47 Shoot for the stars quote and captions for Hard workers

This collection of Shoot for the Stars quote is the perfect source of motivation for anyone who aspires to reach great heights in life. The inspiring words of renowned personalities will help you overcome challenges and aim for the stars.

47 Shoot for the stars quote and captions

“When you shoot for the stars, you may not always reach them, but you will reach much higher than if you never tried at all.”

Shoot for the stars, and then keep shooting, just in case you miss.

The stars are so far away, but they’re always there for us.

Everyone has a star that they don’t know about.

Never stop doing what you love. – shoot for the stars quote

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Don’t be a dreamer, be the dream.

Dreams are the gateway to the unknown.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

Shoot for stars quote

If you want to reach the stars, you have to get off your a*s and make it happen.

Work hard quotes and captions

“It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be one of the best people in your field. And it takes even more to be one of the best people at something. You have to shoot for the stars, because if you don’t, then it’s just impossible.”

The sky is the limit. Shoot for the stars and you might hit them.

Shoot for the stars and you might hit them

The stars are not meant to be touched, they are meant to be admired

The only thing that stands between us and our dreams is ourselves.

Shoot for the stars, and if you miss, at least you’ll land among the stars.

If you don’t shoot for the stars, you’ll never get far enough to even see the moon.

Shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon. – shoot for the stars quote

The stars are our destiny. We were born to live among them.

Shoot for the stars quote and captions

“I’d rather be ashes than dust! I’d rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should live hidden in some old book or letter.”

Shoot for the stars and you’ll get nowhere. But if you miss, at least you’ll land on a cloud.

Be like a cat. Walk on my hind legs, or I’ll walk on yours.

The stars may be out of reach, but they’re there. – shoot for the stars quote

Dreams don’t fail because they’re too big, they fail because of a lack of attention to detail.

Shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon.

You can never reach your full potential if you aren’t willing to give up some of it.

If you have a dream, do everything in your power to make it come true. – shoot for the stars quote

Dream big, aim high, and shoot for the stars. The universe has a way of making your dreams come true.

Shoot for the stars quote and captions

“The only limit to your success is the limit you place on yourself. So, shoot for the stars and break through those limitations.”

The sky’s the limit, so don’t settle for less. Shoot for the stars and you’ll achieve greatness.

Success is not about how far you go, but how high you climb. Shoot for the stars and you’ll never be disappointed.

Life is short, so make every moment count. Shoot for the stars and live your best life. – shoot for the stars quote

Don’t be afraid to dream big and aim high. Shoot for the stars and watch your dreams come true.

Nothing worth having comes easy. Shoot for the stars and be willing to work hard to achieve your goals.

Believe in yourself, take risks, and shoot for the stars. You never know what you’re capable of until you try.

The world is your playground, so play big. Shoot for the stars and let your light shine.

Your dreams are the compass that guides you towards your destiny. Shoot for the stars and follow your heart.

Also Read: Best 35 Work hard play hard quotes and captions

Shoot for the stars quote and captions

“Set your sights high and aim for the stars. You may not reach them, but you will certainly go further than if you had aimed low.”

Life is an adventure, so embrace it. Shoot for the stars and let the journey be your reward.

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Shoot for the stars, and don’t settle for anything less. – shoot for the stars quote

The only limits we have are the ones we impose on ourselves. So, why not aim for the stars and see where it takes us?

Don’t let fear hold you back from reaching for the stars. Embrace the challenge and soar to new heights.

Success is not about being perfect. It’s about having the courage to try and to aim for the stars.

It’s never too late to start chasing your dreams. Shoot for the stars, and you may be surprised by what you can achieve.

Life is too short to play it safe. Take a chance, shoot for the stars, and see where it leads you. – shoot for the stars quote

Don’t let setbacks discourage you. Keep shooting for the stars, and you will eventually get there.

You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. So, why not aim for the stars and see what you can accomplish?

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