70 Fathers Day Slogans for Students and Poster Activity

Fathers Day Slogans

Read the collection of Fathers Day Slogans in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 Fathers Day Slogans

  1. Dad, you are my hero every day!
  2. My father, my guide, my friend.
  3. Happy Father’s Day to the one who matters most!
  4. With you, every day is an adventure.
  5. Thank you dad for your unconditional love.
  6. Dad, you are the best part of my life.
  7. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world!
  8. A wonderful father, a precious friend.
  9. Dad, you make every day special.
  10. A father’s love is an everlasting treasure.

Slogans for Papa 

  1. Thanks for all the laughs shared, Dad.
  2. Dad, you are my daily inspiration.
  3. Father’s Day is every day with you.
  4. Thanks for all the life lessons, Dad.
  5. To my extraordinary father, happy birthday!
  6. My dad, my hero!
  7. Dad, you are the best!
  8. Happy Father’s Day!
  9. Dad, you are my role model.
  10. Thanks dad for everything!

Slogans for Papa

  1. With Dad, every day is special.
  2. Dad, you are my superhero.
  3. Happy Father’s Day to my awesome dad!
  4. My dad, my king.
  5. Dad, you are my rock.
  6. Thank you for your infinite love, dad.
  7. To my awesome dad, happy birthday!
  8. Dad, you are amazing!
  9. Life is better with you, dad.
  10. Thanks for always being there, Dad.

Fathers Day Slogans

  1. Dad, you are my best friend.
  2. Magical Father’s Day with Dad!
  3. My dad, my pride.
  4. Dad, you are the light of my life.
  5. Happy birthday, great dad!
  6. Dad, you are my sunshine.
  7. Thanks for all the hugs, Dad.
  8. Dad, you are my champion.
  9. Father’s Day full of love!
  10. Dad, you are my inspiration.

Fathers Day Slogans

  1. To you, extraordinary dad!
  2. Thanks for your support, Dad.
  3. Dad, you are priceless.
  4. Brilliant Father’s Day with you!
  5. My dad, my compass.
  6. Dad, you are my ray of happiness.
  7. Thanks for the laughs, Dad.
  8. Dad, you are my beacon.
  9. Father’s Day filled with joy!
  10. Dad, you are irreplaceable.

Fathers Day Slogans

  1. Thanks for all the adventures, Dad.
  2. To my beloved dad, happy birthday!
  3. Dad, you are my treasure.
  4. Father’s Day full of smiles!
  5. Dad, you are my pillar.
  6. Thank you for your unconditional love, Dad.
  7. Dad, you are my great friend.
  8. Father’s Day with you is great!
  9. My dad, my source of inspiration.
  10. Thanks for all the advice, Dad.

Fathers Day Slogans

  1. Dad, you are my best teacher.
  2. Father’s Day full of hugs!
  3. Dad, you are my rock.
  4. Thanks for the special times, Dad.
  5. Dad, you are my star. – fathers day slogans
  6. Father’s Day full of tenderness!
  7. To my fantastic dad, happy birthday!
  8. Dad, you are my precious inheritance.
  9. Thank you for your infinite love, dad.
  10. Dad, you are my world.

Also Read: 70 Slogans on Equality: For Students and Poster

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