70 Desh Bhakti Slogan in English: For Students, and Poster

Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

Read the collection of Desh Bhakti Slogan in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

  1. Love your country, be a true friend.
  2. India’s pride, in our hearts reside.
  3. Patriotism is our strength, go to any length.
  4. United we stand, for our Motherland.
  5. Desh Bhakti, the key to unity.
  6. Hoist the flag, let it brag.
  7. Brave and bold, for India we hold.
  8. Freedom’s call, we stand tall.
  9. In our hearts, love for India imparts.
  10. Salute the tricolor, our pride’s ambassador.

Patriotic Slogans 

  1. Desh Bhakti, our duty and responsibility.
  2. From the mountains to the seas, India’s love in the breeze.
  3. Pledge today, for a better tomorrow, we say.
  4. Respecting our flag, our national tag.
  5. Nation first, in every burst.
  6. Colors three, symbol of unity.
  7. For a brighter future, be a true nurturer.
  8. Stand as one, till the battle is won.
  9. India shines, in Desh Bhakti signs.
  10. Be the change, for a nation so strange.

Patriotic Slogans

  1. Freedom’s song, all day long.
  2. Protect our land, hand in hand.
  3. Desh Bhakti, a flame that won’t die.
  4. Equality, liberty, in our country’s glee.
  5. Unity in diversity, India’s true poetry.
  6. Proud to be an Indian, in every pavilion.
  7. Desh Bhakti, a lifelong commitment.
  8. Let’s unite, for our country’s delight.
  9. With love so true, our flag we flew.
  10. Patriots rise, for a country so wise.

Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

  1. Brave hearts, play your parts.
  2. India’s tale, in every trail.
  3. Respecting the Constitution, our duty’s institution.
  4. Stand for justice, in this land so precious.
  5. From the north to the south, Desh Bhakti’s mouth.
  6. Hand in hand, for a nation so grand.
  7. In unity we trust, Desh Bhakti is a must.
  8. Celebrate freedom, every wisdom.
  9. Let’s strive, for a nation alive.
  10. With Desh Bhakti, we shine so brightly.

Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

  1. Hearts aflame, in our country’s name.
  2. Desh Bhakti, in every city.
  3. Colors bold, stories untold.
  4. With pride in our stride, for India, we bide.
  5. On this land so divine, Desh Bhakti will always shine.
  6. United we are strong, for Desh Bhakti we long.
  7. Let’s unite, for what is right.
  8. Stand tall, for our nation’s call.
  9. Desh Bhakti, our shared identity.
  10. With courage and might, for India’s light.

Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

  1. In every phase, Desh Bhakti’s grace.
  2. Flag unfurls, in Desh Bhakti twirls.
  3. From sunrise to night, Desh Bhakti’s light.
  4. Uphold the truth, for our nation’s youth.
  5. In every action, Desh Bhakti’s traction.
  6. Proud to be free, in our diversity.
  7. Wave the flag, let it brag.
  8. Desh Bhakti, a flame that won’t flicker.
  9. In unity, we find our community.
  10. For the nation, with dedication.

Desh Bhakti Slogan in English

  1. Desh Bhakti, in every creation.
  2. Bold and bright, for India’s delight.
  3. Red, white, and green, in every scene.
  4. Desh Bhakti, a promise so neat.
  5. Love for the nation, a pure sensation.
  6. Let’s unite, for what is right. – desh bhakti slogan in English
  7. In our hearts, Desh Bhakti imparts.
  8. Stand tall, for the nation’s call.
  9. Freedom’s quest, in Desh Bhakti’s nest.
  10. India, our pride, let Desh Bhakti guide.

Also Read: 70 Food Waste Slogans and Quotes: For Students, and Poster

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