life, and I can’t remember when I wasn’t. But I am done with writing.

I am done with the struggle to find words that fit together well, that are clear and concise and make sense.

The best thing that ever happened to me was when I realized that I was done.

I am not done until the job is done. – I am done quotes

I am done with excuses and justifications, I am done with incompetence and lack of vision.

I am done with settling for mediocrity. It’s time to strive for excellence and greatness.

I am done with this world, and I am done with you.

I am done quotes and captions

“I am done with the past, and I am done with the future. I am only doing now, in this moment.”

You can’t escape your past. You can only escape the prison of your mind.

I am done with this world, and I am done with you. – I am done quotes

I am done trying to please everyone else. From now on, I’m living for myself.

I am done pretending that everything is okay. It’s time to face the truth and move forward.

I am done making excuses for others. It’s time to hold people accountable for their actions.

I am done with toxic people in my life. I deserve better and I’m not settling for less.

I am done with drama and negativity. Life is too short to waste on things that don’t matter.

I am done chasing after people who don’t value me. It’s time to focus on those who do.

Also Read: Some Best I’M Done Quotes and Sayings

I am done quotes and captions

“We all have many things that we are not finished with in our lives, but we are all finished with our lives as a whole.”

I am done with fear holding me back. It’s time to step out of my comfort zone and take risks.

I am done with self-doubt and insecurity. It’s time to believe in myself and my abilities. – I am done quotes

I am done with living in the past. It’s time to embrace the present and look towards the future.

I am done with procrastination and laziness. It’s time to be disciplined and productive.

I am done with negative self-talk. It’s time to practice self-love and positivity.

I am done with holding grudges and resentment. It’s time to forgive and let go.

I am done with living someone else’s life. It’s time to create my own path and purpose. – I am done quotes

I am done with the old me. It’s time to embrace the new and improved version of myself.

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