The list below is filled with a variety of different pregnancy announcement quotes, so you will find the right fit for you. Another great thing about awesome baby expecting quotes is that you can use these quotes for pregnancy announcements too, or to decorate for a baby shower. If you are expecting a baby, or you know someone who is, share with them some cute pregnancy quotes that will motivate and inspire them, as well as put a smile on their faces. In this post, we have collected some cute expecting quotes and phrases that remind you of how precious and blessed pregnancy is.
45 Expecting quotes
The moment you hear your heartbeat for the first time, you’ll never be the same.
You are growing inside of me, and I can’t wait to see what kind of person you become.
I love being pregnant with my daughter. She’s so smart and funny, and I can’t wait to teach her all about life!
Being pregnant is hard work, but it’s worth it when you get to see your baby grow into a beautiful little girl.
It’s amazing how much my body has changed since I got pregnant—I’ve gained weight and gotten thicker hair in places I didn’t even know were there before!
I’m so excited to meet our little girl this summer—she’s going to be such a sweetheart!
My husband proposed over Christmas break while we were on vacation in Hawaii. We couldn’t believe what had happened right in front of us! Now we’re starting our lives together as a family of three!
Expecting quotes
Let’s be honest, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things in the world.
You are growing a human and that is just amazing!
It takes a lot of love, patience and care to bring a child into this world.
We’re here to support you on your journey through pregnancy and beyond.
Cute pregnancy quotes
For you who are pregnant, there is nothing like the feeling of your belly growing. It’s a magical thing to watch your body transform, and it’s amazing to think about how much more there is to come.
The moment you find out that you’re pregnant, you might start wondering what it’s going to be like once the baby is born.
It’s a lot of responsibility for one person—but not necessarily an impossible one! Pregnancy can be empowering, as long as you know how to take care of yourself and your growing baby.
Expecting quotes
And don’t forget: no matter how many times you go through this process, each time will be new and special in its own way!
What a beautiful journey you’re on!
You are so precious and amazing. No one could have done this better than you.
With each bump, with each change, with each step and heart beat, I am so proud of you.
I can’t wait to meet this little person!
Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in any woman’s life, and each woman who is expecting a child is blessed.
Expecting quotes
Pregnancy feels like a never-ending wait, but once your little one is here, it is a lifetime of infinite love.
Whether you are adopting, using a surrogate, or carrying your own child, this time when you are expecting your child is exciting and filled with hope, if not a bit scary. Expecting your baby is only the beginning, with many precious moments ahead of you as the baby grows.
Waiting for little baby quotes
You are expecting a little boy, which is all the more reason to dive in these baby boy quotes, which may spark powerful connections between you and your bundle of joy while you are waiting for it to finally arrive into your lives.
Whether you are trying to get ready yourself, or you are simply looking for that perfect baby shower quote or a card to celebrate your new arrival, I hope you are inspired to embrace this exciting moment in your life.
Pregnancy feels like a never-ending wait, but once your little one is here, it is a lifetime of infinite love.
Although it might not always feel that way, carrying your baby is one of the most amazing experiences any woman can have.
Just knowing that your child is growing inside you is one of the most gratifying experiences any woman can have.
Just knowing that you are going to meet your baby, your lifes love, makes all of the wait, all the anxiety, all of the pain in labor, and all the unknowns all worthwhile.
Expecting quotes
It is so easy, when you are pregnant, to lose hours and hours daydreaming about that tiny little baby growing inside you, wondering just who they are going to be.
That euphoric feeling one gets when you wonder what kind of parents a child is going to be like more, or whether a child is going to be a boy or a girl.
Even when the child grows, you still see part of yourself in the baby, and it is one thing that will never change.
The funniest thing about pregnancy is you are not only creating a child, you are creating a mother.
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Expecting quotes
Whether your pregnancy was carefully planned, induced medically, or came as a complete surprise, one things for sure: Your life is never the same.
Whether your pregnancy was planned or happened by surprise, one things for certain: Your life will change forever.
Yes, pregnancy can be quite scary, but you must also trust that you are bigger than your fears.
You are carrying a tiny human being, and we know that sometimes that gets tough, but with support and positive energy, you are going to get through this.
No, these pregnancy quotes are words mothers, fathers, philosophers, and others have used to describe the feelings they have as they go through the wonderful gifts that pregnancy gives us. Sweet words such as these well-thought-out pregnancy quotes can provide women with strength, filling their hearts with joy during times of worry and tension.
If you are expecting a child, or you know someone who is, share a few cute pregnancy quotes with them to encourage and inspire them, and put a smile on their face.
Whether your pregnancy was magical, challenging, or a bit of both, these heartfelt, relatable quotes about pregnancy will hit a chord.
Another way to stay happier through tumultuous times in pregnancy is by having a positive outlook.
What many people do not realize is that pregnancy is also a great time for a woman to grow both mentally and emotionally.
Expecting quotes
Pregnancy is a wonderful stage as it gives the woman the joy and fulfillment that comes with giving birth to a new life.
Pregnancy and childbirth makes the woman a mother, and the man a father, and has profound effects on our families lives and the lives of others.
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