10 plus 25 Lines on Republic Day For Students of 5 to 8

Republic Day is a significant occasion in India, commemorating the adoption of the Constitution. This collection of 10 lines delves into the essence of Republic Day, highlighting its historical importance and the spirit of unity it fosters.

10 Lines on Republic Day

  1. For our nation, Republic Day is a unique occasion.
  2. Republic Day is observed annually on January 26.
  3. We pay tribute to the Indian Constitution on Republic Day.
  4. We ratified our Constitution on January 26, 1950.
  5. On this day in history, India became a republic.
  6. A republic is a nation in which the people choose their own leaders.
  7. On this day, the Indian President hoists the national flag.
  8. The three colors of the flag are green, white, and saffron. A navy blue Ashoka Chakra is also located in the center of it.
  9. The wheel of law is symbolized by the Chakra, which has 24 spokes.
  10. People are happy and proud to celebrate Republic Day.

10 Lines on Republic Day

5 Lines on Republic Day

  1. All around the nation, there are parades and cultural gatherings.
  2. Students take part in school events and productions.
  3. Respect is shown when singing Jana Gana Mana, the national anthem.
  4. Enthusiastic singing and dancing of patriotism fill the air.
  5. Being a public holiday, Republic Day is observed with closed schools and businesses. This is a time to honor and remember those who fought for our freedom.

5 Lines on Republic Day

  1. The Indian independence movement resulted in independence in 1947.
  2. Republic Day serves as a reminder of the importance of equality and justice. It’s a chance to highlight the rich diversity of Indian culture.
  3. Various states showcase their distinct customs during the procession.
  4. Troops and armed forces demonstrate their power and cohesion.
  5. The President bestows honors for valor and national service.

10 Lines on Republic Day

  1. Republic Day is a time to show our love for our country.
  2. Every citizen has rights and obligations guaranteed by the Constitution. It directs our legislators as they draft national legislation.
  3. We are proud to be a part of the biggest democracy in the world.
  4. In a democracy, the people hold the power.
  5. Republic Day serves as a reminder of the value of harmony.
  6. It’s a day to celebrate what makes India special—its diversity.
  7. The cornerstone of a just society is laid by the Constitution. Every citizen’s freedoms and rights are safeguarded by it.
  8. Republic Day is a representation of our country’s might.
  9. We honor those who gave their lives to ensure our freedom.
  10. Let us promise to respect the principles outlined in our Constitution.

5 Lines on Republic Day

  1. We honour the essence of our Indian identity on Republic Day.
  2. It’s an opportunity to consider how far the country has come.
  3. Republic Day challenges us to live as law-abiding citizens.
  4. On this day, we pay tribute to the heroes who stood up for our rights.
  5. May the tricolor, which represents India’s pride, always soar high.

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