55 Savitribai Phule Quotes in English about Education

Savitribai Phule was a social reformer and educationist who was instrumental in the establishment of the first school for girls in Pune. She also fought for the rights of women and gave them equal treatment with men. Here are some of best Savitribai Phule quotes in English on education and women empowerment.

55 Savitribai Phule Quotes in English

“If you educate a man, you educate an individual; if you educate a woman, you educate a family. If we educate our women well, we can change the course of history.”

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

The problem with a book is that it takes so long to read.

The woman who has a mind of her own has a husband who is not worth having.

If you want to learn how to think, read books. If you want to learn how to act, watch acting.

I believe that education is the key to every woman’s liberation.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the whole community. – Savitribai Phule quotes in English

Education is the key to unlock your mind, and it empowers you to do something with your life.

Education is the only path to self-reliance.

Education is the great equalizer, and it will take us out of our caves.

Savitribai Phule quotes on education

Your education is your passport to a better future.

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Savitribai Phule Quotes In English

Education is the light that can shine through the darkness of ignorance.

Girls have wings of knowledge; let them soar with education.

Books are the keys that open the door to a better future.

Every child deserves a chance to bloom in the learning garden.

Education is the light that can shine through even the darkest corners of society.

Every child, regardless of gender, deserves the opportunity to learn and grow.

Educate a woman, and she will empower a nation with wisdom.

Savitribai Phule Quotes In English

In the garden of knowledge, the seeds of equality and justice must be planted.

The pen is mightier than the plough: education cultivates minds and transforms societies.

Breaking the chains of ignorance frees you from the shackles that hold back progress.

Let education be the link between hearts and minds, forging a path to unity.

A classroom is a safe haven where dreams grow and aspirations soar.

Teaching is more than a profession; it is a noble mission to shape a brighter future.

The tree of knowledge bears the fruits of enlightenment, nourishing future generations.

Savitribai Phule’s Words

“Education is the key to success. It opens doors that were formerly closed, it helps us to choose which door we should enter and it helps us survive in an ever changing world.”

You should educate yourself first before you educate someone else.

Education is the best weapon against ignorance.

Education is the path to the future, not a straight road to success.

A woman without education is like a banyan tree without roots or leaves; she cannot provide for her children and stay alive herself.

Education is a process of learning how to learn as much as you can about as much as you can for as long as possible with minimum effort on your part. – Savitribai Phule quotes in English

Education is what makes men intelligent; ignorance is what makes them stupid.

Education is the only remedy for all that is wrong with us.

Education is an assurance against all your fears.

The more you know, the less likely you are to be afraid.

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Savitribai Phule’s Words

“Education is our passport to the future. It is the only tool that can lift our people out of poverty and ignorance.”

It is not enough to teach children; we have to educate them.

Education is the only way to change a society.

No matter what you do, you will be called a feminist. It’s just a way of life.

The greatest revolution in the world has been going on silently in every home, school and college for years now.

There is no greater power than knowledge. – Savitribai Phule quotes in English

Nothing can be so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Women are not born to be conquered, they are born to be respected.

The highest form of patriotism is to give yourself for the good of others.

If you want to make a woman happy, give her freedom and education.

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Savitribai Phule Quotes In English

“I started charitable work and helping the poor and needy, I also want to take my share of responsibility, I assure you that I will always help you, I hope God’s work helps more people.”

Catch ignorance, hold it, hold it tight, strike it, and take it out of your life.

Go, read, write, be diligent, do self-sufficient work, accumulate knowledge and wealth, without knowledge everything is lost, without knowledge we become animals, so do not sit still, go and learn. – Savitribai Phule quotes in English

Chhatrapati Shivaji must be remembered in the morning and in the evening, we must praise him with love.

A strong, educated woman can build a civilized society, so she should also have the right to education.

Raising a daughter before marriage so that she can easily differentiate between good and evil.

Education opens the door to heaven, and gives the opportunity to know oneself.

Women are not only forced to work at home and on the farm, they can do a better job than men.

There is a serious lack of female literacy in the country because the women here have never been allowed to be freed from slavery.

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