50 Meditation Tara Brach Quotes, Messages and Words

Tara Bach is an American psychologist and Buddhist meditation teacher. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology at a university of applied sciences on the basis of her dissertation on the effectiveness of meditation in curing eating disorders. In the ashram she attended, the Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat, she found a real sense of orientation in her life. Here is the collection of 50 Meditation Tara Brach Quotes and Words that will help you to charge you up with positivity.

50 Meditation Tara Brach Quotes and Words

“If our hearts are ready for anything, we can open to our inevitable losses, and to the depths of our sorrow. We can grieve our lost loves, our lost youth, our lost health, our lost capacities. This is part of our humanness, part of the expression of our love for life.”

“Sorrow and joy are woven inextricably together. When we distract ourselves from the reality of loss, we also distract ourselves from the beauty, creativity, and mystery of this ever-changing world.”

Imperfection is not our personal problem – it is a natural part of existing.

The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom.

The ultimate purpose of inquiry is that it allows us to pause. In the space of a pause, truth can shine through.

The renowned seventh-century Zen master Seng-tsan taught that true freedom is being “without anxiety about imperfection.

Suffering is our call to attention, our call to investigate the truth of our beliefs.

“If our hearts are ready for anything, we will spontaneously reach out when others are hurting. Living in an ethical way can attune us to the pain and needs of others, but when our hearts are open and awake, we care instinctively.”

The beauty we long for is already here.

Meditation Tara Brach Quotes and Words

Meditation Tara Brach Quotes and Words

When we get lost we need only pause, look at what is true, relax our heart and arrive again.

Whenever we reject a part of our being, we are confirming to ourselves our fundamental unworthiness.

When we stop to attend and see others as real, we uncover the hidden bond that exists between all beings.

Radical Acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our lives as it is.

“We wait for things to be different in order to feel okay with life. As long as we keep attaching our happiness to the external events of our lives, which are ever changing, we’ll always be left waiting for it.”

Approach your meditation practice (and your life) with an earnest yet relaxed heart.

As we bring a kind of attention to our own conscious and vulnerable being, we become more alert to how all beings are sentient, how they hurt and want to stay alive.

In each moment, what we choose to say and do plants the seed of our future.

Once we have held ourselves with kindness, we can touch others in a vital and healing way.

Meditation Tara Brach Quotes and Words

The more present we are, the more we realize we love presence!

What would it be like if I could accept life – accept this moment – exactly as it is?

By honoring what has passed away, we are free to love the life that is here.

There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.

With an undefended heart, we can fall in love with life over and over every day.

But this revolutionary act of treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime.

When we trust the goodness in others, we become a mirror to help them trust themselves.

Just as a clear pond reflects the sky, mindfulness allows us to see the truth of our experience.

Mediation Tara Brach Quotes

To remain true to ourselves, we must awaken to self-pity and love for ourselves and healing.

It lies in the realization that love and presence are our essence, and in them we discover true freedom.

And it is only through the freedom and healing of our own hearts that we can learn to recognize our inner life and allow it into us.

We must be coordinated, active and caring, including the well-being of our hearts.

The heart of spiritual path is compassion and heart of compassion is compassion for ourselves, and we must get out of the trance of “There is nothing wrong with me” and realize that everybody responds with kindness to us.   

Bullfighting has an interesting parallel to pausing in a place of refuge and renewal.

When we lock part of our experience in our hearts, the part of us in which we feel is fueled by fear, separation, and a prolonged trance of unworthiness.

A break takes place in the middle of the activity and can last for a moment, an hour or a season of our lives.

In motion, while walking or driving a car, you can pause, open your eyes, keep your senses awake.

Powerful healing comes from the simple intention of loving the life around you with as much tenderness and presence as possible.

Achieve a current sense of love through consciousness, prayer, self-pity, and offering loving kindness to others.

Read More : You Are Enough Quotes

Live the Moment : Tara Brach Quote

A few moments of loving kindness can reconnect you with the purity of your loving heart.

At this moment, no matter how lost we feel, we flee into the presence of love.

When you touch a vague sense of what is gone and put your hand on your heart to tell someone that it is all right, there is a profound shift towards a more compassionate presence.

The only thing that can give us true refuge is an awareness of the love that is inherent in our being.

We can find true refuge in our own hearts and minds in the midst of our moments in the moment of life.

Intimacy comes from listening and speaking the truth, which is only possible if we open ourselves to the vulnerability of our own hearts.

Contact with life is our first step. With an unprotected heart we fall in love with life every day.

The feeling of being unworthy goes hand in hand with the feeling of being separate from others and from life.

Our fear of mistakes is a primal fear that something is wrong with life or that something bad will happen.

When we are caught in a trance of unworthiness, our moment-to-moment experience is linked to reactivity.

Read More : 15 Best Take A Chance Inspirational Quotes

Emotional quotes

When we get lost, we need to pause, search for the True and relax until the heart arrives.  

Each time you encounter an old emotional pattern in the presence of your awakening, the truth deepens.

Radical acceptance reverses our habit of living in unfamiliar, frightening, and intense experiences of war.

When we relax in imperfection, we no longer lose our lives in the moment, but in the pursuit of something else, without fear of being wrong.

Read More : The Great American Dream Quotes

The practice of looking into the eyes of those who love us is a powerful and direct way to remember our beauty and goodness.

Increasing confidence, awareness and love bring more ease, compassion and conditioning to play with our body and mind.

In the name of our suffering, I would say we are moving away from stories of poor self-esteem and towards perception.

The greatest gift of the spiritual path comes from the confidence that you will find a way to true refuge.

There will be moments when the ground beneath you quakes and losses change your life, but you have to trust that you can find your way out.

You have to realize that you start from the right, where you are in the middle of your life, and find peace, regardless of the circumstances.   

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