36 Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi: Messages, Captions and Status

Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi

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36 Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi 

O farmer, you are the king.

Farmers and India are synonymous with each other.

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to. forget ourselves.

Non-violence and fearlessness are the basic traits of the nature of a farmer and Satyagraha is his basic right against exploitation and oppression.

The fact is that farmers and prajamandals have used satyagraha in their own as well as the state’s business.

‘A Farmer is the Real Landowner, Why Should he Fear the Government?’

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Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi

Farmers are primary- be they landless laborers or hard-working landowners.

Neglect of villages and forcibly pushing farmers towards urban factories by reducing them to mere laborers from owners, is an essential part of the modern development process. Gandhi Ji had realized this long ago:

I believe and I have repeated this a number of times that India resides not in its handful of cities but in its seven lakh villages. But we, Indians, feel that India resides in its cities and villages are built only to meet the needs of the cities. We have never bothered to think if those poor even get enough to feed or cover themselves.

The farmer who serves the earth is the real landowner, why should he fear the landlord or the government.

The path of the farmers is difficult, the struggle will go on for a long time.

Farming teaches us to care for the land as much as we do for ourselves.

Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi

Using a plow allows us to rely on ourselves and have enough to survive.

Planting crop seeds is the first step toward promoting peace.

To gain wisdom, we must first learn about the soil.

Nature teaches us a lot, and farming functions similarly to a school.

A farmer’s hard work is what gives a country strength.

Grow more than just crops; care for all living things.

Agriculture Quotes by Gandhi

A country’s true wealth lies in its good fields.

Consider the plow to be your sword and the seeds to be your allies in the battle for abundance.

Living in harmony with the land calms our hearts.

Observe how the seasons change to better understand life.

Farming requires patience; crops grow when they are ready.

Farmers care for the Earth and ensure its well-being.

Quotes abut Farmers

Plant the seeds of kindness, and you will reap abundant happiness.

Farmers are artists who create life on a canvas of soil.

Working on the land allows you to connect with the essence of creation.

Farming is more than just growing crops; it is also about establishing communities.

The smell of the earth is similar to the pleasant smell of success.

Find peace in the quiet fields, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Quotes abut Farmers

A farmer’s hard work transforms the earth into food.

Farming is simple and provides useful ideas for living well.

Use the plow to gain independence, and let the field give you freedom.

Nature speaks quietly in the calm of the farm.

A country has a strong connection to the land where crops grow.

Gandhi said, ‘Make the change.’ Change your farming practices for a greener, happier world.

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