70 Slogan on No to Corruption for Students and Poster Activity

Slogan On Corruption in English

Read the collection of Slogan on Say No to Corruption in English in this article for students from class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for students or posters activity. These slogans are not only for school kids but for the high school students, activists, writing slogan competition and other cultural activities. Take a look and use these slogans accordingly and we hope that you will like it and make you stand out from the crowd.

70 Slogan on Say No to Corruption

  1. No to corruption, yes to honesty!
  2. Corruption damages trust.
  3. Together against corruption, let’s be strong!
  4. Transparency keeps corruption away.
  5. Let’s choose integrity, reject corruption.
  6. No place for corruption in our life.
  7. Let’s be heroes, say no to corruption.
  8. Corruption is an enemy of justice.
  9. Honesty, the key to a healthy society.
  10. A world without corruption is possible!

Say No To Bribe Slogans 

  1. Stop corruption, let’s start with ourselves.
  2. The fight against corruption starts with you.
  3. Corruption steals everyone’s happiness.
  4. Truth beats corruption every time.
  5. Together, let’s say no to corruption.
  6. Let’s choose ethics, reject corruption.
  7. Justice triumphs over corruption.
  8. No compromise with corruption.
  9. Integrity, a value that counts.
  10. United against corruption, stronger than ever.

Say No To Bribe Slogans

  1. Say no to corruption, be a role model.
  2. Corruption destroys, integrity builds.
  3. Let’s drive corruption out of our lives.
  4. Honesty, a light in the darkness of corruption.
  5. Live without corruption, live free.
  6. Corruption impoverishes, justice enriches.
  7. Fight corruption, be a hero.
  8. Choosing righteousness is choosing freedom.
  9. No to corruption, yes to pride.
  10. Corruption imprisons, honesty liberates.

Slogan on Say No to Corruption

  1. Together, let’s build a world free of corruption.
  2. Uniting against corruption is our duty.
  3. Integrity, the cure for corruption.
  4. Corruption is an obstacle, honesty is the way.
  5. Say no to corruption, embrace justice.
  6. Trust increases when corruption decreases.
  7. Let’s be agents of change, say goodbye to corruption.
  8. Integrity, the force that defeats corruption.
  9. Corruption is a shadow, truth is light.
  10. Together, let’s eradicate corruption from our society.

Slogan on Say No to Corruption

  1. Corruption only thrives in silence, let’s break it.
  2. Loyalty to the truth extinguishes the flame of corruption.
  3. Justice flourishes where corruption is eradicated.
  4. No to corruption, yes to probity.
  5. Choose courage, say no to corruption.
  6. Transparency keeps away the temptation of corruption.
  7. Trust is earned through integrity, not corruption.
  8. Corruption divides, honesty unites.
  9. The truth is the key to closing the door to corruption.
  10. Together, let us resist the temptation of corruption.

Slogan on Say No to Corruption

  1. No place for corruption in our future.
  2. Corruption weakens, integrity strengthens.
  3. Live with dignity, fight corruption.
  4. Corruption destroys trust, let’s build it.
  5. Honesty is the basis of a just, corruption-free society.
  6. Corruption is a disease, integrity is the cure.
  7. Together, let’s eradicate corruption from our institutions.
  8. Choosing virtue means saying goodbye to corruption.
  9. Corruption will not flourish in our community.
  10. Say no to corruption, be a model of virtue.

Slogan on Say No to Corruption

  1. Integrity, the best defense against corruption.
  2. Justice flourishes where corruption is eradicated.
  3. No to corruption, yes to accountability.
  4. Truth is the pillar on which the fight against corruption rests.
  5. Together, let’s eliminate corruption from our daily lives.
  6. Corruption is a scourge, integrity is the solution.
  7. Choosing honesty is choosing dignity. – slogan on say no to corruption
  8. Corruption is an enemy, justice is our ally.
  9. Integrity, the key to a corruption-free future.
  10. No to corruption, yes to a just and equitable world!

Also Read: 70 E Waste Slogans for Students and Poster Activity

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