Best 70 Stay Away from Me Quotes and Captions

Here is the collection of Best 70 Stay away from me quotes and captions that you can use as your style statement to speak up without open your mouth.

70 Stay Away from Me Quotes and Captions

“I can’t be around you right now. You are not my type. You want me to be happy, then please stay away from me.”

Stay away from me. Don’t come near me.

Stay away from me! I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.

Stay away from me. I can take care of myself. – stay away from me quotes

I don’t know why you’re so afraid of me. I’m not the one who’s going to hurt you. I just want to be with you.

I know you think I’m crazy, but I don’t care. Stay away from me.

I wish I could stay away from you, but I can’t. You’re everywhere.

Stay away from me. I’m not good enough for you. I don’t want to be your friend.

Stay away from me quotes and captions

When it comes to you, I don’t even want to try.

If only you would stay away from me!

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Stay Away From Me Quotes and Captions

Keep your distance; I am not in the mood.

I need my space, so please stay away.

Don’t approach; I value my privacy.

I’m like a porcupine; approach with caution.

I’m on a solo journey with no room for company.

Stay on your side of the line; I’ll guard mine.

Caution: Personal space is under construction.

I am a lone wolf, not looking for a pack.

I’ve got a ‘No Trespassing’ sign around me.

Stay Away From Me Quotes and Captions

For me, social distancing is more than just a trend.

My bubble isn’t about to burst, so step back.

Enter at your own risk; I am not inviting anyone.

I am not antisocial; rather, I am selectively social.

Be aware that I am a one-man show and do not require any additional personnel.

Stay away; my peace depends on it.

I’m allergic to intrusion, so keep your distance.

My personal space is not negotiable.

Stay Away From Me Quotes and Captions

I’m a magnet for solitude and averse to company.

Stay away; I am in my’me-time’ zone.

I am not avoiding you; I am avoiding everybody.

I guard my peace like a dragon guards its treasure.

I’m a closed book, so don’t try to read me.

I’m not in the mood for visitors; my door is closed.

Approach with caution; I have a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.

I’m not rude; I simply prefer my own company.

Keep off the grass; personal space is in full bloom.

Stay Away From Me Quotes and Captions

I am not standoffish; rather, I am stand-alone.

My comfort zone enforces a ‘No Entry’ policy.

I’m on a solo expedition; no companions permitted.

Caution: The social battery is running low.

Please stay out; my personal space is a VIP area.

I’m a solo act with no duets on my playlist.

Warning: Socializing may be irritating.

I am not distant; I maintain a healthy distance.

Keep a safe distance; I am a puzzle that cannot be solved.

Go Away Quotes and Captions

“I need some space from you. You’ve gotten so close that you’re all over me now, and it’s not just physical anymore—it’s emotional and personal, too. It hurts too much if I try to go on without you.”

Stay away from me. I’ll be fine.

If you’re not here when I wake up, that’s OK. Just know I’ll be here when you go to bed.

Stay away from me. You’re just my type.

Don’t worry, I’m not stalking you or anything. I promise!

You don’t have to be alone. You can always stay with me.

Stay away from me, I’m having a lot of fun.

Don’t go near the window, or else you’ll be staying away from me.

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Go Away Quotes and Captions

“When you’re stuck in a rut, it’s hard to see past your own perspective. You have to remind yourself that others have different perspectives and needs than you do.”

Stay away from me because I will be the one who will make you stay away.

Stay away from me, I’m not looking for a new friend. I’m looking for my old one.

It’s easy to get so caught up in your own thoughts that you forget how other people are feeling.

If you want them to stay away from you, just make sure they can’t see you! – stay away from me quotes

Go away, I’m done with you.

I’m running out of things to say. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say everything again.

You’re not gone yet, but you’re not here either. You’re lost in the depths of my soul, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Also Read: 50 Matlabi quotes to stay away form mean people

Stay Away From Me Quotes and Captions

“Having your own space is like having a best friend that doesn’t judge you and never interrupts while you’re trying to do something important like finishing a project or just enjoying the moment by yourself without anyone else around!”

Don’t look back, don’t look ahead. Just keep moving forward.

There’s a whole world out there, and it’s waiting for you to see it. – stay away from me quotes

You are not alone in this world. You’re never going to be alone again.

Keep your head up and keep moving forward, even when you get knocked down. You’ll get back up again!

You’re not the only one who has tried to get out of this relationship, but you’re the only one who hasn’t succeeded.

I’m just here to make sure that you don’t mess up any more of my hair than you already have!

There are things in life that are worth going out of your way for, and then there’s this. – stay away from me quotes

It’s hard to be a single person in this world, and it’s even harder to be with someone who isn’t trying to make things better for you.

Also Read: Don’t Force Anyone to Stay in Your Life Quotes; Letting Go with Grace

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