Heart breaks can be one of the most difficult things to deal with in life. Whether you have been hurt by a loved one or by a stranger, it can feel like your whole world has come crashing down around you. We understand that feeling. That’s why we’re here to help you express your pain in the best way possible—with Hurt status in English! We’ve gathered some of our favorite Hurt quotes and captions, so that when you need a boost, we’ve got it covered.
47 Hurt status in English
Hurt yourself to hurt me.
Hurt me and I’ll never forgive you.
Hurt me and I’ll always remember you.
I’m always hurt when you don’t tell me you love me. I know it’s just a habit, but it still hurts.
Why can’t we just be friends? I don’t want to be just friends. I want to be more than that!
When you’re sad, I feel like I’m the first thing that comes to mind. And when you’re happy, then I feel like its all about ME. – hurt status in English
I’m sure you know that I love you.
They say time heals all wounds, but the truth is that it just makes them fester.
When you’re in love, two people can look at the exact same thing and see something completely different.
You may choose to be without me, but I’ll never be without you.
Hurting quotes and captions
You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
I am hurt by the way you treat me.
You are hurting me more than you can even know.
I am hurt by the fact that you don’t love me anymore.
I am hurt by the fact that you don’t love me.
I am hurt because you don’t treat me right. – hurt status in English
You are hurting me more than you could ever know
It’s not the things you do, it’s how you do them.
Sometimes you don’t know what to say and sometimes you shouldn’t say anything at all.
Hurt status in English
If you want to hurt someone, tell them they are wrong. Tell them they are an idiot. Tell them they don’t know what they’re talking about.
If you want to hurt someone, tell them that their ideas don’t make sense and that their arguments are weak.
If you want to hurt someone, tell them that you don’t agree with their goals and that your ideas are better than theirs. But if you want to hurt someone, tell them something nice first! It’s so much nicer when people get along!
I am hurt by the way you talk to me. I am hurt by the way you treat me. I am hurt by the way you don’t treat me like you used to. I am hurt by the fact that we used to be friends and now we’re not. – hurt status in English
I am hurt by the fact that you do not think that I am worthy of this love.
I’m not hurting you. I’m just the one who’s going to die.
If you’re going to hurt me, I have one thing to say: I’ll never be the same.
I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to let you go. I just can’t do this anymore.
You know what, I think it’s time we both move on. This can’t work.
The heart is a muscle. It can be strengthened by exercise.
I am hurt quotes and captions
A broken heart is a battle that you can’t win. Don’t give up, just keep fighting!
If you love something, let it go. If it doesn’t come back to you, it never was yours to begin with.
You thought that the pain of your broken heart would be easier to bear than the pain of your broken dreams. But sometimes, pain is just pain and not even worth bearing.
Love hurts, but love is also what makes life worth living.
I love you, but I need my freedom.
I can’t be with you. It’s not fair to either of us. – hurt status in English
I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to do this for myself.
What you’re feeling is normal. It’s called grief.
A heart that has truly been broken is a heart that no longer wants anything to do with love.
Also Read: Best 33 Never hurt anyone quotes and captions
Hurt status in English
When you’re in love with someone, you don’t know what to do with yourself.
Love is like a butterfly, beautiful to look at but dangerous when it stings you.
Love is like a mirror: if it doesn’t make you cry then it’s not real.
When you’re in love with someone, your heart is open to them. They can see what’s in your soul, and they can get close enough to touch it. You can’t help but give them everything you have. But then they leave you, or they cheat on you with another person they met online, or they die… and suddenly the door shuts behind them and you’re left standing in a room all by yourself, looking at the walls, wondering how many times that same door has shut on all of us… – hurt status in English
If you love me, let me go.
When I say goodbye, it’s forever.
Once you love someone, you can’t help but love them forever.
You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, be sure to get what you need.
I’m not afraid of dying. I’ve had a good long life.
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