Collection of Dear Favorite Person Quotes and Sayings

If you liked a quote from these 72 great quotes and captions from people you love, dedicate the quote to your favorite person. This is the time when you should tell your loved one about your feelings through quotes or captions. List of 37 most famous quotes and sayings about my loved one to read and share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, blog.

72 Favorite Person Quotes and Captions

“Meeting you was like hearing a song for the first time and knowing immediately that it would become one of my favourites.”

You are my favourite person, and spending time with you brightens my day.

You are and always will be my favorite person on the planet.

To one of my favourite people! I miss you a lot, and I hope you stay safe every day. I’m in love with you.

You are my absolute favourite person on the planet. That includes the ones that aren’t real.

My favourite thing in the world is when someone is patient with someone who is insane.

It’s therapeutic to talk to your favourite person. You radiate peace from within.

It’s a whole different level of struggle when you don’t have anything to talk about with your favourite person.

When our favourite person stops talking, we become aware of how slowly time passes.

My favourite quote is, “If a person can do it, I can do it.” I wish I knew who said it.

favorite person quote

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Favorite Person Quotes and Captions

A good friend is like a bright star in a dark night.

Smiles are free, so share them with your favorite people.

Kind hearts are the best type of hearts.

In a world filled with options, choose to be someone’s favorite.

True friendship is a treasure trove of happiness.

You make my heart happy, which is my favorite feeling.

Life is more enjoyable with friends; it’s like a beautiful melody.

Happiness is having your favourite people by your side.

Your laughter is my favourite song.

Favorite Person Quotes and Captions

Good friends make every moment memorable.

Cherish the people who make your heart feel at home.

Surround yourself with people who will lift you up.

Love is the secret ingredient in all of our favorite recipes.

A best friend is like a four-leaf clover: they are rare and lucky to have.

Your kindness makes you my favorite person.

Sunshine combined with a little kindness makes for a perfect day.

Favorite people are like stars; you can’t always see them, but you know they exist.

Favorite Person Quotes and Captions

Life is a journey, and it’s more enjoyable with favorite travel companions.

The best gift you can get is a true friend.

Family is where love blossoms, and you are my favorite bloom.

Your presence elevates ordinary moments to extraordinary memories.

Friendship is the most beautiful flower in life’s garden.

Sharing a smile is the most simple way to become someone’s favorite.

The best mirror is an old friend’s eyes, which reflect your true self.

Together is my favourite place to be.

My favorite memories are those that combine good times and great friends.

Favorite Person Quotes and Captions

Kind words are free but extremely valuable.

You are the missing piece that completes my happiness puzzle.

Friendship is the sweetest flavor on life’s diverse menu.

The heart has its reasons, and you’re my favorite.

Friends are like stars; you don’t always see them, but you know they’re there.

Life is short, so surround yourself with favorites.

Love is the bridge that brings hearts together, making them favorites.

A day with you is my new favorite day.

Thank you for being yourself, my favorite person in the world.

Dear and loved ones quotes and sayings

“Whenever you are in a relationship, there is a favorite song that reminds you of your first meeting or first kiss, and then every time you hear that song, it reminds you of that person.”

The average person doesn’t look for their new favorite TV show because they know the search will take forever and they’ll go to bed miserable.

When I cook, I think about the person I’m feeding and I want to do what he wants with him.

Because just like anyone who loves to cook their mom, if you try to cook your mom’s recipes, the taste will never be the same.

favorite person quotes

Most importantly, I love college challenge quizzes so you can see what a sad person I am.

My sisters are the most important people in my life.

I adore actors, and they are without a doubt my favourite people.

You are my all-time favourite person in the entire universe.

You’re my favourite person on the face of the planet.

favorite person quotes

You’re my go-to person for a glass of wine and a chat about life.

Also Read: Collection of Best quotes and saying on love

Missing my favorite person quotes

“People have their preferences about everything, like their favorite food, favorite car, favorite song, favorite sport, and so on. So, today we’re going to talk about people’s favorite quotes. We all have a group of favorites, or at least one of our favorites. All my favorite people – people I really trust – they weren’t cool when they were young.”

My favorite part of the tour is when I see the girls I’ve chatted with on my site and then meet them in person.

This is the person calling you because he is eating at our favorite place and it made him think of you and miss being there with you at our favorite place.

This is my favorite option for when you think I’m a really weird person and not just outlandish.

At first [my favorite books] seem to immerse me in another life, but in the end they immerse me in themselves; I look through the window into someone else’s house, but in the reflection I see my own face.

favorite person quotes

Also Read: Collection of 30 The one quotes and captions

A man who is patient with a madman is Jason’s favorite thing in the world.

I would venture to say that I am my cats’ most favorite person of all time.

Man believes that life is about falling in love with the right person, shopping, eating our favorite sweets and traveling a lot.

When a person thinks they are done with their studies, then bitterness and frustration can set in as that person wakes up every day wondering when someone will hold a parade in his honor for being so smart.

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