Jhoot quotes and captions in English are a great way to show how you really feel about a person or situation. It allows you to express your feelings in a way that is clear, direct, and honest.
78 Jhoot Quotes in English
“A lie (jhoot) can travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
Lie (jhoot) is a part of life.
Lying is wrong, but telling the truth can be difficult sometimes.
I’m not lying, I’m just not telling the truth right now.
You know you’re a liar when you lie (jhoot) to yourself.
You can’t be too rich, too thin, or too handsome when you’re a liar.
The liar’s always a liar, but the liar’s not always a fool. – Jhoot quotes in English
The truth is, I’m not a good liar. I just don’t have that kind of talent.
Lie. Lie. Lie. It’s not just a bad habit; it’s a lifestyle.
Lying is the most difficult thing to do well.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
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Jhoot Quotes in English
Lies are like shadows—they are always hiding but never in the light.
In an honest world, lies are the negative aspects of trust that undermine it.
Truth is like a useful map, whereas lies are like a deceptive fog.
A lie may appear different, but the truth sees through it all.
Lies are like bad plants in the garden of trust; they harm the good ones.
Honesty is like a key that opens doors, whereas lies create walls.
Lies may be like a spider web, but the truth is stronger.
Lies can be hidden in the darkness, but the truth is always visible.
Lies, like a desert dream, deceive you, and you seek the truth.
Jhoot Quotes in English
Trust is like a fragile glass that can be broken by a single lie.
Lies are scared voices, whereas the truth speaks with strong words.
A big lie can bring everything down, like a tower of blocks.
The way of lies may appear to be simple, but it is fraught with complications.
Lies are like counterfeit money, making honesty less valuable.
Truth is like a bright fire, and lies cannot put it out.
Lies are like dirt on a clear window, making it difficult to see.
Honesty is like a puzzle piece; lies leave it unfinished.
Jhoot Quotes in English
Trust requires honesty to remain strong; lies can weaken it.
Lies are like magic tricks; they appear cool but are not real.
The path to truth can be difficult, but lies are like a maze.
In life court, lies are negative stories that undermine your own truth.
The truth is like a good song in your heart, whereas lies make it noisy.
Lies are like broken glass, making real light appear strange.
Honesty is like a mirror that reflects who you are, whereas lies create a strange image.
Lies are like mud, dragging you down with each wrong action.
Trust is like a small seed, and lies are like powerful storms that damage it.
Jhoot Quotes in English
Lies are the confusing parts of life’s story that destroy trust.
Truth is like solving a puzzle; it makes everything clear.
Lies are like burning embers that destroy bridges, leaving only broken pieces.
Truth is like a strong picture; lies turn it into chaos.
Trust is like money in friendships; lies reduce its value.
In quiet honesty, lies are like loud echoes that disrupt peace.
Lies, like a house of cards, can collapse with a simple push.
Truth is like a guiding light, and lies are like rocks that hurt you.
Lies tell quick stories, but only the truth lasts a long time.
Lie quotes and captions
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Lying is an important part of life, and I don’t see how it’s possible to live without it.
Lying is like drinking: the more you do it, the better you get at it.
It is better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not. – Jhoot quotes in English
Lie (jhoot) through your teeth.
Lying is a lot like eating, only you don’t feel full after you’re done.
If you tell a lie (jhoot), at least there’s no way to take it back—except by lying again.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. – Jhoot quotes in English
Lying is a lot like breathing. It takes practice to get it right.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. It is rarely what you want to hear and almost always what you need to hear.
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Quotes and Captions about Liars
“What if I told you there was a way to get rid of all those lies? What if I told you that there was something better than just being honest with yourself? What if I told you that there was a way for you to be completely free from lies? You’d probably say wow, really? But let me tell you: it does exist! And it’s called… falsehood!”
People who don’t tell the truth are not interested in the truth; they’re interested in their own self-interests. But you can’t expect people to be honest if you aren’t willing to be honest yourself.
There are no lies, only liars. – Jhoot quotes in English
If you’re not a liar, you’re just not telling the truth.
Lying is much more fun than being honest. And if you have to tell a lie (jhoot), it’s best to tell one that makes someone else look better.
Lies are like a big fat tumor on the face of our planet. We all know that cancer is bad, but most of us still can’t help but look at it the wrong way.
The truth is, we’re all liars. Whether we’re telling our best friend that we’ll call them back right away when we don’t have time to talk right now or whether we’re lying to ourselves about how much we can fit into our jeans, lying is a part of life that’s hard to remove from ourselves. – Jhoot quotes in English
Lying is a sign of weakness, not strength.
The best way to lie is to ask yourself if it’s really worth it.
Lying is like an expensive form of insurance: a little bit goes a long way!
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Quotes and Captions about Liars
“Lying is like a clock that loses its second hand every time you get up to adjust the alarm.”
A liar is someone who tells lies.
People who tell lies are always liars.
People who lie are liars.
A person who lies is a liar.
A lie (jhoot) is a tool of the devil.
A lie is a second step in the progress of truth.
A lie (jhoot) gets halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on.
I’m always telling lies. – Jhoot quotes in English
When you’re a liar, you have to be careful about what you say.
The best liars are the ones with the most imagination.
A lie is like a poorly tied shoelace: it’s got to be cut off and thrown away.
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