53 Conscience Quotes, Status, Messages and Phrases

Join us on the expedition as I am presenting into a collection of Conscience Quotes, Captions, Words and Sayings. Join us in unraveling the complexities of the human mind and the moral compass that guides our actions. Read the collection and please feel free to share these quotes on social media platform and do tag us. We have attached a note in down below make sure you guys read it. Thanks and have a happy read.

53 Conscience Quotes and Captions

“Conscience is something we all have—it’s part of who we are as human beings. But sometimes its presence can be quiet or close to the surface, while at other times it might be faint and distant or completely silent.”

  1. The voice inside of us that whispers right from wrong and begs us to make wise decisions is our conscience.

  2. Conscience is like a mirror that reflects our actions, showing us the truth about ourselves.

  3. A clear conscience is a precious treasure that brings contentment and peace to our hearts.

  4. Listen to your conscience’s whispers; they contain the knowledge of your inner moral compass.

  5. The flame that blazes brightly within us and illuminates the road to righteousness is conscience.

  6. A guilty conscience forces us to make amends by weighing heavily on our shoulders.

  7. The voice in our heads that prompts us to uphold our moral standards is our conscience.

    conscience quotes

  8. The solutions to life’s moral conundrums can be found in the silence of one’s conscience.

Moral Sense Quotes and Captions

“Conscience is often a question of the heart. It is the voice saying, ‘What would I do if I were in your place?’ And when you listen to it, you know that it’s right.”

  1. The voice of conscience is the voice of justice and fairness, calling us to defend what is right.

  2. Honor your conscience because it is the voice that speaks up for the helpless and protects the vulnerable.

  3. Conscience is a faithful friend who leads us to empathy and compassion for others.

  4. Your conscience is your moral compass, constantly guiding you down the righteous path.

  5. Nurture your conscience like a delicate flower, for it blossoms with honesty and moral judgments.

  6. The armor that keeps us from giving in to the temptations of wrongdoing is a strong conscience.

  7. Conscience is the judge within us, passing judgment on our deeds and encouraging us to better ourselves.

  8. Let your conscience serve as the compass that guides you back to the principles that form the foundation of your character.

Moral Sense Quotes and Captions

“A conscience is one of the most important parts of our humanity. We need it to make decisions and act on them, but we also have to be careful with how much we use it—because when we abuse our consciences, they get angry with us and leave us feeling dirty and ashamed.”

  1. The subtle reminder that every decision we make has the potential to influence our future is provided by conscience.

  2. Conscience is a voice for the soul, telling us what we ought to think and what we ought to do.

  3. Conscience is the voice of God in your head.

  4. Conscience is a powerful thing. It can make you do things that aren’t right, but it also can make you do things that aren’t wrong.

  5. In every choice we make, our conscience reveals the true nature of who we are.

  6. Conscience is the voice of God in our head.

  7. When I have a conscience, it’s like having a secret. You don’t want to tell anyone else, but you know it’s there, and it’s kind of like having an itch you can’t scratch.

  8. It doesn’t hurt to ask yourself if you’re being too hard on yourself for your mistakes. Sometimes people can get so caught up in how much they want things to go their way that they forget about the fact that sometimes things just don’t work out exactly how we want them to. It’s all part of life!

Conscience Quotes and Captions

“A conscience is a little voice that says ‘something’s wrong with you.’ It’s just an inner monitor to keep you from doing things that are bad for you.”

  1. Conscience is that little voice at the back of your head that keeps telling you to do the right thing. The problem is, we don’t always listen.

  2. Conscience is a plant that grows from within, and it needs nourishment from good moral deeds.

  3. Conscience is but the voice of God within us.

  4. Conscience is the internal voice of a person, which inspires him to do what is right.

  5. Conscience is the inner voice that tells us we’re wrong.

  6. A conscience should be like a cat: its tail should always be in motion.

  7. The only thing that interferes with my writing is my conscience.

  8. Your conscience is your best friend.

Conscience Quotes and Captions

“Conscience is not a person or a place. It is not an institution, nor a belief system, nor even an idea. It is more like a feeling—an awareness of what’s right and wrong that can be felt in your heart as well as in your head.”

  1. Conscience is a voice from within, and it’s not an easy one to ignore.

  2. The first thing that conscience does is to make us aware of what we are doing. The second thing it does is to make us aware of the nature of our acts, and then it tells us how they affect other people.

  3. Let your conscience be your guide because it will point you in the right direction.

  4. Conscience is a voice of God within us, warning us of the consequences of our deeds.

  5. Conscience is a light that’s never switched off; it’s always on, and even when it’s low it never goes away.

  6. Conscience is a voice in the mind which says: I am conscious of an inner sense of approval or disapproval.

  7. Conscience is the secret power within us that whispers to us the truth.

  8. Conscience is the voice of God within us.

Also Read: Embracing Life’s Roller Coaster: 50 Ups and Downs Quotes

Conscience Quotes and Captions

“Conscience is the voice of God within us, telling us not only what is right, but also what is wrong. It tells us what is good and bad, and what we ought to do, as well as what we should avoid.”

  1. Conscience is the inner voice that tells us we are doing wrong.

  2. Conscience is a voice of the heart, which says: This is what I think; this is what I feel.

  3. Conscience does not become great by serving more than one master at a time, but by serving all mankind.

  4. Conscience is the only guide to life’s journey that makes us happier in the end.

  5. It’s not about what you do, it’s about who you are inside.

  6. The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

  7. Conscience is a gift from God. It urges us to do what is right and forbids us to do what is wrong.

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