3 Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister in 150, 300 and 500 Words

Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister

3 Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister in 150, 300 and 500 Words

Here, we are presenting long and short 3 Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister in English for students under word limits of 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 400 – 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

150 Words Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister


It would be extremely exciting to be Prime Minister! I’d get to make important decisions and help the country.

Helping People:

First and foremost, I would like to help everyone. I would ensure that everyone has access to quality education and healthcare. Nobody should go hungry, so I would try to provide food for everyone.

Protecting the Environment:

I enjoy nature and would work hard to keep our planet healthy. I would plant more trees and establish regulations to combat pollution. Clean air and water are essential for everyone!

Making Fair Rules:

I believe in fairness. I would ensure that everyone was treated equally. No one should be excluded or treated differently because of their background or financial situation.

Peace and Friendship:

Finally, I want our country to be friendly with everyone. I would talk to other leaders and try to find solutions without fighting. Peace is far superior to war.


To summarize, being Prime Minister would be a huge responsibility, but I would do my best to make the country happy and healthy for everyone!

300 Words Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister

If I were Prime Minister

Being Prime Minister sounds like a big responsibility, and if I were one, I would do my best to make our country a better place for everyone. Here are a few things I would try:

Happy Schools:

First and foremost, I want all schools to be happy places. I would ensure that students had fun while learning. Perhaps we could organize more field trips and interesting projects. Happy students learn better!

Heroes for The Environment:

I love the environment and would like to be a superhero for it. We could plant more trees and use less plastic. Cleaning up our parks and rivers would be a significant undertaking for everyone.

Magical Hospitals:

I would transform hospitals into magical places where people feel better. I’d make sure that doctors and nurses had everything they needed to help sick people. Perhaps we could provide more teddy bears for children in hospitals to help them feel brave.

Playgrounds For Everyone:

Every town should have great playgrounds. I’d make sure that every child, regardless of where they live, has a fun place to play. Play is essential for growing up healthy and strong.

Friendship in the World:

I’d like all countries to be friendly. We could designate special days to celebrate our favorite foods and traditions. Perhaps we could organize a large party in which children from various countries become pen pals.

Super Food for Everyone:

Healthy food is like superhero fuel. I believe that everyone deserves to eat healthy food. Perhaps we could create community gardens in which people grow fruits and vegetables together.


Finally, being Prime Minister would be like having a close relationship with everyone in the country. I’d like to ensure that children, adults, and pets are all happy and safe. If I were Prime Minister, I would do my best to make our country the best in the world!

500 Words Essay on If I Were a Prime Minister


If I were Prime Minister, it would be the most exciting and important position in the entire country. I am only a student, but I can already imagine all the wonderful things I would do to improve our country.

Education For Everyone:

First and foremost, I would ensure that every child in our country receives a high-quality education. I believe that education holds the key to a bright future. I would ensure that schools have enough teachers, books, and technology to support student learning. I would also try to make education more enjoyable and interesting so that children enjoy attending school every day.

Clean and Green Environment:

Next, I would work to make our country a cleaner, greener place. I would encourage everyone to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Planting more trees and taking care of the environment would be top priority. I want to ensure that the air we breathe is fresh and clean, and that our rivers and oceans are pollution-free.

Healthy Citizens:

Health is wealth, they say. So, as Prime Minister, I would ensure that everyone in the country has access to quality healthcare. I would build more hospitals and clinics and ensure that medicines are affordable to everyone. I would also advise people to eat healthily and exercise regularly in order to keep their bodies strong and fit.

Equality For All:

Another important consideration for me would be to ensure that everyone is treated equally, regardless of background or gender. I would work to end discrimination and provide opportunities for everyone to succeed. It is critical that everyone feels respected and valued in our country.

Fun and Play for Kids:

As Prime Minister, I would not forget about the children. I would ensure that there are plenty of parks and playgrounds for kids to play in. Sports and activities would be promoted in schools so that students could stay active and have fun while learning valuable life skills.

Peace and Friendship:

Finally, I would strive to keep our country at peace while also promoting international friendship. I believe that by forming friendships with other countries, we can learn from one another and work together to make the world a better place.


To summarize, being Prime Minister is a large responsibility, but I will do my best to make our country a wonderful place for everyone. I would prioritize education, a clean environment, health, equality, recreational activities for children, and international peace. Even though I’m only a student, dreaming about these things gives me hope for a bright future.

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