70 Fruit Slogans and Taglines for Students and Poster Activity

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

Read the collection of Fruit Slogans and Taglines in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Apple: Enjoy life!
  2. Banana: Always ready for lunch.
  3. Strawberry: Red and sweet, perfection in every bite.
  4. Orange: Juicy and full of vitamins, for a sunny day.
  5. Grape: Pleasure in bunches.
  6. Kiwi: Green and energetic, like me in the morning!
  7. Pineapple: A tropical taste that takes you on a journey.
  8. Pear: Sweetness in the shape of a fruit.
  9. Cherry: Small, but full of deliciousness.
  10. Melon: Refreshing like a summer day.

Slogans on Fruits 

  1. Lemon: Tangy and full of zest.
  2. Mango: An exotic journey in every bite.
  3. Pomegranate: Burst with flavors in your mouth.
  4. Apricot: Small but powerful in taste.
  5. Raspberry: An explosion of fruity flavors.
  6. Papaya: Tropical sweetness in every slice.
  7. Blueberry: Small berries, big benefits.
  8. Peach: Juicy and sweet, a summer treat.
  9. Plum: A sweet break at any time.
  10. Morello cherry: Intense red, delicate taste.

Slogans on Fruits

  1. Lime: One-press refreshment.
  2. Green apple: Bite into the freshness.
  3. Fig: Mediterranean sweetness in every bite.
  4. Pear Williams: Ripe to perfection, like me!
  5. Plantain: Tropical sweetness in every slice.
  6. Blackcurrant: Little pearls of flavor.
  7. Mangosteen: Exoticism in one bite.
  8. Nectarine: Peach without the fuzz.
  9. Pomme d’amour: A sweet love to share.
  10. White grape: Elegance in bunches.

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Mandarin: Small, but full of vitamins.
  2. Black Cherry: Black as night, sweet as a dream.
  3. Red Pomegranate: Bursts with exquisite flavors.
  4. Golden Pineapple: Tropical gold in every slice.
  5. Grapefruit: A punch of fruity pep.
  6. Pippin apple: Tradition and flavor combined.
  7. Persimmon: Fall sweetness in every bite.
  8. Mirabelle: A yellow pearl in each fruit.
  9. Wild Mango: Exotic adventure in every piece.
  10. Wild cherry: Nature in every bite.

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Apple Pink Lady: The lady in pink apple.
  2. White peach: Milky sweetness in summer.
  3. Red grape: Passion red in each grain.
  4. Redcurrant: Intense red, explosive flavor.
  5. Lychee: Asian exoticism in one bite.
  6. Pomelo: The freshness of a giant citrus fruit.
  7. Sweet banana: Happiness in curves.
  8. Wild strawberry: A walk in the forest in every bite.
  9. Imperial Mandarin: A royal taste in every quarter.
  10. Sour cherry: A zest of acidity to awaken the taste buds.

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Juicy pear: Freshness in the form of fruit.
  2. Grenadilla: A tropical explosion in your mouth.
  3. Wild blackberry: Nature in every berry.
  4. Granny Smith apple: Bite into the greenery.
  5. Vine peach: Sunshine in every bite.
  6. Black Grape: Black as night, sweet as a dream.
  7. Kiwi gold: Green gold in every slice.
  8. Black Currant: The depth of flavor in every pearl.
  9. Blood orange: Red like the sunset.
  10. Pomme Gala: The apple of celebration.

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Energetic Banana: Power in every bite.
  2. Summer Cherry: A festival of fruity flavors.
  3. Pink grapefruit: Freshness in pink.
  4. Violet Fig: Mediterranean sweetness in purple.
  5. Pineapple Victorious: The victory of tropical taste.
  6. Red Raspberry: A fireworks display of fruity flavors.
  7. Velvety Peach: Summer sweetness in every bite.
  8. Vibrant Kiwi: Vibrancy in every grain.
  9. Delicious Cherry: A sweet treat in every bite.
  10. Succulent Pear: Succulence in the shape of a fruit.

Fruit Slogans and Taglines

  1. Bursting Pomegranate: The burst of flavors in your mouth.
  2. Divine Mango: A divine experience in every piece.
  3. Sweet grape: Sweetness concentrated in clusters.
  4. Bittersweet Banana: The perfect balance of flavors.
  5. Passionate cherry: Passion in intense red.
  6. Exquisite pear: Exquisiteness in the shape of a fruit.
  7. Sparkling Kiwi: A burst of fizz in every slice.
  8. Wild mango: Tropical madness in one bite. – fruit slogans
  9. Radiant Strawberry: The freshness that brightens your day.
  10. Succulent Pineapple: Tropical succulence in every bite.

Also Read: 70 Fathers Day Slogans for Students and Poster Activity

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