30 Taken for granted quotes limit your intentions

In this article, we have shared over a hundred self-evident quotes about the love of life and relationships. Not only do we share go-to quotes about love and relationships, but also about life, friendship, kindness, women, cheeky strong captions that will help you stay strong and keep moving despite distractions. In this article, we will share some meaningful Taken for granted quotes on how to take things for granted so that you appreciate the beauty in and around your life.

Here are some captions to help you tell your friends that you didn’t take their friendship and love for you, your friends, for granted.

36 Taken for granted quotes

“A tailor really capable of cutting and fitting a coat seems an admirable person to me, and, equally, a college professor ignorant of almost nothing about what he purports to teach seems a con-man and a curmudgeon.”

Kindness should never be taken for granted because even the best people have their limitations.

Since no one likes to be taken for granted, you shouldn’t take others for granted either.

When you think people take you for granted, you are the one who takes it for granted in the first place.

The truth is that at some point in your life you will be taken for granted without wanting to.

When you take things in life for granted, what is given to you is given.

What you take for granted in life is what someone else is praying for.

When it comes to life, the key is whether you take things for granted or accept them with gratitude.

taken for granted quotes on white wall

It’s not so wrong to take the things we were born into for granted, but the day we forget gratitude and stop appreciating the blessings of our lives, we stop living our lives to the fullest.

This is what we are really discovering, that in many ways over the past two decades we have taken for granted all the outstanding achievements of the post-war generation. – taken for granted quotes

Being taken for granted is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.

The difference is, I suppose, that the one comes somewhat dearer, but is stronger; the other is the cheaper, but is the subject of the moth.

Presume captions

I will not pretend to define noir — if we could define it, we would not have to use a French word for it — but to my mind, it is more of a way of looking at the world, rather than something you look at.

Abraham Lincoln suggested that one should never assume knowledge of Gods will, nor that one should ever assume knowledge of Gods will, nor the power of speaking Gods word.

To give unprompted counsel to man is to assume he does not know what he ought to do, or cannot do it for himself.

There is, I should suppose, virtue in being unhateful, for by setting out the things that one does not know, one finds out that nobody else knows them, either.

You know things are not going well for you when you cannot even tell people the plain facts of your life, simply because they will assume that you are asking them to pity you.

I grant you, a pious thief was converted at the last hour, so no one could be hopeless; but I caution you, a single man was converted, so no man could be thought a fool. – taken for granted quotes

Three things are too much, and three things are too little, are harmful to men; to say a great deal, and to know a little; to spend much, and to possess a little; to assume much, and be of little value.

We may look for some period in the past, the conditions of which as far as we can tell are like our own, and suppose that the follow-up to this period will, except by certain slight changes, be like.

Try to take me for granted just once, and I will make your life hell.

I’ll take care of you, I’ll cook for you, I’ll never take you for granted if you let me be the only one.

You took my love for granted, I want what I deserve, not what you decide.

I am unkindly rude to people who take my kindness for granted.

Also Read: Collection of 33 Antisocial quotes and captions

Taken for granted quotes

“There’s nothing wrong with taking your girlfriend or boyfriend, your friends and family for granted, so hopefully you can never do it, even if you didn’t want to spend time with your friends so they don’t feel like they were taken for granted.”

When God does not play this role, time takes life for granted.

Life is not taken for granted, if it can show you its brightest phase then it can also show you its darkest phase.

Try to take me for granted just once, and I will make your life hell.

I’ll take care of you, I’ll cook for you, I’ll never take you for granted if you let me be the only one.

You took my love for granted, I want what I deserve, not what you decide.

I am unkindly rude to people who take my kindness for granted.

There’s nothing wrong with taking your girlfriend or boyfriend, your friends and family for granted, so hopefully you can never do it, even if you didn’t want to spend time with your friends so they don’t feel like they were taken for granted. – – taken for granted quotes

When God does not play this role, time takes life for granted.

Life is not taken for granted, if it can show you its brightest phase then it can also show you its darkest phase.

In the same way our justice system assumes we are innocent until proven guilty, the health system might function better if it started from the assumption that most people are healthy.

It is the doctrine of war not to presume the opponent will not come, but to depend upon ones own willingness to meet him; not to assume that he will not attack, but rather to render oneself unassailable.

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