The Madhurashtakam Stotram, dedicated Lord Krishna and composed by Sri Vallabhacharya talks about aspects of the form of Lord Sri Krishna’s, which is filled with sweetness and bliss. The Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam uses a word to describe the beautiful attributes of Lord Krishna’s beautiful form as master of sweetness and personified sweetness. Here you can download the full Madhurashtakam Stotram lyrics PDF for free and recite at regular basis.
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Madhurashtakam Stotram Shloka
Sanskrit Shloka
अधरं मधुरं वदनं मधुरं
नयनं मधुरं हसितं मधुरम् ।
हृदयं मधुरं गमनं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥1॥
adharaṁ madhuraṁ vadanaṁ madhuraṁ
nayanaṁ madhuraṁ hasitaṁ madhuram ।
hr̥dayaṁ madhuraṁ gamanaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His lips are a enchant, his body is a enchant, his eye is a enchant,
his smile is a enchant, his chest is a enchant ,his walk is a enchant;
everything about the ruler of enchant is charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram
nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram |
hRRidayam madhuram gamanam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 1
Sanskrit Shloka
वचनं मधुरं चरितं मधुरं
वसनं मधुरं वलितं मधुरम् ।
चलितं मधुरं भ्रमितं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥2॥
vacanaṁ madhuraṁ caritaṁ madhuraṁ
vasanaṁ madhuraṁ valitaṁ madhuram ।
calitaṁ madhuraṁ bhramitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His speech is a enchant, his acts are enchant, his clothes are enchant,
his curves are enchant, his movement is enchant, his roaming is a enchant;
everything about the ruler of enchant is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
vachanam madhuram charita madhuram
vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram |
chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 2
Sanskrit Shloka
वेणुर्मधुरो रेणुर्मधुरः
पाणिर्मधुरः पादौ मधुरौ ।
नृत्यं मधुरं सख्यं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥3॥
veṇurmadhuro reṇurmadhuraḥ
pāṇirmadhuraḥ pādau madhurau ।
nr̥tyaṁ madhuraṁ sakhyaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His flute is a charm, the flowers he wears are a charm, his palms are charm, his feet are charm, his dance is a charm,
his friendship is a charm; everything about the ruler of enchant is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
venurmadhuro renurmadhurah
panirmadhurah padau madhurau |
nrrityam madhuram sakhyam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 3
Sanskrit Shloka
गीतं मधुरं पीतं मधुरं
भुक्तं मधुरं सुप्तं मधुरम् ।
रूपं मधुरं तिलकं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥4॥
gītaṁ madhuraṁ pītaṁ madhuraṁ
bhuktaṁ madhuraṁ suptaṁ madhuram ।
rūpaṁ madhuraṁ tilakaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His songs are captivate, his yellow robes are captivate, his eating is captivate, his sleeping is captivate, his beauty is captivate,
his mark of forehead is a captivate; everything about the ruler of delight is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
gItam madhuram pItam madhuram
bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram |
rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 4
Sanskrit Shloka
करणं मधुरं तरणं मधुरं
हरणं मधुरं रमणं मधुरम् ।
वमितं मधुरं शमितं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥5॥
karaṇaṁ madhuraṁ taraṇaṁ madhuraṁ
haraṇaṁ madhuraṁ ramaṇaṁ madhuram ।
vamitaṁ madhuraṁ śamitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His deeds are captivate, his floating is captivate, his taking away is captivate, his romantic charms are captivate,
his words are captivate, his peaceful state is a captivate; everything about the ruler of delight is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
karanam madhuram taranam madhuram
haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram |
vamitam madhuram shamitam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 5
Sanskrit Shloka
गुञ्जा मधुरा माला मधुरा
यमुना मधुरा वीची मधुरा ।
सलिलं मधुरं कमलं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥6॥
guñjā madhurā mālā madhurā
yamunā madhurā vīcī madhurā ।
salilaṁ madhuraṁ kamalaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His humming is a bliss, his garland is a bliss, his companion the river Yamuna is a bliss,
the waves he generates when entering the river are bliss,
the water grasping on his body is a bliss, the lotus are a bliss;
everything about the ruler of bliss is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
gunja madhura mala madhura
yamuna madhura vichi madhura |
salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 6
Sanskrit Shloka
गोपी मधुरा लीला मधुरा
युक्तं मधुरं मुक्तं मधुरम् ।
दृष्टं मधुरं शिष्टं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥7॥
gopī madhurā līlā madhurā
yuktaṁ madhuraṁ muktaṁ madhuram ।
dr̥ṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ śiṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram॥
English Translation
His cow-herd girls are captivate, his playfulness is captivate, his togetherness is a captivate, his free nature is
captivate, his glance is a captivate, his obedience is a captivate; everything about the ruler of delight is Charming.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
gopI madhura lila madhura
yuktam madhuram muktam madhuram |
drrishtam madhuram shishtam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram||
Madhurashtakam 7
Sanskrit Shloka
गोपा मधुरा गावो मधुरा
यष्टिर्मधुरा सृष्टिर्मधुरा ।
दलितं मधुरं फलितं मधुरं
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥8॥
gopā madhurā gāvo madhurā
yaṣṭirmadhurā sr̥ṣṭirmadhurā ।
dalitaṁ madhuraṁ phalitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ॥
English Translation
His friends are bliss, his cows are bliss, his cow-guiding stick is a bliss,
his created universe is bliss, his exploits over demons are bliss,
the fruit then obtained are bliss; everything about the ruler of delight is blissful.
Madhurashtakam English lyrics
gopa madhura gavo madhura
yashtirmadhura srrishtirmadhura |
dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram
madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram ||
Madhurashtakam 8
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Madhurashtakam Stotram History and Significance
Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam composed in 1478 by Sri Vallabhacharya, is a unique stotra describing the sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna. Written by the great Siva-Siva scholar Sri Vishnu, it is a stotra describing the “sweetness” of the great Lord Krishna who influenced and spread the world. It uses the adjective “madhuram,” which means “sweet and beautiful,” to describe the beautiful aspects of Lord Krishna and his beautiful form.
The meaning of the Madhurashtakam Stotram consisting of eight verses is to explain the appearance, quality, symbols and motifs related to Lord Krishna’s life and referring to him as the sweet Lord Krishna, the Lord of Sweetness. I love this stotra as a sweet prayer to the sweet God, and indeed I associate the word madhura (sweet) with Lord Krishna in this stotra.
It is obvious that the Stotras followers are fascinated not only by the beautiful and divine sweet form of Sarvang, Sundar and Rupam, but also by the great Lord Krishna, who influenced and spread the world, the very existence of him and the way he moved, played and spent time.
The Madhurashtakam Stotram were written by Sripad Vallabhacharya, an Indian philosopher who propagated the Shuddha Advaita philosophy and understood the divine aspects and helped the disciple to imagine and experience the divine bliss of Lord Krishna in the simplest way.
The texts of Mad Hurshtakams were written in a simple way by Sri VallabHacharya so that one can understand the divine aspect and at the same time help the believers to imagine or experience the divine bliss.
My greeting to Dathathreya, the place where joy resides and where pleasure is for himself the great bearer of Yoga, in complete control of his senses is a great and unique stotra describing the sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna.
In the Madhurashtakam, the great Krishna disciple, Shri Vallabhacharya ji expresses his love for you and praises all aspects of you. As I love the activities of you. We express our love for you by singing the sentence: Yours we love and ours we love.
This act enables the believer to enter into the divine presence of Lord Krishna and to experience His true essence, Svarupa, which is actually expounded in the devotional hymn Madhurastakam of Sri Vallabbhacarya.
Lord Krishna lips, the sweetness of his beautiful face, his beautiful black eyes, the sideways glance, his enchanting smile, his love sport, his triple bend, the shape of sweetness.
Madhurashtakam benefits
According to ancient texts and accounts, when Krishna appeared at midnight in Sravana Sukla Ekadasi before Hindu Bhakti philosopher Sri Vallabhacharya in praise of the Lord, he composed the Madhurashtakam Stotram. When I pour these words out, it appears to me that the poet not only describes Krishna’s sweetness, but also the sweetness of his making of love.
When the worshiper falls in love with the Almighty, in the framework of love-bhakti he attributes to the deeds of God that which seems sweet, and attributes it to the Lord as if he were a lover.
According to the Sanatan Dharma Scriptures , reciting the holy Madhurashtakam Stotram regularly is the most powerful and effective method of pleasing Lord Krishna and obtaining his blessing. In Krishna Karnamrita three things are described as sweet, sweet and sweet. S lips, the sweetness of his beautiful face, his eyes, his smile, his loving heart, his gait and the gait of the sweet are all dear to him.
Krishna followers such as Mahaprabhu, Shrimad-vallabhacharya are immersed in the love of God. The mind of the Gopis is busy enjoying the sweetness of Krishna’s body. The Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam Stotram is written in Sanskrit and easy to understand.
The Lord does not need hands to bless His followers and to give them happiness. He doesn’t even need legs to visit them and dwell in their hearts. One of Vallabhacharya’s most beautiful poems, Madhurashtakam Stotram, is a sweet prayer to a sweet God.
It is sung eight times and eight occult powers are received. The author of this prayer is Sri Muthuswami, the first priest of the temple who lived in 1920.