35 Pro life quotes and captions to advance the life

On this page, we are using the tag pro-life quotes in its more general meaning. These quotes, by various pastors, thinkers, and at least one physician, are useful for considering many aspects of holding pro life views. No matter what side of the aisle you are on, the following pro-life quotes can help illuminate each sides thinking. The abortion quotes below will educate you about the thoughts and opinions that underlie the views of each side.

35 Pro life quotes and captions

“As you progress through life, things get harder, but through coping with hardship, you cultivate your hearts most powerful strengths.”

Plan well, keep Gods Word buried deep within you, and pray ahead to win, be holy, and live in obedience to God.

Take some time to think about what it is that you are good at in life, and consider giving it a fair shot.

In life, you simply never really know, so make the rational choice to give it a shot at something that you truly enjoy doing.

I think one can progress more quickly outside the convent if one uses everyday life experiences to progress.

I know because I did not achieve many things that I wanted in my life.

The reason why I am thinking this way ahead is that high school is awfully lonely.

I think that is one of the things that people forget is that each and every technology advancement we have come to fetishize has a time. – pro life quotes

All ones life is spent in preparation for being happier one day in the future.

It is only with the silence within that one brings happiness and joy into ones life.

pro life quotes on white cardboard

Advance life captions and sayiigs

A compilation of motivational, happy, and encouraging quotes, proverbs, and forward-thinking proverbs. Feel free to comment and submit your own quotes below, we would love to hear which inspiring words you guys are using to pump yourself up and be ready to take the world head-on.

Create your day ahead of time, thinking about how you want it to go, and you will intentionally design your life.

This approach is generally the most effective, sensible way of getting things done, but it limits you to ideas that you can come up with ahead of time.

The more important thing we can do is inspire younger minds, and promote the kinds of science, math, and engineering education that will help get younger people on board for the next stage of space travel.

My goal is to accelerate the day where being openly pro-choice becomes just as despicable as being openly racist.

It is ironic to me that people who want to defend my life and rights would wish to murder me at birth.

That is true of life from conception to its natural end. In the Biblical sense, the holiness of human life is grounded in creation. – pro life quotes

Christians must fight for the sanctity of human life, arming themselves with the powerful Word of God.

The holiness of the Christian person is the basis of a Christian faith.

Life advancement captions

“Levi deserves to live, not first because of any joy that could come to us or his potential quality of life, but first because God, the Lord, says that there is value, value, and purpose in his life.”

God is the Giver of Life, and He alone is capable of making choices regarding life.

As Christians, we are pro-life because life begins with a gracious act by the Lord God.

The basic human right, a prerequisite for all other rights, is the right to life itself.

The question of life, and protecting it, and promoting it, is not the sole concern of Christians.

Life has a definite and sacred religious value, but by no means is this value the concern only of believers.

Mathews-Green subsequently became pro-life, noting that pro-choice and pro-life advocates alike seem to agree on this claim.

Pro-choice activists believe that legal abortion is a right, and women should have the ability to choose what is best for them. – pro life quotes

Pro-choice activists believe access to abortion is essential for the safety of millions of women.

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Pro life quotes and captions

“As mans reason becomes more advanced, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, and new truths are discovered, and as modes and opinions are changed, as circumstances change, institutions also have to progress, in order to keep up with the times.”

Each soul who enters into material experience does so with these purposes in mind, to progress toward this realization of being completely aware of the Oneness with the creative forces.

The minds are advancing here, for knowledge acquired here on earth is now adapted for the minds of the souls in New Dimensions. – pro life quotes

We are all working here in The Universe with Earth Souls, to remind them that their purpose here on Earth is progress.

For we have been given power to not further our purpose, or make a big show of it to the world, or make names.

Everyone, at some time in his or her life, must deal with the problems of the end of life.

Whether you are pursuing a new dream, working diligently towards an ongoing goal, or making plans to somehow change your life, self-discipline will be an important component of seeing this through. – pro life quotes

Pro-life activists think that abortion should be illegal, should be treated as a criminal offence.

Pro-life arguments are based now on scientific evidence, while pro-choice arguments are not.

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