70 Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

In this collection, discover handmade poster advocating consumer awareness through compelling slogan and words. Explore the simplicity of these artworks as they convey powerful messages about informed consumer choices and rights. Use this slogans for the project work or other social and cultural activities.

70 Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

  1. Learn before you buy!
  2. Wise purchases lead to happy lives.
  3. Check, then select.
  4. Shop wisely and safely.
  5. Be a wise shopper.
  6. Before you demand, you should first understand.
  7. Learn first, then spend.
  8. Don’t rush; instead, do your homework.
  9. Your money, your decision.
  10. Consider your options before swiping.

Costumer Rights Slogans

  1. Be selective in your selections.
  2. Before you invest, do your homework.
  3. Don’t be duped; instead, educate yourself.
  4. Smart shopping is frugal shopping.
  5. Choose wisely and spend joyfully.
  6. Be careful not to get hurt.
  7. Awareness saves money.
  8. Be cautious before you pay.
  9. Mindful purchases are accompanied by joyful sighs.
  10. Be a label reader and a savvy eater.

Costumer Rights Slogans 

  1. Dollars require care.
  2. It is not always possible to be ignorant.
  3. Spend with caution and save with pennies.
  4. Be in charge of your budget.
  5. Make an informed decision rather than blindly following.
  6. Look twice, and spend wisely.
  7. Always prioritize quality over quantity.
  8. Investigate first before acting.
  9. Your decisions have consequences.
  10. Examine everything before you make a decision.

Costumer Rights Slogans

  1. Take precautions.
  2. A wise buyer is a contented owner.
  3. Ignorance is more expensive.
  4. Protect your wallet and understand your market.
  5. Consider your options carefully and spend wisely.
  6. Be aware, but do not despair.
  7. Don’t be hasty; instead, be creative with your options.
  8. A penny spent on thought saves dollars spent.
  9. Know the truth before making a deal.
  10. Negotiate with your brains, not just your money.

Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

  1. Understand value, not just price.
  2. Before you yearn, learn.
  3. Be deliberate rather than impulsive.
  4. Avoid regrets by betting wisely.
  5. Spend as if you care.
  6. Don’t be a regretful asset; instead, be a wise asset.
  7. Don’t bet, research, or ramble.
  8. Choose wisely and spend wisely.
  9. Avoid collisions by making informed decisions.
  10. Know the cost ahead of time.

Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

  1. Investigate, then rejoice.
  2. Don’t be a spendthrift.
  3. Consider the big picture and shop wisely.
  4. Choose quality over popularity.
  5. Your decision, your power.
  6. Read the line before you sign.
  7. Ignorance is a costly luxury.
  8. Save the hurt by staying alert.
  9. Money speaks, but knowledge is king.
  10. Think twice before you buy.

Handmade Poster on Consumer Awareness with Slogan

  1. Know your source and stay on track.
  2. Learn first, then discern.
  3. Think twice before paying the price.
  4. Smart choices, cheerful voices.
  5. Avoid trouble by being extra cautious.
  6. Dollars and common sense go together.
  7. Investigate, then buy. – handmade poster on consumer awareness with slogan
  8. Spend wisely and do your part.
  9. The best shopping cart is knowledge.
  10. Manifest your best before you invest.

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