Collection of 77 Dhoka Status and Quotes in English

Here is the collection of 77 Dhoka status and quotes in English in this article that you can share online on various social media platforms.

77 Dhoka status in English

If you’re looking for a good quote, you might be best off going to the source.

I’ve been cheated on. I don’t think I can trust anybody now.

The first step is admitting you have a problem

I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.

Life is a game of chance. You can either play by the rules, or you can cheat. But if you cheat, sometimes you have to pay the consequences.

Cheating is like a drug. You never want to stop.

I’m not sure cheating is the way to get ahead in life.

I’m not good at being alone. Sometimes I feel like there’s a wall in my heart, and it’s made of bricks. And every time I try to climb it, the wall falls down. – dhoka status in English

You’re not a cheater when you’re playing with yourself. You’re a cheater when you cheat on your partner.

Dhoka status in English

A cheater is a person who has to cheat in order to get what they want.

I’ve been cheated before, but I can tell you, it’s not like this.

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Dhoka Status in English

Sometimes the ones we trust the most can be the most hurtful.

Betrayal hurts, especially when it comes from someone you thought would never let you down.

It’s difficult when the person you love breaks your heart.

Trust is fragile; once destroyed, it’s difficult to repair.

Not everyone who smiles at you is sincere; some may be planning to deceive you.

Betrayal causes significant pain and requires time to heal.

acts speak louder than words, and some acts can be harmful.

Betrayal is like a sudden storm that causes devastation.

Loyalty is scarce, and it is often replaced by deception.

Dhoka Status in English

Promises should be kept, but betrayal occurs when words hold little meaning.

Trust is delicate; once destroyed, it is difficult to repair.

It’s sad when individuals you thought were friends betray you.

It’s extremely terrible when someone you love turns into a stranger.

It’s heartbreaking when someone you expected to have your back stabs you instead.

Betrayal is an unpleasant experience, especially when it comes from someone close to your heart.

The scars of betrayal may disappear, but the memories remain, reminding you of the suffering.

Don’t be surprised if the person you rely on the most makes you cry.

Dhoka Status in English

Trust is a two-way street; betrayal is a dead end.

Broken promises result in destroyed trust, which is the bitter reality of betrayal.

The deeper the trust, the more difficult the fall when betrayed.

Betrayal is like poison; it penetrates into the soul and leaves a permanent mark.

When someone you love betrays you, it seems as if they have stolen a piece of your soul.

Trust is earned, yet betrayal can occur swiftly.

The anguish of betrayal is like a slow-burning fire, leaving only ashes of broken trust.

Betrayal teaches us valuable insights about people.

The most difficult aspect of betrayal is dealing with the broken trust that results from it.

Dhoka Status in English

When loyalty leads to betrayal, the sorrow is difficult to express.

Broken trust is like a shattered mirror; the pieces cannot be reassembled the same way.

Trust is a delicate flower that, once crushed, withers away.

Betrayal is a brutal reminder that not everyone has your best interests in mind.

The echoes of treachery linger in the silence of unfulfilled promises.

It stings when the person you trust the most betrays you without apologies.

Betrayal is like a heavy cloud that casts a pall over the best relationships.

The wounds of betrayal may heal, but the scars remain a continual reminder of the suffering.

Trust is like a mirror; once cracked, the cracks stay, distorting the image of what was.

Cheating quotes and captions

I don’t want to be the woman who is going to take away your dreams. I just want to be the woman who will make them come true.

I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m just saying that I’ve never been caught.

If you want to catch a cheater, cheat on him.

You can’t cheat an honest man.

I’m not the kind of person who cheats on their spouse. I mean, I’ll go out in public and pay for my own drinks, but I wouldn’t do it behind their back. – dhoka status in English

If you have to cheat, make sure it’s worth it.

It’s not cheating if you’re doing the same thing you always do.

If you don’t cheat, then what’s the point of playing?

Cheating is like having a friend who is just a little bit taller than you. You can tell them everything, but they still know more about your life than you do. – dhoka status in English

Cheat on me and I’ll cheat on you!

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Cheat quotes and captions

Never cheat on your spouse. It’s not just dishonest, it’s also a terrible idea.

Cheating is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don’t get to see the finished picture until it’s all put together.

Cheaters should be able to find someone who will cheat on them. – dhoka status in English

Cheating is like a chain link fence. It seems strong, but there are always gaps in it.

When a man cheats, he doesn’t just break his own heart; he breaks the hearts of everyone he has ever loved.

I don’t want to cheat, I just want the thrill.

Cheating is not wrong. It’s just a way of getting what you want. – dhoka status in English

The only thing worse than being cheated on is being in love with someone who cheats.

Cheating is like a drug; once it’s in your system, it’s hard to quit.

You don’t need a reason to cheat. You just need an excuse.

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Dhoka status in English

Cheating is like a drug. Once you get used to it, it’s hard to give it up.

Don’t cheat, because cheating is as easy as falling off a log. The only thing that makes you fail is not having the guts to try!

Cheating is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Cheating is like a drug. You just can’t stop.

Cheat on your boyfriend, not on your husband.

If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

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You can never cheat an honest man. – dhoka status in English

If you’re looking for a wise man, I’m not him.

If only we could all be so lucky.

I don’t think I’ve ever done anything in my life that was as bad as stealing money from my mother.

The best way to escape an argument is to agree with the other person.

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1 thought on “Collection of 77 Dhoka Status and Quotes in English”

  1. Everyone Is Cheater nowadays, So that’s why i take distance from everyone. Thanks for sharing us with these Quotes. These help me to decide that we should live alone.

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