Intention quotes and captions are a great way to convey your message in a professional, persuasive tone. If you’re writing an email or a blog post, you can use these quotes to make sure your audience understands the importance of your message. Intention quotes can also be used in social media posts. They’re especially good for Instagram captions, as they’re often short and sweet.
36 Intention quotes and captions
“I pray that God will help you to live by every word of His holy Word. This is a great and important responsibility, which we must all take seriously.”
Intention is what you want to do, not what you don’t want to do.
Intentions are more important than actions.
Intentions are the seeds of motivation. – intention quotes
The most important thing in life is having a big enough pond to be able to see the little fish that you’ve caught.
If you don’t have a purpose, you’re not going to have a life. If you don’t have a life, you’ll never be happy.
I’m not a perfect person, and I never will be. But that’s okay. Because I know who I am, and I know what I can do. And that’s enough.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Intent quotes and captions
“Many of us are searching for meaning. We want to know why we’re here and what the point of it all is. Would say that’s okay. Because you don’t need to know why you’re here to be happy. You just have to be in this moment and feel the loving energy coming from all directions.”
Death is a part of life. It’s the part that makes life precious.
And maybe that way, you’ll discover what you’re looking for on your own—and maybe even find a little peace along the way!
Intention is like a compass that guides us on our journey; without it, we are likely to lose our way. – intention quotes
Intention is the key to all success. If you have a good intention, nothing can stop you from succeeding.
I have a dream. I have a dream that one day, all human beings will be able to enjoy life to the fullest.
I have a dream that one day, all people will be able to access the same opportunities, regardless of their race or gender.
I have a dream that one day, all people will be treated equally in society and not judged for who they are or what they look like.
I have a dream that one day, there will be no more discrimination against anyone for any reason.
Intention quotes and captions
“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
I am a leaf on the wind, I am a ray of the sun, I am an idea in your mind.
You can’t reach the stars until you leave the comfort zone.
Our intentions shape our actions, and our actions shape our future.
Intention is like a blueprint that guides us in creating the life we want. – intention quotes
Intention is like a seed that we plant for our future; we must choose our intentions carefully.
Our dreams require intention as a starting point; it is what motivates us to reach our goals.
Intention determines the direction we take in life and the destination we reach.
The power of intention lies not in just having the thought, but in the action that follows.
Also Read: Gratitude & Appreciation: Lessons from Granted Quotes
Intention quotes and captions
“The man who is satisfied with any old way of doing things will find himself without a plan and without much time to carry it out.”
Intention without action is like a bird without wings; it may desire to fly, but it will never take flight.
Our intentions reveal our character and values; they are the foundation upon which we build our lives.
The intention behind our actions is what gives them purpose and significance. – intention quotes
Intention is the bridge that connects our thoughts to reality; it is what makes our dreams come true.
Our intentions reflect our deepest desires and the level of commitment we have towards achieving them.
The power of intention lies in its consistency; small intentional actions can lead to significant progress.
Intention is the essence of mindfulness; it is the practice of being present and purposeful in everything we do.
Our intentions are the currency of our soul; they are the measure of our true worth. – intention quotes
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