80 Slogan On Flood: For Students, Activists and Competition

Slogan On Flood

Read the collection of Slogan on Flood in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for posters and activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

80 Slogan On Flood

  1. Stop the Flood, and put an end to the suffering!
  2. Floods are bad; let us enrage them!
  3. Keep it clean, and the floods will go unnoticed.
  4. There was no flooding, so everything was fine!
  5. Rivers should flow rather than overflow!
  6. Keep water in its proper place!
  7. Be a flood friend, let’s put an end to it!
  8. Keep the rivers flowing freely for you and me.
  9. Water in place, everyone smile!
  10. Floods are no fun, so let’s get to work!

Slogans on Floods 

  1. Floods are not the norm when it rains!
  2. Protect the land by assisting floods.
  3. Be wise and avoid the rise!
  4. Floods are a disaster; let’s get to work cleaning up!
  5. Everything will be fine as long as there is water in its line!
  6. No need to be concerned about flooding; simply wipe away your tears!
  7. Rivers are calm, causing floods to freeze.
  8. Don’t be blind, floods can help us unwind.
  9. We can beat the rains, but not the floods!
  10. Let there be no more flood strife; let us live a happy life!

Slogans on Floods

  1. Keep it slow and let the flood pass!
  2. Let’s avoid the floods and do it right!
  3. Floods are cunning; keep them at bay!
  4. Rivers are in tune, and there will be no flooding by noon!
  5. Water’s role is clear, but we shouldn’t celebrate floods.
  6. Avoid the worst flood by not allowing it to burst!
  7. Make it your personal flood-free zone!
  8. Floods are unpleasant; keep them away from your street!
  9. No more surprises from floods!
  10. Keep the rivers at bay and the floods at bay!

Slogan On Flood

  1. Floods are enemies; let the river run!
  2. Water is a friend, and floods can be repaired!
  3. Let the rivers flow without fear of flooding!
  4. Make way for a flood-free day!
  5. Floods recede when precautions are taken!
  6. No flood fear, when the coast is clear!
  7. Keep it low, make the floods go!
  8. Floods aren’t cool, follow the safety rule!
  9. Rivers in check, no flood wreck!
  10. Stop and think, no flood brink!

Slogan On Flood

  1. Floods are rude, let’s change the mood!
  2. Rivers in line, everything will be fine!
  3. No flood trouble, make your safety double!
  4. Be flood-smart, it’s a good start!
  5. Floods retreat when safety’s on repeat!
  6. Rivers are friends, floods we can transcend!
  7. No flood uproar, let’s settle the score!
  8. Flood-free is the key, for you and me!
  9. Be flood-aware, handle with care!
  10. Rivers in sync, no floods, just a wink!

Slogan On Flood

  1. Floods aren’t grand, protect your land!
  2. No flood despair, show that you care!
  3. Flood-free dream, team up, it’s a scheme!
  4. Rivers controlled, happiness unfolds!
  5. Floods out of sight, everything’s right!
  6. No flood sorrow, plan for tomorrow!
  7. Be flood-keen, keep your area clean!
  8. Rivers respected, floods rejected!
  9. Flood-free cheer, make it loud and clear!
  10. No flood pain, let’s break the chain!

Slogan On Flood

  1. Floods beware, we’re a prepared pair!
  2. Rivers at peace, let the floods cease!
  3. Flood-free delight, day and night!
  4. No flood shock, just rock-solid block!
  5. Be flood-wise, open your eyes!
  6. Rivers serene, keep the floods unseen!
  7. Floods on hold, happiness unfolds!
  8. No flood fright, sleep tight!
  9. Floods are sly, keep them high and dry!
  10. Rivers in tune, no flood monsoon!

Slogan On Flood

  1. Floods are sly, let them pass by!
  2. No flood mess, just happiness!
  3. Floods are rough, be flood-tough!
  4. Rivers in stride, no flood to hide!
  5. Floods won’t hover, with safety power!
  6. No flood strife, make it a flood-free life!
  7. Be flood-clever, now and forever!
  8. Rivers in line, no flood sign! – slogan on flood
  9. Floods are a pain, keep them off the terrain!
  10. No flood chase, let’s embrace a flood-free space!

Also Read: 70 Slogan On Eco Friendly Diwali: Celebrate Green

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