Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English: For Students, and Poster

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English

Read the collection of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

50 Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English

  1. One Earth, One Family!
  2. Earth is our home, let’s care for it.
  3. Together on Earth, we’re family.
  4. Love our planet, it’s our family photo.
  5. Earth unites us all, big and small.
  6. We share the same home, let’s share love.
  7. One world, one big family hug!
  8. In our global house, love is the key.
  9. Earth is our playground, let’s play nice.
  10. Our planet, our family, our responsibility.

World in One Family Slogans 

  1. Smile, we’re all part of Earth’s selfie.
  2. Together we stand, one Earth band.
  3. United on Earth, diversity is our strength.
  4. Earth is our garden, let’s sow seeds of kindness.
  5. Love your neighbor, they live on Earth too.
  6. Earth is our storybook, let’s write it with love.
  7. On Earth, we’re all neighbors in the same community.
  8. Earth is our canvas, paint it with unity.
  9. One planet, one love, one big family.
  10. Earth is our village, let’s keep it peaceful.

World in One Family Slogans

  1. We breathe the same air on this Earth fair.
  2. Our home, our rules – kindness and love.
  3. Earth is our spaceship, let’s take care of it.
  4. One Earth, endless love stories.
  5. Earth is our puzzle, each piece matters.
  6. On Earth, we’re all classmates in life’s school.
  7. We share the same roots on this Earth route.
  8. Earth is our playground, play fair and square.
  9. We’re all crew members on Spaceship Earth.
  10. Love your Earth, it’s a family affair.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English

  1. Earth is our dance floor, let’s dance in harmony.
  2. In our global home, peace is our currency.
  3. On Earth, we’re all members of Team Humanity.
  4. Earth is our library, let’s read it with empathy.
  5. Our home, our Earth, let’s keep it clean.
  6. One Earth, one melody – the song of unity.
  7. Earth is our stage, let’s perform acts of kindness.
  8. We’re all passengers on the Earth express.
  9. On this Earth stage, we’re all part of the play.
  10. Earth is our garden, let’s nurture it with care.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Slogan in English

  1. One Earth, one mission – spread love and compassion.
  2. Earth is our masterpiece, let’s preserve its beauty.
  3. We’re all neighbors on this Earth street.
  4. Earth is our kitchen, let’s cook up kindness.
  5. On Earth, we’re all pieces of the same puzzle.
  6. Our home, our Earth, let’s keep it green. – vasudhaiva kutumbakam slogan in English
  7. Earth is our canvas, let’s paint it with peace.
  8. In our global home, love is the common language.
  9. One Earth, many cultures – celebrate diversity.
  10. Earth is our ship, let’s sail it with love.

Also Read: 70 Save Girl Slogan and Quotes: For Students, and Poster

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