70 Slogan on Save Yamuna River: Guardians of Flow

Slogan on save Yamuna River

Delve into a collection of compelling collection of slogan that echo the urgent need to save the lifeblood of Delhi, the Yamuna River. Explore concise and impactful expressions advocating environmental stewardship.

70 Slogan On Save Yamuna River

  1. Yamuna’s plea: Save me, set me free!
  2. Clean Yamuna, Green Yamuna – our responsibility, our mantra.
  3. Yamuna’s flow, our duty to protect and grow.
  4. Yamuna’s fate in our hands, let’s make responsible stands.
  5. Protect Yamuna, preserve tomorrow.
  6. Yamuna’s call, answer it for the sake of all.
  7. Yamuna’s grace, let’s embrace and not erase.
  8. Yamuna’s health, our collective wealth.
  9. Save Yamuna, secure the future arena.
  10. Yamuna’s charm, in our hands to disarm.

Slogans to Preserve Yamuna 

  1. Clean Yamuna, a duty we can’t prune-a.
  2. Guard Yamuna, it’s our shared nirvana.
  3. Yamuna’s purity, our shared responsibility.
  4. For Yamuna’s sake, let’s not forsake.
  5. Yamuna’s cheer, keep it crystal clear.
  6. Yamuna’s gleam, not just a dream.
  7. Save Yamuna, let’s make it a genuine fauna.
  8. Yamuna’s spark, let’s leave a positive mark.
  9. Yamuna’s pride, in our hands to guide.
  10. Clean Yamuna, a responsibility to convene-a.

Slogans to Preserve Yamuna

  1. Yamuna’s song, let’s help it prolong.
  2. Save Yamuna, an eco-friendly laguna.
  3. Yamuna’s health, not just about personal wealth.
  4. Yamuna’s plea, save me and let me be.
  5. Protect Yamuna, it’s a pledge we commune-a.
  6. Yamuna’s might, let’s keep it in sight.
  7. Clean Yamuna, a gift to fauna.
  8. Yamuna’s flow, our love to bestow.
  9. Yamuna’s grace, let’s embrace and not debase.
  10. Save Yamuna, for a greener fauna.

Slogan On Save Yamuna River

  1. Yamuna’s gleam, not just a dream.
  2. Yamuna’s cheer, let’s make it crystal clear.
  3. Clean Yamuna, a promise to convene-a.
  4. Yamuna’s song, let’s help it prolong.
  5. Yamuna’s pride, in our hands to guide.
  6. Save Yamuna, an eco-friendly laguna.
  7. Yamuna’s plea, save me and let me be.
  8. Protect Yamuna, it’s a pledge we commune-a.
  9. Yamuna’s might, let’s keep it in sight.
  10. Clean Yamuna, a gift to fauna.

Slogan On Save Yamuna River

  1. Yamuna’s flow, our love to bestow.
  2. Yamuna’s grace, let’s embrace and not debase.
  3. Save Yamuna, for a greener fauna.
  4. Yamuna’s plea, let’s set it free.
  5. Yamuna’s fate, in our hands to regulate.
  6. Clean Yamuna, a duty not to prune-a.
  7. Guard Yamuna, for a sustainable nirvana.
  8. Yamuna’s purity, our shared responsibility.
  9. For Yamuna’s sake, let’s not forsake.
  10. Yamuna’s cheer, keep it crystal clear.

Slogan On Save Yamuna River

  1. Save Yamuna, secure the future arena.
  2. Yamuna’s charm, in our hands to disarm.
  3. Yamuna’s health, our collective wealth.
  4. Clean Yamuna, Green Yamuna – our responsibility, our mantra.
  5. Yamuna’s flow, our duty to protect and grow.
  6. Yamuna’s fate in our hands, let’s make responsible stands.
  7. Protect Yamuna, preserve tomorrow. – slogan on save Yamuna river
  8. Yamuna’s call, answer it for the sake of all.
  9. Yamuna’s grace, let’s embrace and not erase.
  10. Yamuna’s health, our collective wealth.

Slogan On Save Yamuna River

  1. Save Yamuna, secure the future arena.
  2. Yamuna’s charm, in our hands to disarm.
  3. Clean Yamuna, a duty we can’t prune-a.
  4. Guard Yamuna, it’s our shared nirvana.
  5. Yamuna’s purity, our shared responsibility.
  6. For Yamuna’s sake, let’s not forsake.
  7. Yamuna’s cheer, keep it crystal clear.
  8. Yamuna’s gleam, not just a dream. – slogan on save Yamuna river
  9. Save Yamuna, let’s make it a genuine fauna.
  10. Yamuna’s spark, let’s leave a positive mark.

Also Read: Essence of Gujarati Matrubhasha: Slogans that Speak Volumes

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