Eternal Nature of Sanatan Dharma
It must not be forgotten that the original, eternal nature of Sanatan Dharma as a living being is never lost. It is revealed at its most appropriate time when the living being rejects its degraded material consciousness. The original nature of the living being is that of an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord.
The phenomena of gravity existed long before they were discovered, and the spiritual law of life is an eternal law that has always existed since its discovery by the ancient Rishis and sages until the present age of the Vedic epoch.
All living beings are objects of God’s creation and therefore have a special role and duty that God manifests in the universe. If all living beings were matter or objects, there would be no diversity in God’s creation, and God’s role and duty in his creation would be incomplete.
The Karma Factor
Karma is used in relation to a set of moral and religious laws and principles that govern the religious duties of human behavior on earth. In Sanatan dharma we understand Hinduism as God’s eternal duty to share in the highs and lows of listening. The eternal duty of God is shared not only by all Hindu beings, but also by all creation, including God and the rest of humanity.
For people, Dharma consists of certain duties that make their lives more fruitful. The principal purpose of Dharma is to preserve order and regularity in the world by certain duties and actions, and morality and religion should be the guiding factors. Popularly, Dharma is often interpreted as morality, religion and duty.
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Sanatan Word : Explained
The word sanatan can be translated as “eternal,” and the term sanatan (dharma) alludes to something that is an integral part of all living beings. The correlated meaning of Dharma is indispensable and fundamental. It is inherently unchangeable for all human beings, regardless of their religious affiliation.
The Sanatan Dharma is timeless, non-sectarian and not limited by boundaries. For example, liquidity does not need water, but heat needs fire. For example, the dharma of sugar is sweet, but the dharma of fire is hot.
According to Sanatan, the Dharma is the eternal and intrinsic nature of all living beings of Atman, including man, who do seva (service). A person dharma consists of the duty to maintain oneself according to his innate qualities.
Sanatan Dharma is transcendental and refers to the universal axiomatic laws of our ever-changing belief systems. Universal truths manifest in Sanatan dharma, be it in the realm of religion, art, science or in the life of a person or community. It gives the individual spiritual experience reverence for the formal religious doctrine.
Sanatan Dharma : A Universal Truth
Sanatan dharma is essentially a term devoid of sectarian inclinations and ideological divisions. If the universal truth is not acknowledged to an extent that transcends the limits of a particular group, book or person and is done in the name of God then Sanatan dharma ceases to function as an activity and must be called something else.
Sanatan dharma does not denote a creed like Christianity or other religion, but is a code of conduct and a system of values whose core is spiritual freedom. Any path to a spiritual vision and acceptance of the spiritual freedom of others is considered part of Sanatan dharma.
Sanatan dharma talks to the Vedas about the Supreme and the ways to reach Him, Velukkudi Krishnan says in Discourses. A Jivatma is born with her karma in her face, and life is the result of this karma.
The Bhagavad-gita teaches that righteousness in this life is best pursued through one of the three Marga paths taught by Arjuna and Bhagavan Krishna themselves. A person who learns to remain within the framework of Dharma acquires the ability to achieve everything. We can fall back on Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gnana Yoga and Saranagati to reach God.
Reading the writings of the Saastra does not lead to self-realization, but the teachings of the visionaries form the basis for a path to spirituality. In the ancient religions the truth was recognized by seers who proved it, and the way was then mapped out by Hinduism.
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Survival of Sanatan Dharma
Sanatan dharma has survived hundreds of years of invasions, looting, atrocities, massacres and violent conversions of its followers to other cults. It has not been subjugated by foreign rulers for 800 years, and foreign rulers have not converted Sanatanis. As a religion that professes non-violence (ahimsa paramo dharma), it is the highest duty.
When Swami Vivekananda visited West at the end of the 19th century, he founded Vedanta Centres in America and Europe to help people in the West get to know Sanatan Dharma.
Most followers prefer to call their tradition Sanatan dharma instead of using the earlier Hinduism term that they consider to be denominational. Beliefs and religions have existed since the dawn of time and ever since. From Hinduism developed a religion called Sanatan Dharma.
Dharma is not equal to religion ;
There is no equivalent word for Dharma in English or any other language. On the other hand, the term Hindu (Hindu-Dharma) is a term given a few centuries ago in Persian to refer to people living near the Sindhu River. Many reformist groups have the word samaj, which means the society led by Sant, which means saint, but Sanatanis believe that the contrast between Samajists and Santpanthis means those who walk the Panth path to show their sant (sant) as saint.
It is based on a collection of spiritual laws discovered by the Rishis thousands of years ago. It prescribes certain duties that people must fulfil in order to achieve fulfilment in life. This duty is not only shared with Hindu beings, but the entire creation, including animals, deities, gods and the rest of mankind.
Dharma is popularly interpreted as morality, religion and duty. Essentially, it protects order and regularity in the world through specific obligations, with morality and religion as guiding factors. The term “man” or “higher unity” in the Dharma is used as reference to a set of moral and religious laws and principles that govern the religious and moral conduct of humanity on the earth.
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Sanatan dharma – Concept
The doctrine of the four sources of santan Dharma is in its basic form a philosophical and grammatical speculation associated with the Dharma Veda, reflecting a keen awareness of the issues of law, morality and the relationship of ultimate authority.
The term dharma, which is central to the Hindu concept of morality, tradition and national identity, is difficult to define. The standard definition refers to the duty of the individual to observe the mores and laws of the individual in accordance with the duties and nature of the divine law itself.
In its many lexical meanings, the term refers to tradition in the broadest sense; in Sanatan dharma and Eternal Dharma, it refers to the normative tradition identified with Hinduism.
An examination of the concept of Dharma, which is central to Hindu notions of morality, tradition and national identity. Shows that simple definitions mask many complexities and contradictions. The Sanskrit word dharma has a far-reaching meaning, but religion itself is not equivalent.
Hinduism – A National Identity
In Hinduism, Dharma is a religious and moral law that governs individual behavior at one of the four ends of life. All aspects of Hindu life – the acquisition of wealth (Artha), the fulfilment of wishes (Kama), the attainment of liberation (Moksha) and so on – are part of the Dharma which summarizes the right way of life and the eternal and harmonious principles and their fulfilment.
Hinduism describes Dharma as a natural and universal law of obedience that enables people to be content and happy, and saves them from humiliation and suffering. Dharma is the path to righteousness, life according to the code of conduct described in the Hindu scriptures. It is a moral law that unites spiritual discipline and governs our lives.
According to Hindu philosophy, Dharma represents the legal order that governs the whole of creation. Sanatan dharma, which means eternal, is a universal law or principle that governs regardless of culture, race, religion, belief or practice. The word Sanatanmeans immemorial and eternal and emphasizes the uninterrupted continuity of the Hindu tradition.
What is the Meaning of Sanatan Dharma?
Hindus believe that their religion has no discernible beginning or end and refer to it as Sanatan dharma forever. Sanatan dharma is about human life, natural laws and physical phenomena.
For this reason, it refers to a way of life and a family religion, as opposed to a single organized religion. The term refers to a religious, philosophical, scientific and cultural tradition that is native to India. As for the name itself, it is a word used by the Persians in the 6th century BC to describe the people along the Indus River.
Hinduism includes a variety of ideas, spirituality, traditions, ecclesiastical orders, indisputable religious authorities, governing bodies, prophets and bound sacred books which Hindus can choose from to be polytheistic / pantheistic, enotheistic / monotheistic, monistic, agnostic, atheist or humanistic. Hindus believe in the teachings of samsara, the continuous cycle of life and death, reincarnation, karma and the universal law of cause and effect.
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Definition and History of Hinduism ; term
Hinduism is defined as religion, religious tradition or a set of religious beliefs and lifestyles. Due to the wide range of traditions and ideas that fall under the term Hinduism, it is difficult to find a comprehensive definition. A Hindu is by definition a follower of the spiritual practice of Yoga, Philosophy, Scripture or Hindu Dharma.
According to many scholars, Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world with roots and customs that date back more than 4,000 years. The Hindu Dharma is responsible for creating such original concepts and practices as yoga, ayurveda, vitiform, jyotish, yagna, paija, tantra, vedanta, karma, chakras, brahman and atman. Although Hinduism is a modern term, it represents the oldest living thought and culture in the world.
Today Hinduism with over 900 million followers is the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. Since Hinduism has no particular founder, it is difficult to trace its origins and history.
Hinduism is closely linked to other Indian religions, including Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Hinduism is unique in that it is not a single religion, but a compilation of many traditions and philosophies.
It is an important world religion, not only because of its many followers (estimated at over 700 million) and its profound influence on many other religions, but also because it has a long and uninterrupted history dating back to 1500 BC.
Diversity in Hinduism
There is a corresponding influence of different religions on Hinduism and Hinduism has an extraordinary tendency to absorb foreign elements, which contributes to religions by syncretizing the diversity of beliefs and practices that Hinduism encompasses. Hinduism is a religion that proposes a method for achieving a higher ideal of eternal bliss on earth and not in heaven.
In Buddhism, followers orient themselves on the teachings of the Buddha in order to determine what constitutes good behavior and dutiful living. In Hinduism, the same is determined by the Vedas, the codes of law known as Dharma sastras.
Sanatan Dharma in Modern Era
Hinduism is called Sanatan Dharma because religion is derived from the eternal duty of God. As human beings, we share this duty with God in this earth, with God and with other beings in other worlds ; let the divine order of things continue ; the knowledge of this duty is anchored in all religions in the form of Vedas, and the Hinduism from them is known as Sanatan Dharma or eternal duty.
The principle of the first way of life, which originated in the Vedas, is today represented in the temples of Hinduism, the dharma. The second way, as prescribed in the Upanishads, represents not only the cult of renunciation (sannyasa), but also the ideological ideal of most Hindus. Hindus are defined by their community that believes in these Vedas and regards them as following the path of Dharma, with four classes of varnas (stages of life) and ashramas.
Countless life stories, engrossing poems and commentaries of sages and scholars have contributed to the spiritual understanding and practice of Hindus. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are often referred to as the Dharmic or Indian traditions. These religions share a similar worldview and many spiritual concepts like dharma, karma, Samsara and Moksha.
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