51 Tea lover quotes to share with your tea gang

I don’t care if you’re a tea lover or not, but if you’re reading this and you haven’t tried Earl Grey yet, I’m sorry. You need to try it. But Before you must read this classic collection of 51 Tea lover quotes and captions here in this post so you can share on Instagram and Twitter. 

51 Tea lover quotes and captions

“It’s been said that tea is the first thing to go in a house, and the last thing to come back.”

A tea lover is a person who enjoys tea, and that’s all there is to it.

The best way to enjoy tea is to drink it out of a cup that has your name on it.

I love tea. It’s the only thing I can drink without getting sick.

I don’t know why I love tea, but I just do.

I love tea. I love it with milk, I love it with honey, I love it with lemon. Tea is my life.

A cup of tea is an old friend who never forgets you. – tea lover quotes

If you’re not drinking tea, then you’re missing out on something wonderful.

tea lover quotes in a tea café

Tea is so simple and so complex at the same time.

Tea is the only thing that’s always there when you need it.

Tea sayings and captions

“When you’re in the mood for a good cup of tea, there’s nothing like a good cup of tea.”

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

I love tea. It’s my life.

Tea is the heart of all good housekeeping.

The best tea is made with love, and the best love is made in a cup of tea.

A true tea lover will want to be alone with their favorite beverage.

I would rather be a rose among thorns than a bud among brambles.

Tea is the perfect drink to enjoy with loved ones. – tea lover quotes

I love my tea so much, I want to drink it every day just because I can.

Tea is always there for me, no matter how hard I try to make it leave.

Tea lover quotes and captions

“The secret to making a great cup of tea is boiling some water, putting in a bag, putting it in your cup, and drinking it when you get back from work.”

If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life and never have to worry about any other beverage ever again, what would it be? Tea.

There are few things more beautiful than a cup of tea in the morning.

I love tea so much that I want to drink it all day long, but I don’t want to get fat.

What would the world be like if everyone had the same amount of time for tea?

Tea is an art form. It requires certain skills and knowledge to make good tea.

I can’t tell you how much I love my tea. Tea is my lifeblood. If there was no such thing as tea, I’d die.

I love tea. And I don’t want to be a tea lover. I want to be the tea lover. – tea lover quotes

Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true.

Tea is like a cup of love, you can’t have just one.

Chai lover sayings and captions

“Because you can drink it all day, everyday. And when you do, you are reminded of the magic of life and all its wonders.”

The tea lover is a person who never grows tired of drinking tea.

Anybody who likes tea is a person from another planet.

A cup of tea with no milk and sugar is like a kiss on the forehead.

I believe that if you want to be happy, you should first be useful.

I love your green eyes and I’m sorry they shine so much. – tea lover quotes

The best way to get good things out of life is to make other people happy.

I don’t know what I’d do without my tea.

My tea is my best friend, and I don’t care who knows it.

Tea is a necessity, not a luxury.

Also Read: 48 Chai quotes to feel proud to be a tea drinker

Tea lover quotes and captions

“With a cup of tea in one hand and a good book in the other, you can get through almost anything.”

Tea is the answer to everything.

Tea is a universal language.

Tea is the only drink that makes me feel like I’ve been drinking it for hours, but it never gets old.

Tea is the liquid that gives life to our souls.

I don’t know how you drink tea, but I know how you make it.

Tea is my truth.

Our favorite way of saying ‘I love you’ is by drinking tea. – tea lover quotes

A cup of tea each day makes me feel more like myself.

Tea is a delicate art. Like wine or chocolate, it is meant to be enjoyed in small doses.

Tea is an art, not a drink.

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