Essay and Paragraph on Constitution of India For Students of 5 to 12

Constitution of India Essay

Here, we are presenting long and short Essay and Paragraph on Constitution of India in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 400 – 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

Essay and Paragraph on Constitution of India in 100 Words

The Indian Constitution is comparable to our nation’s code of laws. It was created in 1950 and explains the operation of our government. It functions as a kind of manual that demonstrates how people can coexist in a just and equal manner. Important concepts known as “fundamental rights” found in our Constitution provide us protection and freedom. It also discusses the obligations we have to improve our nation. India was to be a happy and just country for all, according to the leaders who drafted the Constitution. They put a lot of effort into making sure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, regardless of who they are. Thus, the Constitution functions as a pledge for a just and cohesive India.

Essay and Paragraph on Constitution of India in 200 Words

The Indian Constitution serves as our nation’s guidebook. The Constitution serves as the national constitution, much like the rules that govern our school system. It’s as if the head of state holds all the power!

Our 1950 Constitution outlines the rights and responsibilities of each and every citizen. It was drafted a long time ago. It resembles our school handbook somewhat, but it’s substantially larger. The designers were highly intelligent and considerate of the interests of all parties involved.

The freedom to express ourselves is one of the great things about our Constitution. You know, like when we discuss our favorite topics in class or voice our opinions when debating something? All of it is a part of the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

It also discusses the proper functioning of our government. There are several components, including the Prime Minister, the President, and the Parliament. In the same way that our school has teachers and a principal to ensure everything is okay, they collaborate to make sure our nation functions properly.

Because it treats everyone equally, regardless of background or beliefs, our Constitution is unique. It’s similar to saying, Hey, we should all be treated fairly and with respect because we are all a part of this huge, amazing country. Thus, the Constitution can be compared to our country’s super hero, ensuring that everything is fair and just.

Essay and Paragraph on Constitution of India in 300 Words

The Indian Constitution serves as our nation’s guidebook. It serves as a guide that outlines expectations for how things should operate, much like the rules we abide by at home or at school.

What if there were no rules at our school? Nobody would know what to do, and chaos would reign. Our nation functions well because of the rules set forth in the Constitution. It was created in 1950, a long time ago, and it remains significant even now.

The Constitution grants us certain rights, which is one of its cool features. In India, rights are actions that are made possible by our nationality. Among many other things, we have the right to express our opinions and practice our religion. It’s similar to having a list of employable superpowers.

The government is one of the main components of the Constitution. It discusses who should be in charge and how the government should operate. The Constitution outlines the fairness standards for the decisions made by our so-called leaders.

The Constitution mentions justice as well. Making things right after something goes wrong is what justice is all about. It asserts that regardless of identity, everyone ought to be treated equally. This is critical because it promotes a sense of equality and safety for all.

Additionally, the Constitution specifies how elections must be held. Selecting a class monitor is analogous to that, but on a much larger scale. Just as we choose our class monitors, people have the right to vote and choose their leaders.

We study a variety of subjects in school. The Constitution is divided into various sections, known as articles. Every article discusses a distinct facet of our nation, such as the legislative process, interstate cooperation, and more.

Therefore, the Indian Constitution serves as our nation’s comprehensive instruction manual. Its purpose is to ensure that everyone is treated equally and that everything goes as planned. Similar to how we adhere to school rules, our nation upholds the Constitution to ensure that India is a wonderful place for all of us.

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