Who is Wakeman?
The rest of this article highlights Cy Wakeman Quotes, founder of Reality Based Leadership and author of several books, including Reality Based Rules for Workplace. If you have had the opportunity to consider additional points of view, I would like to hear yours. John G. Miller is the founder of BBQ Questions and Questions and the author of several books on the application of BBQ techniques in different areas of life and work.
It is one thing to hear an author share his insights into how the root of our personal distress comes from our inner thoughts and what we want to believe. While the author focuses on certain collaborators at work, the concept of preferring suffering to personal peace stands in the foreground.
Here are best Cy Wakeman Quotes that will get you through it all, and Cy Wakeman is doing an excellent job helping to get rid of the layers of rationalizations and excuses that we invent to avoid reality.
In Cy Wakeman’s popular book Reality-Based Leadership, he reveals a modern leadership philosophy that runs counter to the wisdom many of us impart in our courses on human resources and employee development.
Here is a reality check of the fact that time and challenge are not the source of our pain. Below is a list of 25 Cy Wakeman most famous quotes and sayings to read and share with friends on Facebook, Twitter and blog.
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46 Cy Wakeman Quotes and Words
“Reality-based leadership is the philosophy of leaders who work to eliminate drama and emotional waste at work by teaching and holding others accountable through great mental processes.”
We have sometimes faced challenges in the past, and at some point in the future we will face challenges.
We struggle to do our job and are distracted by our dissatisfaction with initiatives and activities.
Overcontrol kills the creative process and robs teams of their own development if they don’t learn to think as a team.
This badly managed behaviour costs companies time and money, as the average worker is involved in a selfish workplace drama for 25 hours a day.
Reality-based managers and employees are those who are able to recognize and accept the reality of the situation and save valuable team energy without using it to influence reality.
A great reality-based leader anticipates imminent change and seizes the opportunities inherent in a situation without drama and defense.
Reality-based leadership focuses on eliminating drama and emotional waste in the workplace, turning excuses into results, and engaging employees in responsible practices.
A good start is to check your ego in the door and to stop believing everything you think.
Great leaders focus on controlling the energy of the situation and the people in the room.
Instead of offering “fix-it” solutions, I want you to refocus on the people around you and how they make an impact.
Reality-based rules for the workplace are a roadmap to being a valuable member of an organisation.
More down-to-earth and direct, Cy Wakeman talks about personal responsibility and what it takes to succeed.
Cy Wakeman Quotes and Words
“You will miss something here, especially not only immaterial honesty, generosity, humor, sensitivity and gratitude, but also what other people do or give.”
Pick reality over drama. Reality produces results; drama wastes time.
Your mindset determines your power. Change it from victim to responsible for true success.
Do not be a ‘yes’ person. Learn to say no to activities that do not align with your goals.
Feedback is a gift, not an attack. Accept it and turn it into an opportunity for growth.
Instead of dwelling on problems, seek solutions. Solutions move us forward.
Authenticity is magnetic. Be authentic, be yourself, and watch the magic unfold.
Don’t waste energy on things over which you have no control. Concentrate on what you can influence.
Cy Wakeman Quotes and Words
“When leaders protect their workers from reality about what it takes to be successful and innovative in their organizations, they stroke the ego. “
Success is not about being busy, but about achieving results. Reduce your busyness and focus on the results.
Be a creator, not merely a consumer. Create something meaningful every day.
Change is not the enemy; it is the path to improvement. Embrace and thrive.
Excuses are dream killers. Take responsibility and turn challenges into opportunities.
Don’t let your ego rule. Stay humble, keep learning, and be open to new ideas.
Work with reality rather than against it. Align your efforts with what is truly important.
Rather than striving for perfection, pursue progress. Small steps forward lead to major accomplishments.
Cy Wakeman Quotes and Words
“If someone disagrees with your point, or gets a valuable role in an organization because of a lie or a fairy tale story, you don’t get an argument.”
Mind your business, not gossip, but the business that moves you toward your goals.
Resilience is your superpower. Recover stronger from setbacks.
Do not play the blame game. Accept responsibility, learn, and move forward.
Influence, not control. By setting an example, you can inspire others to achieve greatness.
Be a team player, not a solo performer. Everyone benefits when they work together.
Let go of the past. The present is where your power and opportunities are.
Lead with courage and not fear. Face challenges head on and see your influence grow.
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Cy Wakeman’s Words
“Employees do not need their leadership to bend to reality; if they are not trapped in their ego, they will adapt to the changes that occur as the company changes. “
Leaders can reduce costs and drama in the workplace by ending entitlements and achieving great results.
Responsible employees take precedence over personal beliefs and work to improve the organization as a whole.
Over 90% of the time we feel that someone is trying to harm us in some way, and the paranoia has to stop.
No one can make you feel snubbed, so you should not let such thoughts get into your head.
You have spent at least two thousand hours feeling insecure, resentful and at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control.
I urge you to accept reality and to choose the freedom to own your future as never before.
Avoid making hasty decisions in the present state, analyze the environment and take your steps accordingly.
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