If you’re ready to do the right thing and ask for forgiveness, here are some quotes that will help you get over your missteps Mistake, 86 Meri Galti Quotes in English are a great way to express your regret and be forgiven.
86 Meri Galti Quotes in English
“Mistakes are a part of life. Sometimes they’re big and sometimes they’re small, but no matter how big or small, you’ve got to learn from them.”
Apology. Forgive me for my mistakes. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and will do in the future to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some were big, some were small. But one thing I know for sure: you can never make those mistakes again. – meri galti quotes in English
I’m sorry I made you cry.
But sometimes mistakes can be hard to forgive.
Especially when you’ve made them in the past, or you think others might have made them.
To err is human, to forgive, divine.
Mistakes are opportunities in disguise.
When you make a mistake, admit it and move on.
I’m not perfect, but I’m learning.
Mistakes are the stepping stones to success.
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Meri Galti Quotes in English
It’s important to forgive yourself for your mistakes, and learn from them so that you can be a better person than you were before.
My apologies, I did not think it through.
Oops, I made a mistake—my fault.
I messed up, and I apologize to everyone.
My mistake; I should have known better.
I apologize for any confusion.
I apologize for misunderstanding.
My apologies; it was an oversight.
I completely misjudged the situation, which is my fault.
Meri Galti Quotes in English
“In other words, not everything turns out how we want it to! But we still have to move forward, because if we don’t, then we’ll never grow or evolve.”
I made a mistake, and I accept full responsibility.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
It was my fault; I should have been more careful.
I admit I made a mistake, and I apologize.
I accept responsibility and admit that I should have performed better.
I messed it up and apologize for any inconvenience.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
Meri Galti Quotes in English
“If you’re feeling like life is throwing you curveballs constantly and you’re struggling with your mistakes and how to move forward from them, there’s no shame in asking for help. ”
My apologies for dropping the ball on this one.
My bad; I should have double-checked.
I apologize for the confusion.
I made a mistake and sincerely apologize for it.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any problems.
It was an oversight on my part, and I apologize.
My apologies for misunderstanding.
Unfortunately, I made a mistake; I apologize.
Meri Galti Quotes in English
“I’m sorry for my mistakes and for the mistakes of others. I am sorry that I have given you so much grief over the years, that I have hurt your feelings and hurt your reputation.”
I apologize for misreading the situation.
I admit that I was wrong, and I apologize.
My mistake; I should have been more cautious.
I messed up, and I accept full responsibility.
Sorry for the confusion; it was my fault.
I apologize for my error in judgment.
It’s on me; I should have been more cautious.
I apologize for my mistake.
My Mistake Quotes and Captions
“Forgive me for my mistakes; let me be redeemed by my penitence; forgive me for my faults; let me be pardoned by my sincerity; forgive me for the wrongs I have done you; let me make amends with the world for all the wrongs I have done against you.”
Mistakes are part of the learning process.
I messed up, but that’s on me.
Sorry, that was my mistake.
I apologize for messing things up.
I can’t believe I did this. I am so sorry! – meri galti quotes in English
You’re the only one who understands me, and I’ve been such an idiot lately.
I just wanted to make you happy, but now it’s all gone wrong.
I’m sorry for putting myself above our friendship.
I hope you forgive me for being so selfish.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made a mistake.
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Forgive Me Quotes and Captions
“You can forgive them. And then, if they need to be forgiven again, you can forgive them again. You’ll figure out how this works as time goes on, but the important thing is that it works—and that your loved one feels loved and supported through this process.”
I messed up, and I apologize.
I’m sorry for all of my mistakes, past and present.
Forgive me for anything that I have done wrong or caused harm to anyone in any way, shape, or form.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
A mistake is a chance to do it right.
Mistakes are as much a part of life as breathing, and we all make them every day. It is how you deal with them that determines your level of success or failure. – meri galti quotes
I’ve been down that road before, and I’m sure you have too.
It’s hard to know what to say when your loved one is dealing with a mistake, but it’s even harder to stay silent when you know that silence could be holding them back from getting better.
Apologizing is hard.
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Apologies quotes and captions
“In life, there are always going to be mistakes. Sometimes they are huge and painful, other times they are small and simple. The important thing is that when we make a mistake, we learn from it. We take the time to reflect on what happened and why, and then we move forward from there.”
It’s like you’re standing on a ledge and you’ve got to convince yourself to jump, but you’re also afraid that if you make that leap, everything will change. You’ll be in a whole new world, and your old life will be over—and then what do you have? Nothing.
Except the knowledge that you tried your best.
That’s all anyone can ask for when it comes to apologizing: an admission of guilt and a commitment to making things right. And even if it doesn’t work out exactly as we hope, at least we’ll know we tried our best… and that’s not nothing! – meri galti quotes
Mistakes are part of life.
We all make mistakes, and some of us make them a lot more than others. But no matter how many you’ve made, it’s never too late for a second chance!
Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
I can’t believe I did that again.
When you make a mistake, admit it quickly and learn from it quickly. – meri galti quotes
Mistakes are just opportunities waiting to be seized.
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Meri Galti quotes and captions
“Mistakes were my teachers; I didn’t always understand them, and sometimes I still don’t, but I’m grateful for those lessons.”
Mistakes are a part of life; you cannot succeed without them.
It is better to regret something you have done than something you have not done.
I have made mistakes. I am sorry for them.
Mistakes are the most important thing in life, because they show what you can do when you try.
You can’t learn anything if you don’t make mistakes. – meri galti quotes
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.
I love you, but I don’t want to be with you anymore.
You’re always right and I’m always wrong.
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