Exploring 50 Karma Backstabbing Quote: Unveiling Truths

Delve into the intricate tapestry of human interactions as we decipher the profound implications of the Karma Backstabbing Quote, unveiling the hidden currents of cause and effect in relationships. Please feel free to share these quotes with your friends, family members, teachers or dear ones to motivate them in daily course of works. Everyone deserve love, respect, motivation, care and support and be that one person  who can manage people and their emotion in positive way. Thanks for reading this article and you can read tons of quotes here on this website.

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60 Karma Backstabbing Quote Collection

“Although backstabbing appears cunning, Karma’s spotlight shines more brightly.”

  1. Karma never forgets a backstab; its memory is better than a computer’s.

  2. Planting thorns is like backstabbing; Karma makes sure you feel the prick.

  3. Backstabbers will always experience the boomerang effect of karma.

  4. Karma makes sure that backstabbers’ actions come back; they are like echoes.

  5. Lessons of Karma: Backbiting today, regretting tomorrow. – karma backstabbing quote

    Karma Backstabbing Quote

  6. A one-way ticket to Karma’s courtroom is backstabbing.

  7. Backstabbers are not designed to solve Karma’s puzzles.

Quotes for Backstabbers 

“Backstabbing may seem like a quick fix, but Karma prefers the long way around.”

  1. The library at Karma is stocked with tales of backstabbers’ destruction.

  2. The saying goes, Backstabbing is like a game, but Karma keeps score.

  3. Those who backstab are the ones who hear karma’s whispers the loudest.

  4. Karma is the critic, backstabbers are the artists. – karma backstabbing quote

  5. Karma’s paintings show the real faces of swindlers.

  6. Backstabbing is something that karma never forgets.

  7. Backstabbing is like a boomerang—it comes back eventually.

Quotes for Backstabbers

“Backbiting may seem sweet, but the sweetness of karma lasts longer.”

  1. Actions have a way of echoing through the halls of karma.

  2. Karma’s lessons are hard to learn, especially for backstabbers.

  3. Backstabbers sow the karma seeds that they will eventually reap.

  4. Believe in karma’s justice; it detects all sly behavior. – karma backstabbing quote

  5. The deeds of backstabbing are reflected back by karma like a mirror.

  6. Karma’s game is for life; backstabbing is a temporary game.

  7. Backstabbing writes its story, and karma pens the ending.

Quotes for Backstabbers

“Those who engage in backstabbing receive their just desserts from Karma.”

  1. Karma’s intersection is where a backstabber’s path crosses.

  2. Backbiting is a hurricane, but karma’s calm comes after.

  3. According to the law of karma, kindness triumphs over treachery.

  4. Backstabbing is a puzzle that karma eventually solves. – karma backstabbing quote

  5. Every chapter of backstabbing is documented in Karma’s library.

  6. Backbiting sends ripples, karma restores equilibrium.

Karma Backstabbing Quote Collection

“As the saying goes, Backstabbing builds a house of cards, karma gently knocks it down.”

  1. Backstabbers play a temporary role in the play of karma.

  2. Karma choreographs the tune as backstabbers dance.

  3. Karma’s lessons repeat themselves until swindlers learn.

  4. Backbiting’s flame goes out, but karma’s warmth endures.

  5. Karma hears the whispers of backstabbing. – karma backstabbing quote

  6. Backstabbers use invisible ink, but karma reads what they write.

Karma Backstabbing Quote Collection

“Backstabbing is a ripe fruit, and karma ripens the bitter fruit.”

  1. Karma’s clock ticks, counting moments of backstabbing.

  2. Karma is a tidal wave; backstabbing is a pebble.

  3. Backstabbing shadows vanish in the light of karma.

  4. Karma records history, including stories of betrayal. – karma backstabbing quote

  5. Backstabbing’s cover comes off in the eyes of karma.

  6. Backstabbers’ portraits are on display in Karma’s gallery.

  7. The roads of backstabbers intersect with Karma’s path.

Karma Backstabbing Quote Collection

“Silence in the presence of karma is the echo of backstabbing.”

  1. Karma weaves a tapestry, with backstabbing threads included.

  2. Karma directs the play; backstabbing writes the scenes. – karma backstabbing quote

  3. Karma writes stories where spies turn out to be the bad guys.

  4. The colors of backstabbing fade in the true light of karma.

  5. Backstabber’s whispers are drowned out by Karma’s song.

  6. The answer to the riddle of backstabbing is karma.

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Karma Backstabbing Quote Collection

“The puzzle pieces of backstabbing fit perfectly in the plan of karma.”

  1. The winds of Karma carry tales of backstabbing.

  2. Backstabbers are guided to their destinations by Karma’s map.

  3. The mask of backstabbing breaks, revealing Karma’s face.

  4. Karma’s ink writes justice over a backstabber’s deeds. – karma backstabbing quote

  5. Backstabbing’s thorns fade in the light of karma.

  6. Backstabbing is balanced on the scales of karma.

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