59 Partiality Quotes and Sayings: Speak Against Favoritism

Best Partiality Quotes about parental favoritism with cool quotes about favoritism in the family and how it harms children. Quotes about parental favoritism come from well-known authors that talk about favoritism in the family.

We learn about this from quotes about parental favoritism, when parents play favorites among their children. When it comes to parents playing pets with their kids, it’s a matter of their pride – mostly it has to do with the child’s academic performance.

59 Partiality Quotes and Captions

“Thus, we again come to the paradox that one can become whole only through the responsible acceptance of one’s partiality.”

The game of favorites is one of the most destructive problems in any group of people.

Favoritism often reduces the morale, leadership, and initiative of team members.

Favoritism usually has a negative effect on everyone involved, so it’s best to treat everyone fairly and equally.

Many people admit to favoritism because it is so common.

A half-truth is the worst of all lies because it can be defended with passion.

Best Partiality Quote

Picking favorites is like a cloud over the fairness sky.

Death is the only sovereign whom no partiality can corrupt and no price can corrupt.

God is a great God, a mighty and terrible God who does not show partiality and cannot be corrupted.

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Partiality Quotes and Captions

“We can make ourselves whole only by accepting our partiality, by living within our limits, by remaining human, not trying to be gods.”

When justice has favorites in her garden, weeds grow unequally.
Being unfair causes others to feel excluded, as if a puzzle is missing pieces.
Playing favorites casts a shadow, whereas fairness is like sunshine.
Being unfair is like a shaky bridge that leads to the island of inequality.
In life’s book, fairness keeps pages together, but picking favorites tears them apart.
A heart broken by unfairness cannot fully appreciate fairness for all.
Being unfair is like a puzzle missing pieces, making fairness incomplete.
Justice is a happy tune, but injustice is a bad note.

Partiality Quotes and Captions

“In life, we show favoritism, favor the rich over the poor, treat others differently because of misjudgment, one race against another, one gender against another, one at work or at work A relationship with someone in the church. Either. When we take a stand.”

Fairness serves as a guide, but being unfair causes us to lose our way.
Being unfair extinguishes the candle of justice.
Fairness is graceful in the dance of life, whereas unfairness is sloppy.
Justice cannot thrive in the presence of injustice.
Unfairness is like a shadow that dims the light of equality.
Fairness brings people together, whereas unfairness divides them.
Being unfair is like a stain on justice’s image.
Being unfair disrupts the sense of fairness.

Partiality Quotes and Captions

“Faithfulness prepares us for the return of those moments that give us the highest joy we can ever know; it is union, communion, redemption (in the radical sense of redemption) … Denying all others does not mean – because it cannot mean – ignoring or neglecting all others, hiding or hiding from all others, or not wanting or disliking others.”

Fairness is like money, while being unfair is like counterfeit money.
Being unfair changes the meaning of fairness.
Fairness is the foundation of society, but unfairness undermines it.
Being unfair distorts the perception of justice.
Unfairness is like a bad instrument that ruins the music of equality.
Fairness is like a warm blanket, while being unfair is like a cold wind blowing through holes.
Being unfair is like a foggy lens, making justice difficult to see.
In the garden of equality, being unfair competes with fairness flowers.

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Partiality Quotes and Captions

“Fairness is a bridge that connects paths, whereas unfairness is a toll booth that prevents others from passing.”

Fairness is a guide pointing north, but being unfair throws it off course.
Being unfair makes justice incomplete, like a puzzle missing pieces.
In the dance of justice, being unfair is analogous to a clumsy partner stepping on toe.
Unfairness is like a dark cloud that casts shadows on the landscape of equality.
Being unfair is like a plot twist that deviates from justice’s plan.
Fairness is a strategy, whereas being unfair is like a shaky foundation.
Being unfair is like a prism through which the colors of equality appear differently.
Being unfair is like taking a detour away from fairness on the path to justice.

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Favoritism Quotes and Captions

“Parents are people, and we often have children with whom we can connect better – perhaps they have personalities more similar to ours, or interests more similar to ours.”

If you show favoritism, you sin and are condemned by the law as a criminal.

Typically, leaders show clear favoritism, often with no respect for the people they work with.

We learn from the Holy Scriptures that no favoritism is forbidden and, above all, it should never be done with children.

At home we often see that if there are two brothers and sisters, the youngest usually becomes the favorite of the parents.

Partiality towards one of the parents is annoying; because stroking risks looking stupid.

On the Path of Heaven there is no partiality of love; she is always on the side of a good person.

Being unfair is a roadblock to equality.

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“Excessive prejudice against one foreign country, excessive distaste for the radicals of the other, who see danger only from one side, and cover up and even indulge in the art of exerting influence on the other.”

True freedom is not limited to prejudice or preference for one over the other.

It is enough to provide a supreme judge, with the help of which the error and bias can be corrected.

Partiality can only exist in the area of ​​justice, where the persons concerned have certain requirements and rights.

Favoritism is the practice of giving one person unfair preferential treatment at the expense of another.

Today we can openly open the history of David’s “parents” administration and proudly point out each act, and call on the world to report one act tainted by injustice to the North or partiality to its own part.

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