140 Dogle Log Quotes in English: For 2 Faced People

140 Dogle Log Quotes in English refer to the use of quotation marks to convey a message that is not intended literally, but rather carries an implicit judgment or insinuation. It’s a perplexing phenomenon, often used to express sarcasm, irony, or skepticism. While some find it amusing, others view it as a form of passive-aggressive communication. Let’s delve into the world of double standard quotes and explore its nuances.

140 Dogle Log Quotes in English 

Smiles on the outside, frowns on the inside.

Like a coin, some people have two sides.

Faces can hide feelings, like a mask.

Words and actions don’t always match faces.

Double-faced folks speak with a forked tongue.

Some friends act differently when others are around.

Actions whisper, but faces can shout.

Hiding feelings is like wearing an invisible mask.

Two-faced friends can be tricky to spot.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

Some people demand the truth but are incapable of accepting it.

They say age is irrelevant, but they treat young and old differently.

It is fine for them to interrupt, but not for you.

They want you to speak up, but they get upset when you do.

They can change their minds, but it is not acceptable if you do.

It’s ironic that men are referred to as confident, while women are referred to as bossy.

They value confidence, but not excessive confidence, as this can lead to arrogance.

It is fine for them to cancel plans, but not for you.

They enjoy multitasking, but only if you can handle it.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

Taking a break is self-care for them, but laziness for you.

They may have high standards, but if you do, you are considered ‘picky’.

They talk about equality while treating some people better.

They say not to judge people based on their appearance, but they do.

When they are assertive, it is leadership; however, when you are, it is pushy.

They support self-expression, but only if it aligns with their ideas.

It is acceptable for them to have flaws, but they exaggerate yours.

They dislike being ignored, but they dismiss your messages.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

They say be open-minded, but they can’t accept new ideas.

Their success is the result of hard work, whereas yours is simply luck.

They can take a joke but become agitated when it is about them.

They seek independence, while you seek rebellion.

They say it’s all about the inside, but they’re very concerned with appearance.

They’re sharing their thoughts when they do it, but you’re ‘arguing.’

They choose selectively, whereas you are ‘judgmental.’

They dislike drama but engage in it when it suits them.

They say it’s about quality over quantity, but consider your few friends.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

They work late and are dedicated, but leaving on time is laziness.

They claim to listen but frequently interrupt you.

They want you to respect their space but sometimes don’t respect yours.

They enjoy self-improvement but criticize your changes.

They work late, dedication. You leave on time, laziness.

They talk about listening, but often cut you off.

They’re ‘keeping it real’ when blunt, but you’re ‘rude.’

They say, value honesty but sometimes prefer a comforting lie.

They can hold strong opinions, but you are ‘too opinionated.’

Two Faced People Quotes and Captions

Not all smiles are honest, some are just for show.

Inside feelings, outside smiles – a double act.

Actions can speak louder than a friendly face.

True colors might be hiding behind a smiley mask.

Double-faced folks are like chameleons, changing colors.

Some folks wear a friendly mask, but it’s not their true face.

A friendly face might hide unfriendly intentions.

Honesty is like a one-faced mirror; deceit has two.

Two Faced People Quotes and Captions

Words can deceive, but actions reveal.

Beware of those whose words dance differently than their hearts.

Two-faced people wear a disguise of friendliness.

Kind words can sometimes hide a cold heart.

Actions tell the real story, not just the smiling face.

Some folks wear a mask of kindness, but it’s just a cover.

Actions are the paint, faces are the canvas.

A friendly face doesn’t always mean a friendly heart.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

Two-faced folks are like mystery novels; you never know the ending.

A smiling face might be covering a frowning soul.

Actions can reveal the hidden face behind the mask.

Words can be like magic spells, hiding the truth.

Behind every smile, there’s a story not always shared.

Two-faced people are like puzzle pieces, never fitting perfectly.

Some people wear a mask even when there’s no masquerade.

A sunny face might hide a stormy heart.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

Not all faces reflect what’s inside the heart.

Kindness in words, but not always in deeds.

Double-faced friends are like shadows, sometimes hard to see.

A friendly face doesn’t guarantee a friendly soul.

Actions can reveal the true colors behind the painted smile.

Two-faced folks are like actors, playing different roles.

A smiling face might be a mask for a crying heart.

Words can be like disguises, hiding the real thoughts.

Behind the mask of friendliness, there might be a different face.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

Two-faced people are like silent movies, no sound, just actions.

A smiling face can be a camouflage for hidden intentions.

Kind words can sometimes be a costume for unkind actions.

Actions are the footsteps, faces are the footprints.

Double-faced folks are like puzzles, missing a piece.

A friendly face might be a cover for a not-so-friendly soul.

Words can be like masks, concealing the true expression.

Behind every hello, there might be a hidden goodbye.

Two-faced people are like books, not every chapter is open.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

A friendly face can sometimes be a disguise for a foe.

Actions can be like breadcrumbs, leading to the real person.

Kind words might be a mask for unkind deeds.

Words can be like smoke, clouding the real picture.

A smiling face can sometimes be a painted canvas.

Behind the laughter, there might be silent tears. – dogle log quotes in English

Double-faced people are like onions, peeling one layer reveals another.

Actions can be like puzzle pieces, forming the real picture.

A friendly face doesn’t always mean a friendly heart is inside.

Also Read: 60 Chugalkhor Quotes in English: For Bitching Pals

Dogle log quotes in English

“The Double Standard is a very old and prevalent illusion, which deceives many people at present. It tends to make them believe that one person is a moral model for another person. It leads people to think that the same standards apply to all people, and not just to the people they like best.”

The double standard is one of the oldest and most persistent illusions in the world.

I can live with doubt, or without it; but I cannot live with ignorance.

The way we treat others is a good indicator of how we will be treated.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. – dogle log quotes in English

Don’t tell me how to run my life. I know how to run mine.

A double standard is just a situation in which two people have different standards for the same thing.

Dogle log quotes in English

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

Double Standard Quotes and Captions

“A double standard is when you are judged based on your appearance or your gender, but you aren’t held to the same standards as someone else.”

If you’re going to do it, do it right. Don’t be a double standard.

There are two standards: one for the rich, and another for the poor.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three of them can.

You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. – dogle log quotes in English

Don’t insult anyone, be it your servant or your boss.

You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, but you might be able to make an even better one out of that sow’s ear.

If I were a little bit taller, I’d be president, or at least prime minister.

Double Standard Quotes and Captions

“A double standard is a policy, opinion or practice that favors one person or group at the expense of another. A double standard can be used to excuse, ignore or deny negative behavior towards an individual, group or institution.”

What the word standard really means is that there’s a standard, but it’s not the one you think it is.

The truth is, we all have a double standard. The good news is that it’s usually our own.

We may not have all the answers, but we do have questions.

Do not say bad things against anyone, because the way you talk about them, they also think about you.

If you’re going to be a leader, you have to be able to lead from behind. – dogle log quotes in English

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find that you get what you need.

It is a mistake to think that people never change their minds; they actually change them more than they think they do.

It’s not what people say about you that matters; it’s what they do.

Dogle Log Quotes in English

“A double standard is a situation in which the same treatment is applied to two people or things, but one of them is treated differently from the other.”

The only thing standing between you and your dreams is the not-yet-done.

It’s not about how much you do. It’s about how much love you put into it.

It’s not about being perfect. It’s about trying your hardest, and learning from your mistakes.

Learn to tell the truth to yourself, because even living with a lie is a double standard. – dogle log quotes in English

Treat everyone outside as much as you treat everyone together while staying inside the house.

Don’t trust anyone’s words, sometimes their words are more related to their needs than their thoughts.

Never do things that you yourself do not like, because this is also a double standard.

Don’t present yourself as better than you are, because people don’t like to see your double standard more than your real face.

Also Read: Collection of 29 Double standard quotes and captions

Dogle Log Quotes in English

“I think it’s important to remember that we’re all human. We all make mistakes, and we all have flaws. It’s not about who is right or wrong; it’s about learning from our mistakes and moving forward together as a community.”

Do not consider any work as small or big, because this is also a double standard.

While including your friends in your life, understand their feelings and needs.

Stop judging others before judging yourself. – dogle log quotes in English

Don’t try to change your identity, because this is also a double standard.

Never consider yourself more important, because every human being is equally important.

Instead of being jealous of someone’s success, rejoice in his success, because it will inspire you too.

You have to learn to control your inner emotions, because taking out emotions is also a double standard.

And most importantly, always be truthful and honest, as this can save you from double standards.

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