Inspiring Words and Quotes by William Wordsworth

Discover timeless wisdom through the captivating quotes of William Wordsworth, a renowned English Romantic poet. His profound insights on nature, love, and life resonate deeply, offering solace and inspiration.

45 William Wordsworth Quotes and Words

“There are three categories for life: what was, what is, and what will be. Let’s take what we can from the past to improve the present and the future by learning from it.”

  1. The best part of a good man’s life are his anonymous, unremembered acts of kindness.

  2. We see into the life of things with an eye made quiet by the power of harmony and the deep power of joy.

  3. The wise mind laments what age takes away less than what it leaves behind.

  4. The child is the man’s father.

  5. Come into the light, and let nature be your teacher.

  6. His nameless, anonymous deeds of love and kindness—the finest part of a good man’s life.

  7. Your heart’s breathing should be all over your paper.

    William Wordsworth Quotes

  8. The heart that loved nature was never betrayed by her.

William Wordsworth’s Words 

“A slew of previously unknown causes are now combining to blunt the mind’s discriminating powers and render it unfit for all voluntary exertion, reducing it to a state of almost savage torpor.”

  1. Often, when we stoop, wisdom is closer than when we soar.

  2. Without the use of vulgar or violent stimulants, the human mind is capable of excitement.

  3. A brilliant man has rarely been destroyed other than by himself.

  4. We believe we are more powerful than we realize.

  5. The good perish first, and those with hearts as dry as summer dust are burned to the socket.

  6. The world has too much of us; we waste our abilities by being late and rising early, acquiring and spending.

  7. The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the most memorable aspects of a person’s life.

  8. The world is too much with us; we are late and early, getting and spending, and wasting our abilities.

William Wordsworth’s Words

“That radiance, which was once so bright, has now been permanently removed from my sight. Nothing, however, can bring back the hour of radiance in the grass, of glory in the flower.”

  1. Even though we are far inland, our souls can see the immortal sea that brought us here.

  2. I bore the music in my heart long after it was no longer heard.

  3. Faith is a powerful intuition.

  4. The sweetest-smelling flower is shy and lowly.

  5. I wandered as alone as a cloud that floats high above valleys and hills.

  6. The bliss of solitude is that inward eye.

  7. The best part of a good man’s life is his unremembered, nameless acts of kindness and love.

  8. We waste our powers by acquiring and spending; there is little in Nature that is ours.

William Wordsworth Quotes and Words

“A plethora of previously unidentified factors are currently working in concert to weaken the mind’s ability to distinguish, rendering it incapable of being used voluntarily and bringing it to a near-savage state of torpor.”

  1. The child is the man’s father.

  2. The good perish first, and those with hearts as dry as summer dust are burned to the socket.

  3. Nature never abandoned the heart that loved her.

  4. Fill your paper with your heart’s breathings. – William Wordsworth quotes

  5. Wisdom is frequently closer when we stoop than when we soar.

  6. Without the use of gross and violent stimulants, the human mind is capable of excitement.

  7. A genius is rarely ruined except by himself.

  8. We think we are more powerful than we actually are.

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William Wordsworth Quotes and Words

“That radiance, which was once so bright, has now been permanently removed from my sight. Nothing, however, can bring back the hour of radiance in the grass, of glory in the flower.”

  1. Even though we are far inland, our spirits can still see the eternal sea that brought us here.

  2. I carried the music in my heart long after it was no longer audible.

  3. Intuition driven by passion is faith. – William Wordsworth quotes

  4. The sweetest-smelling flower is a modest and reserved one.

  5. I felt as alone as a cloud floating above valleys and hills.

  6. The bliss of solitude is that inward eye.

  7. Little, anonymous, forgotten deeds of love and kindness are the finest part of a good man’s life.

  8. We lose our powers by acquiring and spending; there isn’t much of nature that belongs to us.

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