Eternal Words of Affection: Never Ending Love Quotes and Captions

Love is a feeling that transcends time, and when expressed through words, it can become eternal. These never ending love quotes evoke emotions that last a lifetime and remind us of the everlasting power of love.

49 Never ending love quotes and captions

“Love is not a decision; it’s an automatic reaction to the right person, at the right time and in the right place.”

Love isn’t something you go looking for; it finds you and stays with you forever.

True love endures distance, time, and circumstances.

Love is beautiful, and like the stars, it shines eternally. – never ending love quotes

Love illuminates our lives and gets brighter with every moment we share.

Love is an ongoing journey that never truly ends.

Nothing can break the bond of two souls in love.

The depth of love is boundless, like an endless ocean.

Never ending love quotes and captions

Love never fades, but grows stronger with each passing day.

Love is a state of being that lasts a lifetime, not just a fleeting feeling.

Infinite love quotes and captions

“In the beginning a flame, it becomes auditioned heat, it enkindles the air around it; Then it is a fiercer fire, a wilder flame.”

The greatest gift one can give is an endless supply of love.

True love is about accepting someone perfectly imperfect. – never ending love quotes

Love is not just about the good times, but about being there for each other in tough times too.

Two hearts beating as one create a symphony that echoes throughout eternity.

Love has the power to overcome any obstacle and transcend boundaries.

Love is a journey without a destination; it’s an endless adventure.

Finding true love is like finding your way home after a long journey.

Love is not what you say, but what you do.

Infinite love quotes and captions

“Love is a burning desire. It is a fire that burns through and through your entire being. It consumes you in its own way, but leaves you feeling full and satisfied.”

The most important thing is to appreciate the person who loves you, even if they’re not perfect.

Love is a game of hide and seek, but with no rules.

Love is like a butterfly: it must be captured in order to be protected.

How do you keep loving someone when they keep hurting you?

You don’t. You never stop loving them. – never ending love quotes

The heart is a little universe of its own. And it’s filled with the most extraordinary things.

I love you because you’re my sister, my best friend, and a beautiful woman.

The more we learn to see each other, the more we understand. The more we understand, the more we love.

Love is a constant in a world of change.

Never ending love quotes and captions

“You’re the light in my life, the one who keeps me going. You are always there for me and you make me believe that anything is possible if you love someone. You are my inspiration, my motivation, my strength and you have given me the most precious gift of all, your love. I am forever grateful for that because there will never be another like you.”

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, not how to get it.

The heart doesn’t know the meaning of loneliness and it’s never satisfied with just one love.

Love as powerful as death, sudden as the wave when it breaks.

Love is a choice, not a feeling.

Love is an emotion of a beautiful person for the beautiful person.

Love is friendship set on fire. – never ending love quotes

A heart that has truly found love never forgets it, but finds every excuse for its absence.

The true measure of a man is what he would do for others when no one is watching.

Love is an ever burning flame that cannot be extinguished.

Also Read: Love in a different light: Quotes against love

Never ending love quotes and captions

“I love you because you are my best friend, the one I can tell everything to. The one who knows me better than anyone else, and still loves me unconditionally.”

A heart that has truly known love can never forget it.

The most important thing is to love. If you don’t love yourself and the world, how can you expect anyone else to?

The only way out of a problem is through it. The further you get from your problems, the larger they seem.

Love has no age, no limits and no frontiers. – never ending love quotes

Love is like a song that never ends playing in your heart forever and ever.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.

Love is a game of give and take. If you want to win, you must serve.

Love is like pi: when you love someone, it’s a circle. – never ending love quotes

Love is like a beautiful rose. The more you give, the more you get.

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