Street quotes are a great way to add a little humor to your social media posts. Street quotes and captions are a great way to add a little humor to your writing. They can be used in all sorts of ways, from making fun of your friends to paying tribute to someone who’s passed away.
34 Quotes and captions about Street
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones treat you with sincerity.”
I’ve got a lot of friends, but I don’t know any of them.
This is the best day ever!
Why do you have a dog? Because I love dogs. – street quotes
If you can’t do something right, then do it again.
Don’t take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
The best way to cheer up is to get a dog. You see those dogs trotting along and looking so happy. That’s what I want.
Empty streets are a metaphor for the emptiness of our lives.
Empty streets are the perfect place to take a walk.
Quotes and captions about Street
“It’s true that the world is full of people who are lost, but it’s also full of those who are on their way to finding themselves.”
Empty streets are like a blank canvas, and nothing can stop you from painting your own masterpiece.
You can’t get to a better place if you don’t know where you are going.
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
A friend is someone who knows you and still loves you. – street quotes
A friend is someone who knows you, loves you, and still remembers what you said last.
All good things come to those who wait.
Always keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
Quotes and captions about Street
“Our lives are made up of moments like this one and many more like them, which add up to make up our lives and make us who we are. Sometimes they build up into a big picture with lots of details and sometimes they just pass by unnoticed because they’re too small.”
As the old saying goes: You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Death is not a terminal illness: it’s traveling without your passport! – street quotes
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
You can’t change the world. The world changes you.
Empty streets are not the work of modern civilization, they are the work of our minds.
Empty streets are always a sign of something to come. – street quotes
When we feel empty, we are trying to fill ourselves with something that isn’t there, so we can feel whole again.
A street artist is a person who paints in public spaces. The term has been used since the late 1960s, when graffiti began to be seen on walls and trains.
Also Read: 19 Village quotes and captions for Instagram
Road quotes and captions
“Street art is a form of street culture that emerged as a reaction against the commercialization of urban space after World War II. Street artists have been primarily associated with graffiti, but other forms have also been employed: stenciling, sculpture, photography, video production, performance art and other media.”
Street art can be a great way to express yourself, or just to add some cool visuals to your wall.
I found a huge empty space in the middle of the street, so I filled it up with this.
When you’re done with your life, paint over it.
It’s not the destination that matters, but the journey.
You can’t just draw anywhere. – street quotes
I think it’s about creating something that’s bigger than yourself.
Street art is just a way of life.
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