50 WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life: Status and Messages

In this fast-paced digital era, WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life have become a unique form of expression, profound wisdom in bite-sized snippets, offering insights and inspiration for the journey called life. Please use this quotes as a guide to live your life fullest, I know that life can not be define in few words but words are too powerful, can define the hardest feelings anytime. Yea I know I am not a philosopher but life taught me few lessons and that’s what I am sharing with you guys. Love and peace to all. VIVA LA EARTH.

50 WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life

“Eventually, not the years in your day to day existence count, however the existence in your years.”

  1. Embrace the adventure because life is a journey, not a destination.

  2. The greatest danger in life isn’t facing any challenges whatsoever.

  3. Work hard, dream big, and make it happen.

  4. Life is excessively short to squander it on laments.

  5. Creating the future is the best way to predict it.

  6. Failure is not fatal, and success is not final: The determination to go on is what matters.

    WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life

  7. Life is 10% what befalls us and 90% how we respond to it.

  8. Make the days count, not the days.

Life Quotes and Captions

“Human experience is so much more than trusting that the tempest will pass, yet figuring out how to move in the downpour.”

  1. Life is a material, and you are the craftsman – paint it dynamic!

  2. Life is hard, but you’re strong.

  3. You should only strive to be better than the person you were yesterday.

  4. Those who don’t travel only read the first page of a book

  5. Try not to simply exist, live!

  6. Life is a riddle, and you hold the pieces to make a wonderful picture.

  7. Losing yourself in service to others is the best way to find yourself.

Life Quotes and Captions

“Life resembles a camera – center around what’s significant, catch the great times, and create from the negatives.”

  1. Life is too vital to ever be viewed in a serious way.

  2. Life is an impression of your viewpoints – pick them carefully.

  3. Consistently is another opportunity to completely change you.

  4. Embrace the ups and downs of life because it is a roller coaster.

  5. To experience a meaningful journey, not to be happy, is the purpose of life.

  6. Life resembles a bike – to keep your equilibrium, you should continue to move.

  7. Be the change you wish to find on the planet.

WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life

“Making the most of each moment is the most important thing in life.”

  1. Celebrate each moment because life is a gift.

  2. Satisfaction isn’t an objective, however a lifestyle.

  3. If you think you can, you’re halfway there.

  4. Life is excessively short to hold feelings of spite – excuse and let go.

  5. The best form of retribution is to lead a happy, successful life.

  6. Life starts toward the finish of your usual range of familiarity.

  7. Life is a delightful battle – embrace the difficulties and develop.

  8. Life resembles a mirror – grin, and it grins back at you.

WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life

“The moments that take our breath away, not the number of breaths we take, as the saying goes. Listen to your heart and remember life can tough sometimes, but there is always a way out, you have to follow the process.”

  1. The reason for life is to be content, not to intrigue.

  2. Life is a constant opportunity for personal development and growth.

  3. The way to satisfaction is appreciation for what you have throughout everyday life.

  4. Life is a dance – move with effortlessness and let your spirit sparkle.

  5. Eventually, we just lament the possibilities we didn’t take.

  6. The most ideal way to appreciate life is to make remarkable recollections.

  7. Write your story: Life is a book of adventures.

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WhatsApp DP Quotes about Life

“The people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made are the best things in life.”

  1. Making your life inspiring is your message to the world.

  2. Focus on the positive because life is too short to waste it on negativity.

  3. To fall seven times and rise eight times is the key to life.

  4. Life is a constant battle between holding on and letting go, as the saying goes.

  5. Your choices are what make up your life; make wise choices.

  6. Human existence has meaning that transcends tracking down yourself, yet making yourself.

  7. Life is an excursion of self-disclosure – embrace the obscure and track down your actual reason.

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