32 Player quotes to remember sportsman spirit

Here, you can find quotes by coaches and others to help you out if you are coaching a team. Do not forget to read through these inspirational player quotes too, which will motivate your team for a better next level.

32 Player quotes

It’s all about the grind.

I’ve never been more ready to compete.

I’m not taking this [title] for granted.

The only thing that matters is that you’re doing what you love. That’s all it takes.

Your first thought is right. Your second thought is wrong. Your third thought is right.

I’m not going to be one of those people who just sits on the bench and watches what’s going on.

Player quotes

I don’t feel like I’m playing in the NBA right now, I feel like I’m playing in the playoffs.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Without a doubt, it was the best thing I ever did, and it was the first time in my life that I felt free.

…I’ve been in the gym a lot lately and I can feel a difference. My workouts are more intense, and my mind is focused more on the task at hand. I feel like I’m ready for anything that comes my way!

I’m a competitor. I want to win every time I play.

Sportsman quotes and captions 

I don’t just want to be good—I want to be the best. And I want to do it every day.

If you’re not willing to work hard and put in the effort, it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve won a championship or how much money you make. You will never win anything in life.

I’m not sure there is a person out there who doesn’t like to win, but I don’t think there are many who wouldn’t prefer to do so without the help of cheating.

I’ve always been a competitor. I remember being in kindergarten and getting into an argument with another kid about who had more gum on his face. I won that argument, and ever since, I’ve been trying to win at everything.

The last thing you want to do is let your opponent dictate how hard you’re playing.

player quotes on white cardboard

I think my passion for sports is what made me successful. I love the competition, the feeling of winning, and having that drive to be better than you were yesterday.

I’m not going to say I’m gonna win, because I really don’t know. But I am going to try my hardest.

Player quotes

I’m a competitor. I’ve always been a competitor, and I like to win.

You’re a competitor. You don’t give up on the things that you believe in.

The difference between a winner and a loser is that the winner gets up, while the loser stays down.

I couldn’t have done it without my team or without God.

Also Read: Inspirational 42 Wings quotes that give wiiings to your dreams

Player quotes and captions

To me, players are players, and this is a massive thing, and everyone knows this is a massive thing, everyone knows this is major, this is, I do not think it is possible to get it wrong by calling this ONE, or call this NOT one, players are players.

This has been a great opportunity for us to work with [company name] and see how our products and services can benefit the community. We’re thrilled to be part of this great movement. You might not like what I have to say, but you always know where you stand with me.

If I could take some part of every players game and make it mine, I would be pretty pleased.

Player quotes

I believe in getting a team ready, to know that they are going to have the necessary confidence to go out there and prepare for a good match.

You have got to lose hundreds of games before you are going to become a good player.

You find you are at ease, you are able to enjoy, you can get more sleep, you can relax, knowing it is one hundred percent effort you are giving — whether it is win or loss.

Player quotes

A good manager makes their players see what they can be, not who they are.

Players with an unlimited mind will accept freedom of action, open to whatever possibilities will allow them to stay in the game.

All the players have clearly shown an intense dedication to excelling, which is incredibly motivating on its own.

We cannot afford any more ignoring the dumbness of hits still happening today, even though the players know that concussion aspects are such an important part of the game and sports as a whole.

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