Collection of Inspiring 28 Suffering Quotes and captions

A compilation of motivational, happy, and encouraging quotes about suffering, suffering sayings, and sayings about suffering. Here is a compilation of quotes on suffering, aloneness, love, life, depression, and much more that will give you inspiration.

May these captions about suffering alone suffering in love and life give you some ideas on dealing with this. Share these suffering captions about life with your friends, family, and loved ones, so that your friends will also be inspired.

28 Suffering Quotes

“When our life is a continuous trial, the moments of respite seem only to substitute the heaviness of dread for the heaviness of actual suffering ; the curtain of cloud seems parted an instant only that we may measure all its horror as it hangs low, black, and imminent, in contrast with the transient brightness ; the waterdrops that visit the parched lips in the desert bear with them only the keen imagination of thirst.”

To live is to suffer, to live is to find a kind of meaning in the suffering. On our Earth, we can love truly only through and because of the suffering.

The point of suffering is to help us realize that we are the ones that caused it.

When suffering occurs, it forces us to face life differently from how we usually would.

When you have suffered much in your life, every extra ache is at once insufferable and trivial.

The more willing pain you have built into your life, the less unintentional suffering you have to endure.

It is not our thoughts, but rather the affections that arise from our thoughts, that causes suffering.

suffering quote and caption
suffering quotes collection

Try to eliminate the possibilities for suffering which natures order, and free-wills existence, involves, and you find you have excluded life itself.

suffering quotes

If your fundamental perspective is to admit that suffering is a natural part of being, it will make you more forgiving toward life’s difficulties.

A person who does not appreciate the benefits of suffering is not living an intelligent, authentic life.

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Pain quotes and captions

“When our lives are continuous trials, moments of repose appear to replace the weight of fear with that of real suffering; a curtain of clouds seems only momentarily parted, so that we can gauge all its terrors, when they loom low, black, and looming, against a transitory brilliance; waterdrops visiting the parched lips in a desert bring only a sharp imagination of thirst.”

Krishna took it, so now any sufferings that come in your life, they only serve to make you greater.

The goal of life, so Maxime Lagace could see it, is to find the way to be so significant that the fact of life’s suffering is irrelevant.

suffering quotes

The intense, sudden pain passes much faster than that which is obviously tolerable; and this lasts many years, without our being aware, eating at the very heart, till, someday, we are unable no longer to shake off our bitterness, which remains upon us the remainder of our lives.

In those moments, sharing inspiring words of encouragement to our friends who are suffering may be helpful to alleviate their grief.

suffering quotes

That is, there are times when we want to offer our hurting friends an encouraging message, but just cannot come up with the right words to say what we want to say.

When people around us are hurting, it can be hard to know what to do or say at times.

Sometimes, seeing someone you love hurts more than suffering yourself.

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Suffering quotes

“Effectively getting hurt means that we are being hurt, and how do we effectively learn the lessons from that moment, so the next time you are going to feel hurt, and you are going to, it is inevitable, you are going to feel more equipped to handle that.”

A wounded heart cannot be healed quickly, especially when that pain comes from someone you love most.

Being hurt by the one you really care for leaves a hole in your heart, one only love can fill.

If you are feeling the pain, read quotes on being hurt – and know it is all part of the process, and it only makes your heart stronger.

People call suffering the curse, but if you observe this closely, it can give you a motivation to live a lavish life.

All great mans have suffered life time and that’s why they left the legacy behind.

suffering quotes

If you are suffering form pain, then just keep it inside and work harder.

Live your life like hell, so you can enjoy every happy moment of your life.

Legends never made from easy conditions, they work hard for that and they got tons of pain for success.

I cry in every night because of pain and smile aloud in front of people.

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