51 Avoid Quotes In English: Steer Clear

In ‘Avoid Quotes In English,’ discover how to convey ideas directly, enhancing clarity and precision. Master the art of effective communication by sidestepping unnecessary quotations in your writing.

51 Avoid Quotes In English

“When we avoid something, we don’t have to do it. When we don’t do something, we still have to deal with the consequences of our inaction.”

  1. To keep your happiness bubble intact, stay out of trouble.

  2. Avoiding errors allows you to bake the perfect life cake.

  3. Avoid the negative, embrace the positive, and watch your life improve.

  4. Skip the drama and add more llama (joy) to your scene.

  5. Turn away from fear and allow courage to approach.

  6. Keep doubt at bay and allow confidence to grow.

  7. Stay away from laziness and open the door to greatness.

    Avoid Quotes in English

  8. Avoid haters by surrounding yourself with supporters.

Dodge Quotes and Captions

“What does the word avoid mean? It’s actually used in more ways than one, and can be used for both positive and negative purposes. Let’s take a look at some of the different meanings of avoid.”

  1. Avoiding procrastination leads to joy.

  2. If you avoid anger, you will find peace in your anchor.

  3. You will find true joy if you leave envy behind.

  4. Avoid negativity and embrace positivity with electricity.

  5. Walk away from sadness and invite joy to bring you joy.

  6. Allow your creativity to wink instead of overthinking.

  7. Avoid bullying by kindness in your schooling.

Dodge Quotes and Captions 

“Avoid is a word that everyone knows and hears on a daily basis. It’s used in so many different contexts, and there are so many different meanings that can be applied to it.”

  1. Avoid gossip by respecting your compass.

  2. Avoid the lie and let the truth shine.

  3. Step away from impatience and welcome peace with patience.

  4. Stay out of trouble, and your dreams will multiply.

  5. Avoid peer pressure by being your own treasure.

  6. Avoid talking about things you don’t understand.

  7. Avoid the temptation to talk yourself out of things.

Avoid Quotes In English

“Avoiding is a bad habit. You can’t avoid everything in life, but you can sure as hell try to avoid the things that are going to bring you down and keep you from achieving your goals.”

  1. Avoid the temptation to say I can’t. You can and you should.

  2. Avoid saying I can’t, because if you do, you’ll never be able to say I CAN!

  3. Avoid the things that can harm you.

  4. Avoid people who can hurt you.

  5. Avoid the things that keep you down.

  6. Avoid being alone because it makes you vulnerable to pain and hurt.

  7. Avoid saying yes to things that are harmful to your health or your well-being.

Avoid Quotes In English

“Avoiding something can be dangerous: If you avoid things that are important to your well-being, you may suffer negative consequences later on. But if you choose to not do those things, you’ll probably feel great about yourself and your life for making the right decision for yourself!”

  1. Avoid making decisions based on fear of failure or rejection.

  2. Avoiding something is different from not doing something. It’s a choice, and sometimes a difficult one to make.

  3. Give worry a pass, and watch success flip. – avoid quotes in English

  4. Avoid the temptation to make everything about you.

  5. Avoid is a word that we use to describe something that we don’t want to do. We can avoid something by simply not doing it.

  6. Avoid the past by making today a blast.

  7. When you hear someone say they’re avoiding something, it means they’re choosing not to do it.

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Avoid Quotes In English

“Avoiding something doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to make a plan or go out and do it; they might just choose not to do it at all. That’s probably why people like to use this phrase—it gives them an excuse if they don’t have any other reason for their decision.”

  1. Avoid doing what you’d regret, because once you’ve done it, you’ll regret not doing it.

  2. Avoiding is easy; it’s living that’s hard.

  3. I don’t want to be the person who avoids things because I’m afraid of them.

  4. The only way to avoid being hurt is to become invincible. – avoid quotes in English

  5. Avoid doing something because you will not like it. Instead do it because it is good for you and your future.

  6. Don’t avoid doing things that scare you, instead make them scary and succeed.

  7. Avoid the temptation to be at the center of your own universe.

  8. Avoid the urge to make a big deal out of little things.

  9. Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

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