Read the wonderful collection of quotes about People come and go. They go to the moon, and they come back. But you will be here for a long time. This is your home now. You’re not alone anymore. Please do share these quotes and do not forgot to tag us.
36 People come and go quotes
It is not the mountains ahead to which we grow faint; it is the mountains behind us. The journey of life is not to arrive at its goal. We are on the way, that way is called Life and the road on which we travel is called Direction.
We don’t always see things as they really are, our view is skewed by our expectations.
You have probably heard it before: People come and go. It’s true!
The most important thing in life is not what happens to you but how you react to it. If you can learn to take things in stride, it will help you cope with the ups and downs of life.
If you look closely enough, everything has a purpose.
It’s true that people are going to leave us anyway—but what if we didn’t let them? What if instead of waiting for them to leave, we made them stay? – people come and go quotes
People come and go, but unforgettable moments stay with you forever.
People come and go, but their words live on.
Leaving people quotes and captions
“No matter how many people love you, there are always some who don’t. That’s life. You just have to find the ones who do.”
People come and go, but the good ones stay awhile.
The people you meet on your way up will be the ones that stay with you on your way down.
No one is happy all the time, but if you’re happy most of the time, then it’s a pretty good day.
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
You can’t really love anyone, until you’ve loved something.
People come and go, but the good news is that the best people stay. – people come and go quotes
When you have no one to fight for, you have no one to fear.
I wouldn’t trade my friends for the world because they’re more than a memory; they’re a part of me forever.
People will leave you captions
“This world is a strange place, full of bizarre and wonderful things. But it would be so much better for me if I could just get rid of all the beautiful people who come and go.”
People come and go, but the earth stays forever.
You don’t have to keep them around You’ve got to let them go.
People come and go. People leave you. That’s what this world is all about. – people come and go quotes
I have learned that people will leave you if you let them, if you’re not careful.
Life is about living, not about dying.
Good things happen to those who wait.
Also Read: 25 Ungrateful people quotes to avoid selfish ones
People come and go quotes
“People will leave you; that is a fact of life. But if you are kind enough to let them go, they will return.”
People come and go, but the memories linger.
People come and go, but their hearts remain forever.
People come and go, but the good ones stay.
People come and go but the memories stay.
People come and go, but your life goes on. – people come and go quotes
People come and go, but the memories of those who came before you stay with you forever.
People come and go, but friendships are forever.
People come and go, but the YOU remains.
People come and go, but the moments that matter are always today.
People will leave you, and that’s the way it is.
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