70 E Waste Slogans for Students and Poster Activity

E Waste Slogans

Read the collection of E Waste Slogans in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 E Waste Slogans

  1. Avoid waste, recycle electronics!
  2. Electronic waste is toxic, let’s act quickly!
  3. Don’t throw away, recycle your gadgets!
  4. The planet is crying with electronic waste, let’s change that!
  5. Let’s reduce waste, reuse electronic devices!
  6. Used electronics? Recycle it, save the Earth!
  7. Let’s protect our planet, recycle our electronic waste!
  8. Think green, recycle your electronic devices!
  9. A world without electronic waste is possible!
  10. The Earth deserves better, recycle your old gadgets!

Slogans on Electronic Wastage

  1. Together for a future without electronic waste!
  2. Let’s act now, recycle our electronic waste!
  3. Circuits in the trash? No, recycle them!
  4. Don’t be overwhelmed, recycle your obsolete technology!
  5. Eco-citizens, let’s recycle our electronic waste!
  6. Let’s give a second life to our devices, let’s recycle them!
  7. Nature thanks you when you recycle electronics!
  8. Avoid electronic waste, embrace recycling!
  9. Electronic waste doesn’t disappear, recycle it!
  10. Electro-recycling, for a world without electronic pollution!

Slogans on Electronic Wastage 

  1. Our electronic waste, our responsibility!
  2. Save the environment, recycle gadgets!
  3. Be smart, recycle your smart devices!
  4. Well-managed electronic waste for a healthy planet!
  5. Goodbye electronic waste, hello smart recycling!
  6. Recycle electronics, take a step towards the sustainable future!
  7. Change your perspective, recycle your old equipment!
  8. No electronic waste in nature, let’s recycle it!
  9. Electronic recycling is cool and eco-friendly!
  10. Give your gadgets a second chance, recycle them!

E Waste Slogans

  1. E-waste is not futuristic, recycling is!
  2. Recycled electronics, preserved future!
  3. For a clean planet, recycle your electronic waste!
  4. Think before you throw away, recycle your devices!
  5. Electronic waste pollutes, recycling saves!
  6. Eliminate electronic waste, embrace recycling!
  7. Nature applauds when you recycle your gadgets!
  8. Together, let’s fight electronic pollution through recycling!
  9. Recycle intelligently, let’s protect our environment!
  10. Embrace electronic recycling, be a green hero!

E Waste Slogans

  1. Well-managed electronic waste, a healthy planet!
  2. Recycle your cables, go eco-friendly!
  3. Changing the world starts with recycling your electronic waste!
  4. Recycling means preserving our planet for future generations!
  5. Electronic recycling, a small action, a big impact!
  6. Electronic waste is a challenge, recycling is the solution!
  7. Eco-warrior, recycle your electronic weapons!
  8. Recycle your pixels, not the planet!
  9. Used electronics? Recycle it, don’t throw it away!
  10. Embrace recycling, say goodbye to electronic waste!

E Waste Slogans

  1. Reduce, reuse, recycle your electronic gadgets!
  2. Together, let’s eradicate electronic waste through recycling!
  3. Recycle smart, live sustainably!
  4. E-waste is not futuristic, recycling is!
  5. Recycle your bits and bytes, not the Earth!
  6. Preserve the balance, recycle your electronic waste!
  7. Don’t let the planet suffocate, recycle electronics!
  8. Be a green hero, recycle your e-waste!
  9. Recycled electronics, preserved future!
  10. Recycle your cables, go eco-friendly!

E Waste Slogans

  1. Changing the world starts with recycling your electronic waste!
  2. Recycling means preserving our planet for future generations!
  3. Electronic recycling, a small action, a big impact!
  4. Electronic waste is a challenge, recycling is the solution!
  5. Eco-warrior, recycle your electronic weapons!
  6. Recycle your pixels, not the planet! – e waste slogans
  7. Used electronics? Recycle it, don’t throw it away!
  8. Embrace recycling, say goodbye to electronic waste!
  9. Reduce, reuse, recycle your electronic gadgets!
  10. Together, let’s eradicate electronic waste through recycling!

Also Read: 70 Slogans on Soil Pollution for Students and Poster Activity

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