80 Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan: For Students

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

Read the collection of 80 Slogan On Health and Hygiene in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or poster activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

80 Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. Wash your hands, stay healthy!
  2. Cleanliness is happiness.
  3. When you wash your hands every day, germs go away.
  4. Brush your teeth, that’s so cool!
  5. Eat your vegetables and stay strong and hearty.
  6. Exercise is awesome because it makes you rule!
  7. I slept well and felt great.
  8. Wash your hands every day to keep germs at bay.
  9. With ease, cover your sneeze and say excuse me.
  10. Be a hygiene superstar; no germs in your vicinity.

Stay Healthy Slogans 

  1. Oh, no! Junk food! Choose which vegetables to grow.
  2. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  3. Maintain good hygiene by keeping your hands dry.
  4. Healthy heart, happy beginning.
  5. Wash your hands and get to work!
  6. Keep your feet clean by washing them.
  7. Remember to brush every tooth you get!
  8. Water is life; drink plenty of it.
  9. Protect your eyes, be wise.
  10. Exercise is enjoyable; go for a run!

Stay Healthy Slogans

  1. Please cover your coughs and sneezes.
  2. There’s fresh air everywhere!
  3. Stay clean because hygiene is important.
  4. Every night, get a good night’s sleep.
  5. Say no to the puff and be a health nut!
  6. It’s time to brush away the grime.
  7. Consume fruits for energy boosts.
  8. In all the chatters, hygiene is important.
  9. Keep it tidy; avoid being messy and muddy.
  10. Maintain a clean base by washing your face.

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. There is no need for rabbit in healthy habits.
  2. Wash your hands, wash your hands, it’s true!
  3. Brush your hair to show that you care.
  4. Keep everything neat, from head to toe.
  5. Be a hygiene hero; cleanliness is a zero-sum game.
  6. Wash away, germs can’t stay.
  7. Don’t let sickness hold you down.
  8. No fear of death, just fresh air!
  9. Maintain a calm hygiene routine.
  10. Be a health knight, fight the germ fight.

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. Tidy space, happy face.
  2. Exercise daily, be strong and gaily.
  3. No dirt, no hurt.
  4. Healthy snacks, no junk attacks.
  5. Stay fit, don’t quit!
  6. Keep it neat, from your head to your feet.
  7. Sleep tight, dream right.
  8. Be a health wizard, eat your gizzard.
  9. Hygiene queen, keep it clean.
  10. Shine and glow, cleanliness will show.

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. Be bright, keep germs out of sight.
  2. Hygiene is bliss, seal it with a kiss.
  3. Eat well, break the illness spell.
  4. Clean and lean, that’s the hygiene scene.
  5. Wash and glow, let your health show.
  6. Don’t be lazy, stay germ-free and hazy.
  7. No fuss, just wash!
  8. Exercise regime, keeps you in the health dream.
  9. Say no to grime, it’s cleanliness time.
  10. Healthy mind, in a body refined.

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. Be a hygiene pro, watch the germs go.
  2. Sleep tight, wake up bright.
  3. Eat light, feel right.
  4. Toothbrush magic, no germs tragic.
  5. Keep it snappy, hygiene is happy.
  6. Jump and hop, don’t let germs stop.
  7. Fresh air delight, day and night.
  8. No junk, stay sunk in health funk.
  9. Hygiene joy, no sickness ahoy.
  10. Brush and floss, no dental loss.

Poster On Health and Hygiene with Slogan

  1. Walk and jog, stay away from the fog.
  2. Be a healthy sprite, keep it all right.
  3. Sleep sound, health all around.
  4. Hygiene cheer, keep it near.
  5. Be wise, protect your eyes.
  6. Eat right, sleep tight. – poster on health and hygiene with slogan
  7. Cleanliness, grace, healthy embrace.
  8. Exercise glee, happy and free.
  9. Hygiene love, from below to above.
  10. Be clean, be keen!

Also Read: 80 Toothpaste Slogans: For Students, Posters and Competition

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