85 Om Shanti Quotes in English: Connect with Inner Self

Om Shanti is a phrase often used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism to represent peace, tranquility, and inner harmony. Om Shanti quotes in English serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement, reminding us to stay connected with our inner self and maintain a peaceful state of mind.

85 Om shanti quotes in English

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time for love and a time for hate… a time of war… also peace!”

Peace is a journey, not a destination.

A man’s journey is not complete until he finds himself.

The only thing that’s good about having an enemy is that you can make friends with him.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. – om shanti quotes in english

Peace is not a gift. It is a decision.

We are only as peaceful as our minds allow us to be.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

Om Shanti quotes and captions

Peace is not merely the absence of war; it is the presence of justice.

The best way to find yourself is to stop looking for yourself.

Om Shanti Quotes in English

Peace begins when your mind and heart are calm, Om Shanti.

Find peace in the quietness of your soul by saying Om Shanti Om Shanti.

Think gently, like small waves crashing into a calm lake in your mind. Om Shanti.

To achieve inner peace, keep everything in harmony.

Peace exists in silence, where you can discover your true self, Om Shanti.

Peace is more than just a location; it is a journey to discover oneself, Om Shanti.

Be calm in the midst of chaos, and you will bring peace to the world. Om Shanti.

Peace exists in the present moment, so be there, Om Shanti.

Listen to the wind; it carries messages of peace. Om Shanti.

Om Shanti Quotes in English

Grow gracefully through life’s challenges. Om Shanti. Om Shanti.

Om Shanti, peace exists within, not outside of things.

Be a source of peace, and let it radiate from you, Om Shanti.

Om Shanti, dance through life with peace in your steps.

The best gift is inner peace; give it to yourself, Om Shanti.

Simple living leads to a peaceful life, Om Shanti.

Breathe in the present, let go of the past, and exhale peace: Om Shanti Om Shanti.

Your mind is like a garden; cultivate peace flowers, Om Shanti.

Peace is accepting, letting go, and having faith, Om Shanti.

Om Shanti Quotes in English

Choose love over fear for a peaceful heart, Om Shanti.

In the midst of life’s storms, Om Shanti provides a calm harbor.

Gratitude leads to a peaceful heart, Om Shanti.

Trust life’s timing; there is peace in the Om Shanti.

Kindness to oneself leads to inner peace. Om Shanti.

Speak gently and act kindly, and your heart will be at peace, Om Shanti.

Forgiveness provides the freedom of a peaceful spirit, Om Shanti.

Listen to your inner silence and find peace, whispers Om Shanti.

Om Shanti Quotes in English

Grow peace seeds for a peaceful garden, Om Shanti.

Peace is inner strength, not the absence of challenges. Om Shanti.

Spread positive energy and be a source of peace. Om Shanti.

Enjoy simple moments; they are peaceful – Om Shanti Om Shanti.

Let go of control and find peace in surrender, Om Shanti.

Om Shanti, your heart can be a source of peace for others.

Mindfulness leads to peace with each step, Om Shanti.

Shine the light of peace and brighten the world, Om Shanti.

Om Shanti is a peace mantra that serves as a reminder of inner calm.

Peace Quotes and Captions

“The best thing that I ever learned was that life is not fair. But if you can just learn to deal with it, then you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

A good day is when you don’t think about your life, a great day is when you do.

Peace is a place no one can go to, but everyone can make. – om shanti quotes in english

The only thing that’s constant are change, your life and mine.

If you want to understand the universe, just try to imagine it without. That’s what we do with peace, we imagine it without.

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but an active quality that shapes our lives.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – om shanti quotes in english

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that peace can be found, but it’s always there. And if you take the time to look for it, you will see it.

If you could go back in time to the moment of your birth, would you change anything?

You can’t control other people. You can only control yourself.

Peace Quotes and Captions

“You have to be willing to give up the things that you love. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. And then you’ll find peace.”

You know you’re a peace-loving person when you can find peace in the most chaotic of situations.

Peace is like a butterfly. It comes and goes, but it doesn’t stay for long.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.

The road to peace is always under construction.- om shanti quotes in english

If you want something in this world, the only way to get it is to work for it.

I’m not brave enough to be optimistic, and I don’t have the time to wait for things to get better.

If you love someone, tell them.

It is a poor workman who blames his tools.

Om shanti is more than just a mantra; it’s a way of life that brings harmony and inner peace.

Om Shanti Quotes in English

“We become more aware of the world around us and more mindful of our thoughts and actions when we practice Om shanti.”

We invite tranquility and serenity into our lives when we chant Om shanti.

The ability of Om shanti to quiet our agitated minds and calm our troubled souls is its power. – om shanti quotes in english

Om shanti is an update that we are completely interconnected and that our activities affect others.

We can find the strength to overcome adversity and find joy in the present moment by embracing Om shanti.

Om shanti teaches us to embrace the present with love and compassion and to let go of our worries and fears.

Om shanti is a potent instrument for healing and transformation, assisting us in finding harmony and balance in our lives.

We can find peace in our hearts and cultivate a deeper connection to our inner selves and the divine with Om shanti.

Om shanti reminds us to find peace within ourselves first before looking for it outside ourselves.

May the Om shanti mantra lead you to a life filled with contentment and harmony.

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Om Shanti Quotes in English

“Om shanti serves as a reminder to all of us that we are all interconnected and that our actions have an impact on the entire world.”

Om shanti is a way of life that leads to spiritual growth, not just a phrase.

Om shanti enables us to concentrate on the present moment and silence our minds.

The ability of Om shanti to calm our hearts and minds in times of stress and turmoil is its power.

Om shanti encourages us to embrace positivity and let go of negative thoughts,

We open ourselves up to the divine energy that surrounds us by chanting Om shanti.

We radiate light and love to those around us when we live with Om shanti in our hearts.

The beauty of Om shanti is that anyone, at any time, anywhere can practice it. – om shanti quotes in english

Om shanti is a gentle reminder to take care of ourselves mentally and physically, the poet writes.

No matter what challenges you may face, may the mantra Om shanti bring you inner peace and joy.

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