Slogans and Quotes On Land Pollution: For Students, and Poster

Slogans and Quotes On Land Pollution

Read the collection of Slogans and Quotes On Land Pollution in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 Slogans On Land Pollution

  1. Keep the land clean, don’t be mean!
  2. Trash in the land? That’s not grand!
  3. Land is our friend, let’s not make it bend.
  4. Don’t be a litterbug, give the land a hug!
  5. Land pollution is not cool, let’s break that rule.
  6. Trash on the ground, pick it up all around!
  7. Land is a treasure, keep it pure, not under pressure.
  8. No garbage spree, keep the land debris-free!
  9. Trash and waste, let’s not make it a taste.
  10. Land pollution is a foe, let’s make it go!

Save Earth Slogans 

  1. Clean land, happy land, let’s lend a helping hand.
  2. Garbage on the street? That’s not neat!
  3. Land pollution is a mess, let’s clean up, no less!
  4. Protect the land, lend a helping hand.
  5. Trash on the soil? That’s not royal!
  6. Land pollution is a crime, let’s stop it in time.
  7. Don’t be a slob, keep the land a clean job.
  8. Trash belongs in the bin, not on the land we’re in.
  9. Land pollution is a blight, let’s make it right.
  10. Keep the land pristine, it’s a sight to be seen.

Save Earth Slogans

  1. Garbage on the earth, that’s not its worth!
  2. Land pollution is not a jest, let’s give the earth a rest.
  3. Don’t be a polluter, be a land salute-er!
  4. Trash in the park? That’s not a spark!
  5. Land pollution is not a quest, let’s give the earth its best.
  6. Keep the land free, from pollution, let it be.
  7. Trash on the shore? Let’s clean up more!
  8. Land is not a bin, don’t throw your waste in.
  9. Land pollution is a shame, let’s not play that game.
  10. Don’t be a litter fool, keep the land cool!

Slogans On Land Pollution

  1. Trash on the ground? Let’s turn that around!
  2. Land pollution is a fuss, let’s clean up and discuss.
  3. Keep the land green, it’s a beautiful scene.
  4. Garbage on the street? That’s not sweet!
  5. Land pollution is not a jest, keep the earth at its best.
  6. Trash on the track? Let’s clean up, don’t look back!
  7. Don’t be a litterbug, give the land a hug!
  8. Land is a gift, let’s not let it drift.
  9. Trash in the air? That’s not fair!
  10. Land pollution is a plight, let’s make it right.

Slogans On Land Pollution

  1. Keep the land clean, don’t be mean!
  2. Trash on the ground, let’s turn it around.
  3. Land is our home, let’s not let it roam.
  4. Don’t be a slob, keep the land a clean job.
  5. Garbage on the street? That’s not neat!
  6. Land pollution is not cool, let’s break that rule.
  7. Trash in the park? That’s not a spark!
  8. Land is a treasure, keep it pure, not under pressure.
  9. Keep the land free, from pollution, let it be.
  10. Trash belongs in the bin, not on the land we’re in.

Slogans On Land Pollution

  1. Land pollution is a crime, let’s stop it in time.
  2. Don’t be a litter fool, keep the land cool!
  3. Garbage on the earth, that’s not its worth!
  4. Land pollution is a blight, let’s make it right.
  5. Trash on the shore? Let’s clean up more!
  6. Land is not a bin, don’t throw your waste in.
  7. Keep the land green, it’s a beautiful scene.
  8. Trash on the track? Let’s clean up, don’t look back!
  9. Land pollution is a fuss, let’s clean up and discuss.
  10. Trash on the ground? Let’s turn that around!

Slogans On Land Pollution

  1. Don’t be a polluter, be a land salute-er!
  2. Land pollution is not a quest, let’s give the earth its best.
  3. Keep the land pristine, it’s a sight to be seen.
  4. Garbage on the street? That’s not sweet!
  5. Land pollution is not a jest, keep the earth at its best.
  6. Trash in the air? That’s not fair! – slogans on land pollution
  7. Don’t be a litterbug, give the land a hug!
  8. Land is not a bin, don’t throw your waste in.
  9. Trash on the shore? Let’s clean up more!
  10. Land pollution is a shame, let’s not play that game.

Also Read: Beat Plastic Pollution Slogans and Quotes: For Students, and Poster

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