3 Sets of Guru Purnima Essay In English in 100, 300 and 400 Words

Essay on Guru Purnima

3 Sets of Guru Purnima Essay In English in 100, 300 and 400 Words

Here, we are presenting long and short Guru Purnima Essay In English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 400 – 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

150 Words Guru Purnima Essay In English


On the occasion of Guru Purnima, we give thanks to our mentors and teachers. Many nations celebrate it in remembrance of those who enlighten our hearts and minds. The full moon day is known as Purnima, and the word “guru” denotes a teacher or guide.

Importance of Guru Purnima:

We honor the educators who have influenced our lives on this day. It encompasses not only educators in schools but also parents, family members, and anyone who has imparted knowledge to us.

Traditions and Celebrations:

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, people pray, carry out rituals, and show gratitude to their teachers. As a thank you, some students craft handmade cards or tiny presents.

The Significance of the Full Moon:

On Guru Purnima, the full moon represents the abundance of wisdom and knowledge that our teachers bestow upon us. It’s an opportunity to consider the brightness they add to our lives.


Finally, Guru Purnima reminds us the value of showing gratitude and respect to those who help us along the way as we pursue our goals of knowledge and development.

250 Words Guru Purnima Essay In English


In India, people celebrate Guru Purnima as a day to honor and give thanks to their gurus, or teachers. It occurs on the June–July full moon day in the month of Ashadha. Many cultures place a lot of importance on this day, which highlights how important teachers are in influencing our lives.

Significance of Guru Purnima:

On the day known as Guru Purnima, students and followers honor and give thanks to their teachers. In Sanskrit, the word “guru” means “one who dispels darkness,” referring to the role that teachers play in illuminating our minds with knowledge.

Honoring Teachers:

Students frequently carry out customs on this day, such as giving their teachers flowers, washing their feet, and asking for their blessings. It’s an expression of gratitude for the direction and insight educators have given students throughout their academic careers.

The Guru-Shishya Bond:

Teachers and students have a stronger bond because of Guru Purnima. It brings to mind the ancient Guru-Shishya tradition, in which teachings and one-on-one interactions were the ways in which knowledge was transmitted from teacher to pupil.


In observance of Guru Purnima, people plan special occasions, cultural events, and memorials to notable philosophers and educators. It’s a good time to consider the value of education and the influence that educators have on society.


To sum up, Guru Purnima is a day to honor the priceless role that teachers have played in our lives. It acts as a reminder that education is a lifelong process and that instructors are essential in helping us along this route to wisdom and knowledge.

400 Words Guru Purnima Essay In English


Hi to all of you! I want to talk to you today about Guru Purnima, a unique day. We honor and love our teachers on this special day. Permit me to explain the significance of this day to you.

What is Guru Purnima?

India observes Guru Purnima as a festival to pay tribute to our gurus, or teachers. Usually, July is when it happens. Purnima is the full moon, and the word guru means teacher. Thus, Guru Purnima is a full moon day on which we give thanks to our teachers.

Why is it Celebrated?

To show our gratitude for all that our teachers do, we observe Guru Purnima. Teachers support us in learning and development by acting as our stars. This day honors everyone who has taught us important life lessons, including parents, grandparents, and friends, in addition to educators in the classroom.

Significance of the Full Moon:

The full moon represents the completion and fullness that come from having a teacher in our lives. It’s akin to saying, “Thank you,” for illuminating our minds in the same way that a full moon illuminates the night sky.

How is Guru Purnima Celebrated?

In excitement of the great day, we clean our homes and get up early on Guru Purnima. Next, we pay our teachers a visit, give them cards or flowers, and touch their feet as a symbol of respect in our culture. In order to honor their gurus, some individuals also plan unique gatherings or prayers.

Personal Experiences:

I recall organizing a surprise for our teacher on the previous Guru Purnima with my classmates. We brought a large card with all of our names on it and used colorful drawings to decorate the classroom. Our instructor was beaming and a little emotional. We were happy to express our gratitude.

The Importance of Teachers:

Our lives are greatly impacted by our teachers. They instruct us in virtues, compassion, and how to be decent human beings in addition to academic subjects like science and math. Guru Purnima is a day to honor and remember these remarkable people who have shaped our lives.


To sum up, Guru Purnima is a unique day on which we honor our teachers and give thanks for everything they do. It’s an occasion to honor those who mentor us on our journey and to acknowledge the value of education. Thus, let us express our gratitude for our teachers every day and not just on Guru Purnima!

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