3 Essay on Stephen Hawking in 150, 300 and 500 Words

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3 Essay on Stephen Hawking in 150, 300 and 500 Words

Here, we are presenting long and short 3 Essay on Stephen Hawking in English for students under word limits of 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 400 – 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

150 Words Essay on Stephen Hawking

Essay Title: Stephen Hawking – A Brilliant Scientist


Stephen Hawking was an extremely intelligent and well-known scientist. In 1942, he was born in England. Despite having a disease that made his body weak, his mind was extremely strong.

Early Life:

As a child, Stephen was fascinated by stars and planets. He was curious about how the universe worked. He read a lot and enjoyed solving puzzles. His teachers recognized his unique ability to grasp concepts quickly.

The Big Idea:

Stephen had a big idea: black holes. These are like space vacuums, sucking everything in. He wrote the famous book A Brief History of Time, which discusses this and other interesting space topics. Many people around the world have read and enjoyed his book.

Overcoming Challenges:

Stephen couldn’t walk or talk easily, so he used a special computer to communicate. He demonstrated to everyone that you can be extremely intelligent despite facing difficult challenges.


Stephen Hawking, a brilliant scientist, taught us about space and demonstrated that anyone can do amazing things.

300 Words Essay on Stephen Hawking


Stephen Hawking was a brilliant scientist who resided in England. He was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford. Despite health challenges, Stephen rose to become one of the world’s most famous physicists.

Early Life:

Stephen was a curious child. He enjoyed asking questions about how the universe worked. His favorite school subject was mathematics. At the age of 21, he was diagnosed with ALS, a disease that weakens his muscles. However, this did not deter him from pursuing his passion for science.

Wheelchair and Computer:

As his muscles weakened, Stephen began using a wheelchair. He could also not speak very well. But Stephen refused to give up. He used a special computer that enabled him to communicate by moving his cheek muscles. This computer not only allowed him to communicate, but also to write books and perform complex calculations.

Black Holes and Discoveries:

Stephen became well-known for his work on black holes. Black holes are mysterious objects in space that attract everything, including light. Stephen demonstrated that black holes are not completely black; they can emit a small amount of light, which we now call Hawking radiation. This was a groundbreaking discovery in the field of physics.

Books and Movies:

Stephen wrote several books to explain his ideas to non-scientists. One of his best-known books is A Brief History of Time. This book discusses the big questions of the universe in simple language. It became a bestseller, and many people around the world were inspired by his concepts. There was even a film about his life, The Theory of Everything.


Stephen Hawking demonstrated that no matter what obstacles we face, we can accomplish great things if we pursue our passions and never give up. He was not only a brilliant scientist, but also an inspiration to people all over the world.

500 Words Essay on Stephen Hawking


Stephen Hawking was a brilliant scientist who lived from 1942 until 2018. He was famous for his contributions to physics and cosmology, which is the study of the universe. Even though he had ALS, which affected his body, his mind was extremely sharp.

Early Life:

Stephen was born in Oxford, England. As a child, he enjoyed discovering how things worked. He was inquisitive and constantly asked questions. His favorite subject at school was math, and he enjoyed building things. Little did he know that one day he would be one of the world’s most famous scientists.

The Curious Mind:

Stephen’s curiosity drove him to study at the University of Oxford. There, he studied space, stars, and planets. His brain functioned like a supercomputer, and he could solve complex problems that stumped even the most brilliant scientists.

The Big Idea, Black Holes:

One of Stephen’s most significant contributions to science was his research on black holes. Black holes are mysterious objects in space with extremely high gravity. They pull everything, including light, into themselves. Stephen proposed groundbreaking theories about how black holes behaved and discovered that they could emit light, which became known as Hawking radiation.

ALS Diagnosis:

Stephen was diagnosed with ALS in his early twenties, causing his muscles to weaken. Doctors warned him that he might not live for long. But Stephen refused to give up. Despite the fact that his body was not functioning properly, his mind was preoccupied with grandiose concepts about the universe.

Famous Computer Voice:

Stephen became unable to speak as his ALS progressed. But he did not let that deter him. He used a computer with a specialized program to communicate by moving his cheek muscles. That is how he shared his incredible ideas with the world.

Popular Books:

Stephen Hawking wrote numerous books that explained complex concepts in simple terms. Some of his best-known books include A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell. These books made science interesting and understandable to people who aren’t scientists.

Family Life:

Despite his hectic schedule as a scientist, Stephen was a family man. He has three children and enjoys spending time with them. He demonstrated that being smart and successful does not preclude being a good parent.


Stephen Hawking’s legacy lives on. His ideas shifted the way scientists thought about the universe. He encouraged many young people to become scientists and investigate the mysteries of space. His determination and love of knowledge are lessons that we can all learn from.


To summarize, Stephen Hawking was an extraordinary scientist with a curious mind and the determination to overcome physical challenges. His work on black holes, as well as his ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms, cemented his reputation as a genius. Even as students, his story can inspire us to never give up on our goals and to always be curious about the world around us.

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