3 Essay on Life During Lockdown in English in 150, to 500 Words

Essay on Life During Lockdown

3 Life During Lockdown Essay in English in 150, 300 and 500 Words

Here, we are presenting a long and short Essay on Life During Lockdown in English for students under word limits of 150, 250 – 300 words, and 400 – 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

150 Words Essay on Life During Lockdown in English


During the lockdown, life changed dramatically for everyone. It was a time when we needed to stay at home for safety.

School at Home:

One significant adjustment was having school at home. No more going to school, visiting friends, or playing on the playground. Instead, we had to sit in front of a computer and study from our instructors online.

Family Time:

On the upside, we got to spend more time with our families. We played games, cooked together, and helped with chores. It was great having everyone at home.

Missing Friends:

But I truly missed my buddies. We couldn’t meet, play, or tell stories. It made me cherish the time we had together before the lockdown.

Outdoor Adventures:

We couldn’t go to parks or play outside as much, but we discovered new ways to have fun indoors. Board games, reading, and even inventing our own mini-adventures at home.


Life during lockdown had its ups and downs. It taught us to appreciate the little things in life and the value of spending time with family. I hope we can soon return to our normal lives, but I’ll never forget the time when everything changed.

300 Words Essay on Life During Lockdown in English


Life during lockdown has been quite different and sometimes difficult. We are all living through an unprecedented period. The shutdown was imposed in response to a virus known as COVID-19, which has spread over the world. This essay will discuss how our lives changed at this period.

School at Home:

One major change is that we now have to attend school from home. It’s called online learning. We utilize laptops or tablets to communicate with our teachers and complete our studies. It isn’t the same as going to school, but we need to be safe.

Missing Friends:

I miss my buddies so much. We can’t play like we used to. No more recess games or lunch sharing. We can only communicate on the computer. It’s not the same, but I can’t wait to see them again.

Family Time:

On the bright side, I’ll get to spend more time with my family. We play board games, cook, and watch movies together. It’s good to be near my family, but I miss my pals.

Not Going Out:

During the lockdown, we can’t go out much. We must stay at home to ensure our safety. I miss visiting the park, the movies, and the ice cream shop. However, my parents emphasize the importance of maintaining good health.

Staying Positive:

Even if things are different, I try to remain happy. We need to be patient and try our best. I communicate to my buddies online, conduct interesting activities at home, and assist my parents. It speeds up the passage of time.


Life during lockdown is difficult, but we’re all in this together. We must be safe, obey the rules, and take care of ourselves and others. I hope things improve quickly and we can return to our usual lives.

500 Words Essay on Life During Lockdown in English


The lockdown was a period in which everything changed. It felt like our lives had been put on hold. We, the students, needed to adjust to a new way of life. In this essay, I’ll discuss my experiences and perspectives on life during lockdown.

School from Home:

One of the most significant adjustments was going to school from home. No more bus rides or overcrowded classrooms. Instead, we sat in front of screens, hoping to learn via video calls. It seemed strange not seeing our pals every day, but we learned to adapt and make the best of it.

Family Time:

Lockdown also provided more time with family. Because everyone was at home, we had family meals, movie nights, and even game contests. It was an opportunity to bond with our parents and siblings in ways we had never done before. We learned to value our time together.

Indoor Adventures:

With parks and playgrounds closed, we had to find other ways to have fun. Indoor activities become a daily adventure. We kept ourselves entertained by playing board games, solving puzzles, and even building our own small home projects. It was surprised to learn how much fun we could have without leaving our houses.

Missing Friends:

We definitely missed being with our pals. There are no more playdates or birthday celebrations. However, we discovered ways to stay connected. Video conversations and internet gaming were our new playgrounds. It wasn’t the same, but watching our buddies on screens made the lockout a little easier.

Learning New Things:

Lockdown wasn’t only about missing out; it also provided an opportunity to learn new things. Some of us tried cooking and baking with our parents. Others took up a musical instrument or began painting. The extra time at home enabled us to pursue our interests and find hidden skills.

Challenges with Online Learning:

Online learning had certain issues. Sometimes the internet was slow, and we missed critical parts of the course. It was more difficult to ask inquiries and receive aid when we didn’t grasp anything. However, our teachers were always there to help us, and we learnt to overcome these obstacles together.

Appreciating Simple Things:

Lockdown taught us to value the little things in life. A stroll through the neighborhood, a beautiful day, or simply a quiet moment with a good book became memorable. We discovered that everything doesn’t have to be huge and exciting to be pleasurable.


Life during lockdown was a rollercoaster of emotions. There were ups and downs, but we, as students, handled them with tenacity and adaptation. We discovered delight in the little things, learned to respect our families, and developed new interests. As the world gradually returned to normalcy, we kept these lessons with us, appreciative for the events that shaped us during this unique period in our lives.

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